100 Things… Stolen from Kitty (Nov 18 ’09) I saw this over - TopicsExpress


100 Things… Stolen from Kitty (Nov 18 ’09) I saw this over on Kittygory’s page last night, and it was a neat read as we’ve only recently connected here and I learned a bit more about her. Nice one Kitty! I’ve made a few other friends here too, in the past couple of weeks… KK, Jan in Holland… so I figure stealing it and doing my own could be a good idea. (Or not as the case may be! I don’t think there’s anything too scary coming up. :) So here we go…. “I found this on a friend’s page, and took her up on the invitation to see if I could make my own list of a hundred things… 1) I have been a Registered Nurse for over 10 years. 2) I have broken my left wrist twice in one year, when I was 10, and spent April to September in plaster. 3) I have four gaps from having teeth pulled due to abcesses. 4) I have read eight books back to back in just over two weeks ~ Orson Scott Card’s “Ender” series of four, and four of the “Bean” spin offs. 5) I just Wiki’d Scott Card and discovered there have been three more published since, yay! 6) I have cross-stitched several large pieces which I framed and hung up on my walls in England. 7) I have eaten homemade quince pie, made by our hausfrau, Ermi, when I lived in Berlin. 8) I have knitted several monkeys. 9) I have rolled my own cigarettes for over 20 years. 10) I have always been mad at myself for ever starting to smoke. 11) I have interviewed the band Sad Cafe for my school magazine when I was 16. 12) I have Ed “Stewpot” Stewart’s autograph. 13) I entered an Ed Stewart radio competition and won a pair of fluorescent yellow armbands. I still remember my winning poem. On the roads in winter, all is trouble and strife. So wear your Stewpot armbands... they could even save your life 14) I have watched my football team win the F.A. Cup Final at the original Wembley Stadium in London. 15) I have grown a garden full of vegetables. 16) I have learned how to can and freeze them. 17) I have no children. 18) I was born in Munster, Germany. 19) I have lived in three countries. 20) I have spent periods of time in three other countries with my first husband, who worked abroad in construction. Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong and China. 21) I have paid £25 to have IV valium administered, for a tooth filling costing £6. 22) I have never overcome my fear of dentists. 23) I have had a wild “pet” raccoon for a month. 24) I have won an Easter Bonnet Parade, despite the fact that the tie on my bonnet broke and I cried all through it. 25) I have blamed my brother for something really bad I did as a child, and let him believe it was him, for years. 26) I have been owned by many cats, at one point by five at once. Dizzy, Tabby, Shreddy, ClingOn and Sweep. 27) I have had a driving licence for over twenty years, but have only been a driver for a little under a year. 28) I have passed the US nursing exam, the N-CLEX, with the minimum of correct answers required and in just over an hour. 29) I studied for it every day, before or after my shifts at work, for eight months. 30) I have grown a pot plant from seed. 31) I have passed the beginners, intermediate and advanced RSA typewriting exams. 32) I have totally forgotten what RSA stands for. 33) I have played Eliza Doolittle in a school production of “My Fair Lady” and hated it. Having a proper British accent SUCKS. 34) I have started practicing singing “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” for my required “turn” at the family Thanksgiving get-together this year. *Rolls eyes* 35) I have visited Amsterdam three times, with three different men, at three different times of the year, and loved it each time. 36) I have visited Stonehenge. 37) I have made my own leather thong knotted bracelet. 38) I have two tattoos. 39) I have several piercings. 40) I have not watched television regularly since I moved here. 41) I have lived with a heroin addict. 42) I have escaped one relationship by packing my belongings and doing a runner while he was at work, after planning it for weeks. It was brilliant! 43) I have not had a bath for over a year. 44) I have dreamed about having a bath for over a year. 45) I have watched the sun set in a desert in Saudi Arabia. 46) I have ridden on the Peak Tram in Hong Kong. 47) I have eaten shark in black bean sauce. 48) I have had a lifelong dislike of raw tomatoes. 49) I have owned a camera for as long as I can remember. 50) I have owned goldfish called Benson and Hedges. 51) I have watched baby pigs being born. 52) I have met several online friends and hope to continue doing so! 53) I met my husband on Yahoo 360 in August 2006. 54) I have survived the US Immigration process! 55) I have worn glasses since I was about 5 years old. 56) I have a fear of becoming sick or having an accident without medical insurance. 57) I have had three written warnings in ten years. 58) I have not spoken to my father for some 15 years, nor want to. 59) I have one younger brother, no sisters. 60) I have celebrated Chinese New Year, in China. 61) I have been punched in the face by a patient at work. 62) I have held more than one patient’s hand as they died. 63) I have a fear of not being good enough. 64) I have an obsession with my home being tidy. 65) I have a hatred of soot. 66) I have never read the Bible, though I still have the copy my mum was given when she was at school, dated 1953. 67) I have gotten lost in a hedge maze. 68) I have done naughty things on top of Lime Street Railway Station in Liverpool. 69) I have a love of recipe books. 70) I have kept the first album I ever bought, when I was 11. “Parallel Lines” by Blondie. 71) I have strong memories of a bluebell wood, very close to home when I was very small. 72) I have grown up as an Army Brat. 73) I have stopped dyeing my hair after nearly 30 years of not knowing what it’s real colour was. 74) I once lost 1 1/2 stones (approx 9 kilos) by cutting my fat intake to no more than 30g a day and walking everywhere, in four months. 75) I have been a chewing gum chewer since I started my nurse training in 1995. 76) I have worked as a shop assistant, a waitress, a telesales rep, a care assistant and a registered nurse. 77) I have seen sights to make your hair curl when working with elderly/invalid clients in their own homes. 78) I have never been arrested. 79) I have been pulled over by the police here in Thornville, and totally flustered the officer with all my reams of English paperwork. 80) I have fixed a broken muffler with an empty can of peas, tin snips, and a couple of hose clamps. 81) I have had my photograph taken professionally after winning a “makeover” contest. 82) I have crocheted a blanket big enough for a king-size bed. It cost me twice as much to post it here for Shane as it did to make it. 83) I have been living a totally different life since moving here from England, in every way. 84) I have set myself a target of studying and completing 5 hours of Continuing Education for nursing, each week. 85) I have no desire whatsoever to join Farmville. 86) I have played squash in 140 degree heat in Saudi Arabia. 87) I have walked a mile in that same 140 degree heat, loaded with groceries and finding the taxi office closed, only to be told when I got back to the camp that they would have sent the minibus to collect me if I’d phoned them. I cried. 88) I have become friendly with a giant beetle then trodden on it by accident and killed it. 89) I have signed the paperwork allowing the hospital to turn off my mum’s life-support. 90) I have wanted to be an English teacher, a librarian, and a mounted policewoman. 91) I have served burgers & chips at half-time at a football match. 92) I have attended more funerals than weddings. 93) I have got drunk and climbed onto a restaurant table, singing along to “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen at the top of my lungs. 94) I have tidied my bedroom, then got stoned later and completely forgotten about it until I’ve discovered the lovely surprise of a tidy room when going to bed hours later. 95) I have collected empty glass bottles for recycling, and then not gotten round to taking them until they’ve become an artistic feature on the floor of my kitchen. 96) I have sliced the side of my tongue open, charging over a broken fence and screaming, hockey stick in hand, and running my mouth into the strand of wire that was still there along the top. 97) I have always loved “scenery” ~ sunsets, crowded cities, empty beaches. Everything. 98) I have never liked flashy sports cars. (Except red Mustangs belonging to Boo, of course. ;) 99) I have started knitting a shrug for Shane’s daughter for Christmas. It’s killing my wrist but it’s looking good. 100) I have managed to think of 100 things. The End. How about you?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 07:46:15 +0000

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