100 films are definitely not a list that one should look for - TopicsExpress


100 films are definitely not a list that one should look for especially when there is so much to discover from around the world.Its Been Long i had made a list of my Top 100. I would like to share it with you guys. My Top 100 Feature films from around the World except Australia in no particular order 1. Rashomon- Akira Kurosawa 2. Cries and Whispers- Ingmar Bergman 3. Paths of Glory- Stanley Kubrick 4. Stalker- Andrei Tarkovsky 5. The Promised Land- Adrzej Wajda 6. Virdinia- Luis Bunuel 7. The Passion of Joan of Arc- Carl Dreyer 8. Mukhamukham- Adoor Gopalakrishnan 9. The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser- Werner Herzog 10. Battleship Potemkin- S. Esienstein 11. Ardh Satya- G. Nihalani 12. Raging Bull- M.Scorsese 13. Wild Strawberries- Ingmar Bergman 14. Moolaade- Ousmane Sembene 15. La Dolce Vita- Federico Fellini 16.Eight and Half- Federico Fellini 17.The Godfather- Francis Ford Coppola 18.12 Angry Men- Sidney Lumet 19. An Autumn Afternoon- Yasujiro Ozu 20. Budapest Tales- Istvan Szabo 21.In the Realm of Senses- Nagashi Oshima 22. Three Colour Blue- K.Kieslowski 23. Manila in the Claws of the Night—Lino Brocka 24.La Regle de zeu- Jean Renoir 25.Jana Aranya- Satyajit Ray 26. Ajantrik- Ritwik Ghatak 27.After the Curfew- Usmar Ismail 28.Borom Sarret- Ousmane Sembene 29.Solaryis- Andrei Tarkovsky 30.Mysterious Object of the Noon- Apichatpong Weesethakul 31.Jules and Jim- Francois Trauffaut 32. Breathless- Jean Luc Godard 33. Le Beau Serge- Claude Chabrol 34. Ek Din Pratidin- Mrinal Sen 35.Intolerance- D.W.Griffith 36.The Little Foxes- William Wyler 37.La Notte- Michelangelo Antonioni 38.Rome Open City- Roberto Rossellini 39.Le Silence de la Mer-Jean Pierre Melville 40. Ikiru- Akira Kurosawa 41.Runaway Train-Andrei Konchalovsky 42.The Thin Red Line- Terrance Mallick 43.Close-up- Abbas Kiarostami 44.Children of Heaven- Majid Majidi 45. A Separation- Asghar Farhadi 46. Distant Thunder- Satyajit Ray 47. City Lights – Charles Chaplin 48. Metropolis- Fritz Lang 49. Fear eats the soul- Rainer Werner Fassbinder 50.Who Saw Him Die-Jan Troell 51.Central Station-Walter Salles 52.Maria Full of Grace- Joshua Marston 53.There will be Blood- Paul Tomas Anderson 54.Ugetsu Monogatari- Kenji Michoguchi 55.The Milk of Sorrow-Claudia Llosa 56.Dekalog-K.Kieslowski 57.The Fifth Seal-Zoltan Fabri 58.Ryans Daughter- David Lean 59.Schindlers List- Steven Spielberg 60.Cast Away-Robert Zemeckis 61.Shadows Of forgotten Ancestors- Sergei Parajanov 62.La Rayon Verte- Eric Rohmer 63.Matchpoint- Woody Allen 64.Fallen Angels- Wong Kar Wai 65.Breaking The Waves- Lars Von Trier 66.The Turin Horse-Bela Tarr 67.Jalsaghar- Satyajit Ray 68.Shame-Ingmar Bergman 69.The Pianist- Roman Polanski 70.Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind-M.Gondry 71.The Night Of the Iguana- John Huston 72.Letter from an unknown women-Max Ophuls 73.Diary of a country Priest- Robert Bresson 74.Nosferatu-F.W.Murnau 75.Bandit Queen- Shekhar Kapur 76.Nishant- Shyam Benegal 77.Nirmalayam-M.T.Vasudevan Nair 78. Bicycle Thieves-Vittorio De Sica 79.The Match Factory Girl-Aki Kaurismaki 80.Maya Miriga-Nirad Mohapatra 81.Bhavni Bhawai-Ketan Mehta 82.Devi-Satyajit Ray 83.The Gospel according to St Matthew-P.Passolini 84.Last year at Marieband-Alain Resnais 85.The White Ribbon- Michael Haneke 86.A women under influence-John Casssavetes 87.A fistful of Dollars- Sergio Leone 88.La Jette-Chris Marker 89.High and Low- Akira Kurosawa 90.Seven Samurai-Akira Kurosawa 91.Le Bonheur-Agnes Varda 92.La Belle Noiseuse-Jacques Rivette 93.The Wild Bunch-Sam Peckinpah 94.Platoon-Oliver Stone 95.Dosar-Rituparno Ghosh 96.Nicha Nagar-Chetan Anand 97.Atlantic city-Louis Malle 98.Death in Venice- Luchino Visconti 99.Death Watch-Bertrand Tavernier 100.Pather Panchali-Satyajit Ray This is not the end of it i will come shortly with a list of 200. Guys lets see how many of you have seen how many of these.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 17:31:13 +0000

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