100 Facts about me :) This list has taken me almost a week to - TopicsExpress


100 Facts about me :) This list has taken me almost a week to complete. There were times I considered just writing something for the sake of putting something down such as. It was frustrating trying to come up with this many things about myself. My advise to anyone doing this is to take your time. Don’t try piping it out all at once. 1. I like to have brief yet deep conversations with strangers that I meet at bus stops. This used to happen for me a lot when I was a frequent passenger on the bus. People like telling me all sorts of things about themselves. I often thought about writing a book called Bus Stop Confessionals and I still haven’t ruled out doing that. 2. There are only two foods that I dislike and both begin with the letter L. Lima Beans and Liver. Blak! 3. Rubber Chickens fascinate me because they are. Who came up with this idea? What the hell inspired them? Seriously, rubber chickens?!!! They crack me up. 4. I had an imaginary friend as a child. His name was Toby. He had red hair, wore Osh Kosh B’gosh farmer jeans without a shirt and carried a sling shot in his back pocket. I only saw him from the back and never even came close to seeing his face. He giggled wildly and I would try to catch him as he ran through a small wooded area behind my house. 5. I have a bright blue vein in the crease of my left arm that I’m especially fond of. It looks like a seagull flying in the distance on a painting or a child’s drawing. It’s pretty. No one ever wants to take my blood from it. I think it’s because it’s too thin. Oddly, this disappoints me. 6. I once won a radio talent show by playing, You Are My Sunshine through my nose. I can do this in perfect pitch. The prize, 15 tickets to a Rockfest. Yeah Baby! 7. I suck for this and I know it. I will laugh myself into a fit of uncontrollable giggles and tears at the sight of little people running. It’s the shape and the bounce of their little bottoms that just does me in. I can’t help. It’s frigging hilarious and I feel guilty as hell about it. 8. I’ve had an outer body experience. I didn’t see any white lights or anything like that. I just remember seeing me and the doctors working on me as I floated above. 9. I write words or draw pictures with shaving cream before I smooth it over my legs. It’s a ritual. 10. I’m a freak for Yo-Yo Koosh balls. The type that’s filled with water or some sort of mystery liquid, not the ones with air in them, they’re cheap. Yeah, I totally dig ‘em. 11. I want to be a doer of good deeds on a super hero level. 12. There’s an elder woman who I see walking through town quite often and I cry a little every time. She has obvious disabilities and looks like she could use someone to look after her. She reminds me of a Jim Henson muppet. I want to take care of her but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. 13. I would prefer to have a full and curvaceous figure such as those of the old pin-up models to the stick figures of Hollywood today. 14. There are two deep vertical lines on my brow. Nate calls them my dingbat lines because I’m easily confused and my facial expression is probably the cause for them. I want to get Botox or have them filled in with collagen. 15. I’m a morning person. I wake up ready to dance. 16. I have an endless supply of silly songs and nursery rhymes stored in my memory banks. I often burst into them when someone says something in conversation that reminds me of one. 17. A blue jay once landed on my head and stayed there for 2 and a half minutes. On another occasion I was meditating by the river and a wild turkey nearly collided with my head. I had to throw myself to the ground to avoid it. Stupid Turkey. 18. I truly believe that the Moose was created in a government laboratory. Swamp Donkeys are bizarre and one of them once took a bite out of my favorite spring jacket when I was a little girl. 19. I can play 5 songs on the recorder but I would really like to play the wood flute. 20. I keep an organized shopping cart throughout my grocery shopping excursions. I detest a messy cart.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:18:05 +0000

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