100 Reasons why my PETS are my KIDS 1. They cry for just about - TopicsExpress


100 Reasons why my PETS are my KIDS 1. They cry for just about everything… Food, potty, play time 2. They smash your ribs, bladder, and muscles you didn’t know you had 3. The Speak a foreign language that somehow you learn to interpret what they want 4. They potty in the most inconvenient spots until they are fully trained and even then still 5. They ruin your freshly shampooed carpets with their muddy feet (paws) 6. They leave their toys out for you to step on and step on them you do 7. They don’t always travel quietly 8. They need to see a doctor once a year for checkups and get shots 9. They may not go to public school but homeschooling to train them is a must 10. You can create a budget for your family but something always comes up unexpected with them 11. When their sick or ill your heart is broken 12. They can be extremely picky (for example Toby will not drink out of anything but a flowing fountain or sink) 13. Bed time is their awake time 14. They steal the bed and expect you to make due 15. Their kisses make you forget the bad things they do 16. They may not always wear diapers but they need regular potty breaks 17. They drive you crazy with their barking or meowing 18. There’s no such thing as having privacy in the bathroom 19. They dirty laundry usually with slobber, feces, fur ect… 20. When their sick they puke, when they consume a hairball they puke and its never on a hard surface its always on the carpet 21. They have you wanting a night out without the barking, meowing and neediness of attention 22. They have you missing them when you are on a night out 23. They may not play a sport but need regular exercise 24. When they are in trouble that is when their middle name comes out 25. They love to greet you when you walk in the door after a hard days work (sometimes not the way you were expecting) 26. They have nightmares and sometimes they scare you 27. They are cute when they are asleep 28. They love to eat whatever you are eating 29. They comfort you when you are sad 30. They slobber, puke, and blow snot in some of the most inconvenient places such as the couch, chairs ect. 31. If you tell them not to do something, sometimes they choose to do it anyway 32. They disturb dates with my husband 33. They interrupt conversations and important moments 34. Snacks are not allowed unless shared or eaten in secret 35. Your table tops become their table tops 36. They require late night attention when they’re babies 37. They have to weaned 38. Toby was Bottle fed 39. They wear clothes and Collars 40. They bite you and don’t care 41. They need their fur cut regularly 42. They need you bath them and you must be prepared to have water everywhere 43. They need shielded from extreme heat and cold weather 44. They require sometimes special diets 45. The get Christmas presents 46. They hate having their nails clipped 47. You have to make sure they plenty of room to grow when buying a house (you have to consider the future) 48. They lick disgusting things and they aren’t afraid to eat unusual foods ex. Flies, dirt, poop 49. They scrape their nasty butts across the carpet 50. They give you a sad face when they’re in trouble 51. You want the best for them 52. They do not clean up after themselves 53. They dump and hide cheerios, toys, 54. They give you grey hairs 55. You fall in love with them from first sight 56. They are a 24/7 365day a year chore, but you love every minute of it 57. They get excited at new toys 58. They throw fits 59. They don’t like when you leave them 60. They know 1. 2. 3. Your in trouble 61. They get spankings 62. They have a routine and they know it 63. They break appliances with flying toys 64. Toby Plays fetch and “baseball” (Uses the steps to balance and bats the ball back with his paw after it is thrown) 65. They get into mischief when unattended 66. They have fears and expect you to comfort them 67. You have to share your spouse with them 68. They want you to sooth their boo boos 69. Their toys get more expensive as they grow 70. I’m always checking their treats to make sure they’re not too bad for them 71. We have to watch their weight so they don’t get health problems due to obesity 72. We have to tell them no sometimes 73. They love to cuddle 74. They can have some of the best and worst smells 75. I’m picky about where they are allowed to visit or go 76. Petcare/daycare is not a last minute decision it is well thought out and caregivers are interviewed before leaving them 77. Petcare/daycare is expensive 78. They get very heavy to carry but want you to pick them up 79. They love to give hugs and show affection 80. They destroy your bathrooms (qtips end of everywhere) 81. I have massive amounts of picture and video of how cute they are (and I’m not afraid to show them off 82. They take up much my end of a conversation 83. I think about them even when I’m not thinking about them or when I feel like I’m ready to give them up 84. They know their cute and adorable 85. When their quite you worry about what trouble they are getting into 86. They share and spill your drinks and theirs 87. You yell them for running off 88. They know me as mom and Jeremy as Dad 89. They have Aunts and Uncles 90. When people ask you if you have kids you reply with Yes and then don’t bother telling them your kids have 4 legs each 91. We have to leave events to care for our fur babies 92. They use child gates 93. They take naps and their grouchy if you wake them up too early 94. They demand you say goodbye when leaving 95. They have identification numbers like a child has a social security number 96. You want them to look their best when visitors are coming or taking them out in public 97. They return the love in some very unusual ways and some days it doesn’t feel so rewarding and others it is very rewarding 98. You always question whether you could do something better or different with them 99. You don’t take them to just anyone for care you research their vet and make sure you can trust them 100. They give you showers of love and kisses literally
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 00:32:26 +0000

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