100 Years ago....29th August 1914 The Australian volunteer - TopicsExpress


100 Years ago....29th August 1914 The Australian volunteer hospital, organised by Lady Dudley, is leaving for the front. Colonel Eames is in command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Japanese Embassy at Washington has officially denied that Japan is sending a fleet to the Adriatic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sedan taken by German forces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arras evacuated by the French forces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Battle of Guise begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- German airship Z.-5 brought down by gunfire at Mlawa (Poland). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle of Gnila-Lipa; Austro-Hungarians defeated by Russians along the Gnila-Lipa, in what was part of a wider Battle of Galicia campaign on the Eastern Front. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Russian troops have occupied Tilsit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is reported in Rome that the Russians are marching on Danzig. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A message from St. Petersburg says it is officially stated that Russia has practically mobilised an army of 8,000,000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The German cavalry broke the French line at Arras, about 15 miles from Lille. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Vosges Mountains the French troops resumed the offensive, and repelled the Germans with heavy loss south-east of Nancy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Minister for Defence states that, though the Australian fleet has been anything but idle in the Pacific, there is little to relate. The New Zealand expeditionary force left Noumea under a strong convoy, which included both British and French vessels. Meanwhile, the Minister adds, all is well with both the fleet and the New South Wales and New Zealand expeditions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The whole of the Red Cross work has now been systematised under the direction of the headquarters of the society. Thousands of willing workers throughout the State are providing comforts and hospital needs for the troops. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Daily News, 29th August 1914 trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/page/7810667?zoomLevel=1 The West Australian, 29th August 1914 trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/page/2797699?zoomLevel=1
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:27:12 +0000

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