100% free of charge healthcare for 100% of the people 100% of the - TopicsExpress


100% free of charge healthcare for 100% of the people 100% of the time. No more death panels. Courtesy of Donna Marie Miller Ellington: Sue SaltmarshDUH (Demonstration for Universal Healthcare) June 9 at 1:01pm · A New DUH Is Born! We are excited to announce that after the Chicago Park District failed to respond to our application for a permit to hold DUH in Grant Park, a new idea has inspired the next incarnation of DUH. Inspired by Michigan’s “rolling protests” against the fascist policies imposed there, instead of organizing a stationary gathering, we’ve decided to take DUH on the road! The Demonstration for Universal Healthcare has now become the Drive for Universal Healthcare! Starting in Augusta, Maine, we will drive through the capitols of each state that currently has single-payer legislation in its statehouse or has passed such legislation. Right now, the first leg of our journey will start on September 2 and end in Springfield, Illinois on September 14 or 15. The Midwest – West leg will take place in Spring of 2014. The first leg’s itinerary will include: • Augusta, Maine • Mt. Pelier, Vermont • Albany, New York • Boston, Massachusetts • Dover, Delaware • Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Springfield, Illinois Rallies and/or town hall gatherings will be held in each city, sponsors of legislation will hopefully speak, and Q & As will be held, along with educational information being passed out to spectators. Participants with photography and/or videography skills are highly encouraged to shoot as much footage as possible in case a documentary is in the offing! We see this road trip as a way to reach people we may not otherwise ever see, to carry on the tradition of Canada’s approach to establishing universal healthcare (their Medicare for all system was passed in the provinces before it became national); to engage local single-payer organizations and activists in DUH’s proactive and unifying vision; to eliminate the need for permits or huge sums of money being raised; and to capture the attention of local media, hopefully leading to national coverage as the journey progresses. We hope we’ll have many drivers, but another good thing about this plan is that people will decide for themselves where they will join the caravan and where they will exit. If you want to participate in the entire drive, great! But if you only have the time, money, and energy to drive for a couple hours, that’s fine too! Each vehicle’s occupants will be responsible for their own expenses. Itineraries, resource lists, communication instructions, and identifying ribbons for your vehicle will be provided. A dedicated blog site will be created so bloggers can post daily along the journey, also helping to capture the attention of the nation! Our resources are limited, so all information, instructions, etc. will be disseminated via the website, our Facebook pages, and Twitter. Hit the donate button if you want to help with printing, supplies, and other expenses! So gas up the old jalopy, rev up the Harley, load up the van, pile in the pick-up, put the pedal to the 18-wheel metal, and Gus, get on the bus! It’s time to drive to stay alive! Let’s show the insurance companies and the politicians that we’re in the driver’s seat and we’re heading towards Expanded and Improved Medicare for ALL!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 04:35:42 +0000

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