100 Years ago.... The Canadian press refers to the capture of - TopicsExpress


100 Years ago.... The Canadian press refers to the capture of Samoa by the New Zealanders and Australians as “a brilliant feat”. The journals express the hope that they will also be able to secure the other German colonies in the Pacific. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The City Council of Perth has decided to ask publicans and other business people to cease posting war news on their premises. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New South Wales quota of the Expeditionary Force has almost been enrolled. The Light Horse Regiment, the Army Medical Corps, and the Army Service Corps, are now complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Efforts are being made to facilitate trade within the Empire, in view of the stoppage of supplies from Germany. Further evidence was given before the Royal Commission inquiring into the control of necessary commodities during the war. Witnesses stated that the prices of groceries generally had not been altered to any appreciable extent. Efforts are being made in New Zealand to have the duties on wheat and flour removed. Up to the present the southern coal-mining industry has not been affected to any extent by the war. All mines are working regularly, and the output is fully maintained. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- British forces withdraw to Chantilly-Nanteuil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle of Zamosc-Komarow ends a victory for the Austro-Hungarian forces. Russia lost 20,000 of its better soldiers, and the two Austro-Hungarian armies were poised to move farther into Poland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle of Lemberg, Galicia ends: rout of Austrians, who lose 130,000 men. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese forces land in Shantung to attack Tsingtau. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worried about the possibility Paris may fall to the Germans, the French government secretly relocated to Bordeaux upon recommendations of French General Joseph Joffre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trawler Ajax struck a mine and sank in the North Sea off the mouth of the River Humber with the loss of nine of her crew. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The naval trawler HMT Eyrie was lost on this date. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trawler Fittonia struck a mine and sank in the North Sea off the mouth of the River Humber with the loss of seven of her crew. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Malines bombarded by the Germans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Austrian advance checked at Lyublin, Poland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Von Moltke denies the German troops have committed atrocities. He declares that when hard measures have been taken they were provoked by the participation of the civil population in the war. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The German War Office has forbidden the publication of any further casualty lists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A British cruiser caught a German trawler, flying the Norwegian flag, laying mines in the North Sea. The cruiser gave the crew of the German vessel three minutes to escape, and then rammed and sank the trawler. A British warship is reported to have captured a number of German and Austrian reservists near Hong Kong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arrangements are being made for the discharge of the German vessels under the detention in Commonwealth ports. Three German steamers were formally brought within jurisdiction of the Prize Court at Brisbane yesterday. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Daily News, 1 September 1914 trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/page/7810707?zoomLevel=1 The West Australian, 1 September 1914 trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/page/2797737?zoomLevel=1
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 01:59:05 +0000

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