100% truth. We need a new generation of Iranian-Americans that - TopicsExpress


100% truth. We need a new generation of Iranian-Americans that consciously oppose this morass. We try our best to fit the European White mold, believing it to be the highest form of existence. We boast about our history and poetry, about our artists and mathematicians, yet we have abandoned the true nature of our identity in order to gain social acceptance. In an attempt to act and look normal, we shun other races, viewing them as lower specimens. Persians feel complemented when mistaken for French or Italian, but show great aversion to being mistaken as Arab or Chicano. We deem ourselves superior to all of Asia because of our Aryan ancestry and great Persian Empire. Even among our own people, we praise the fair, light eyed, and light haired over the siaah sookhtehs. We have accepted European superiority and wish to elevate ourselves to their level by purposely disassociating ourselves from other ethnic groups. But just as the White supremacist attitude views other minorities as inferior, it also views Iranians and Middle Easterners as inferior. We have not changed the perception of Iranians in their view; we have simply supported their superiority over ourselves. Prejudices against other minorities does not elevate the Iranian as a better people, rather it divides and conquers group of people that have been historically oppressed. By disuniting from our brothers and sisters, we have created a schism which feeds into the hands of the conqueror. We hail our Aryan ancestry, hoping this will gain us favor among the White elite. Yet we are blind to the fact that the Asian Aryan is not the European Aryan. The olive-skinned Iranian Aryan has forgotten the deep culture and rich heritage of her ethnicity. Instead she strives to fit neatly within the yuppie, mass consumer of the status quo. She tries to defy her ethnic genes by mutating her body to fit the twiggy mold, hiding behind blue contacts, and bleaching her raven black locks into straight pigmentless yellow. The Esfahani boy gets a nose job, plucks his eyebrows, and changes Babak to Bob so that his colleagues will think of him as one of the guys. Exposure to ideas on racial equality at school are buried under racist mentalities perpetuated at home by parents and aunts and uncles
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 21:44:50 +0000

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