100 Years Ago in Redlands Posted: 11/23/13 Nov. 8, - TopicsExpress


100 Years Ago in Redlands Posted: 11/23/13 Nov. 8, 1913 Football for Thanksgiving A game of Rugby football may be played here on Thanksgiving Day between teams from the Redlands Athletic Club and the high school. Members of the Athletic Club have just taken the matter up, and are hopeful of making the necessary arrangements. There is plenty of material in the club membership. The main difficulty lies in getting the men out for practice. The scheme is to have Calder Bennett coach the team. He knows the Rugby game thoroughly, having played on some of the best teams that have been produced here. His plan for giving the men ample coaching before Thanksgiving is to give them blackboard instruction on the points of the game. If the boys cannot get out in the afternoons to practice, he thinks it practicable to practice in the evenings by moonlight. Among the men under consideration for positions in the scrum are Will Thornquest, Barley Ford, Earl Lemon, Jake Maier, R. Rivera, Ed Simpson, Clarence Black, Everitt Black, Elmer Roach, Redge Warren, Ed Clippenger and Bill Rohrer. Among the men who would make good material for the back field would be Walt Nelson, Aleck Wilson, Earl Rickett, Charles Caballero, Ray Barron, Harold Morgan, Henry Koenigheim, Calder Bennett and Harry Covington. Nov. 8, 1913 Bold burglar in Lugonia A robbery which for boldness beats anything that has been reported to the police in a long time was committed at the Lugonia bakery and grocery store late yesterday afternoon. The proprietor lost $4. A tall, slim man, well dressed in a dark suit of clothes and a high collar, walked into the store and made a small purchase. Then asserting that he had been short-changed, he pretended to be angry and grabbed all the money on the counter and left. In the change on the counter was $4 belonging to the store. The police were notified. Nov. 8, 1913 Will petition courts to sell Y.M.C.A. building to city Directors and friends of the Y.M.C.A held a meeting yesterday afternoon in the Y.M.C.A. rooms and decided to petition the court for permission to sell the Y.M.C.A. property to the city for $25,000. As it is a public institution, such permission is required. C.H. Covell presided at the meeting. Sentiment in favor of the deal was unanimous. There is already $25,000 in the treasury to apply on the purchase. Summing up his reasons for favoring the deal, Rev. F.B. Matthews said: “Two summers ago there were over 40 boys and girls of Redlands in the juvenile court in San Bernardino. The trouble was that these boys and girls during the vacation in the summer are idle, and idle children are always mischievous. We found that the criminal work was done by small boys, but there was always an older boy for a ringleader. It is the summer problem that we have to grapple with here, and we cannot interest the children with the facilities that we have had heretofore.” The Rev. N.D. Hynson and H.W. Allen both spoke about the inadequacy of the present building to meet the needs of such an institution. “Sell by all means,” said Mr. Hynson. “We must have a building that will appeal to young men.” N. Leo Lelean said: “This is the logical place for a city hall, and I believe the price offered is a fair one.” J.H. Strait said: “I favor selling to the city, for this building is not adapted to the needs of the institution.” The Rev. Harcourt W. Peck said: “Under the circumstances this is a fair and good offer. We ought to get a new and good building.” The matter of getting a good location for a new building was introduced by the Rev. Mr. Matthews and T.A. Ogden, a member of the committee that has been looking after this. A letter was read from John P. Fisk, in which he protested against the sale, feeling that the price was too low by $10,000. W.W. West said: “There is a great work for the Y.M.C.A. here, and it can’t be done in this building.” G.H. Hunter — As former secretary, I would hate to have the job of Mr. Small in interesting boys in this work with such facilities. C.E. Truesdell — The only objection I can see is whether this is a propitious time for such action or not. It was stated that the directors have been discussing the sale of the property for some time, and that each year it has become harder to raise the budget because of decreasing interest. K.C. Wells said: “I think the trustees have made a fair offer. I should say sell.” Dr. J.L. Avey stated he believed this is as propitious a time as we will get, and that the burden of raising the budget gets heavier every year. After the general meeting the directors held a session and decided to petition the court for permission to sell the property. The Y.M.C.A. would have to give up the building in a year and three months. SOURCE: Redlands Daily Facts redlandsdailyfacts/social-affairs/20131123/100-years-ago-in-redlands
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 23:39:52 +0000

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