101 Proof that Jesus is not God, according to the Bible JESUS - TopicsExpress


101 Proof that Jesus is not God, according to the Bible JESUS WAS ONLY A PROPHET, NOT GOD !!! JESUS WAS ONLY SON OF MARY, NOT SON OF GOD !!! 001. Jesus has genealogies (Matthew 1: 1 ...... etc). 002. Jesus was born by a human (Matthew 1:21). 003. Leader of the Israel people only Jesus (Matthew 2: 6). 004. Jesus was baptized by John (Matthew 3:13). 005. Jesus pitied by God (Matthew 3:17). 006. Jesus was taken and tested by the devil (Matthew 4: 1). 007. Jesus fasted and was hungry (Matthew 4: 2). 008. Jesus was led by the devil (Matthew 4: 5). 009. Jesus was led up the mountain by devil (Matthew 4: 8). 010. Jesus told only worship God (Matthew 4:10). 011. Jesus told and did the will of his Lord (Matthew 7:21). 012. Jesus was admitted only as a messenger of God (Matthew 10:40). 013. Jesus claimed he was a prophet (Matthew 10:41). 014. Jesus gave thanks to God (Matthew 11:25). 015. Jesus cast out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:28). 016. Jesus did not give a proper (Matthew 12:40. 017. Jesus praying to his God on the Mount (Matthew 14:23). 018. Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel (Matthew 15:24). 019. Jesus came to the glory of his Father (Matthew 16:27). 020. Jesus is the Messiah (Exodus 4: 22-23). 021. Jesus predict not proven (Matthew 16:28). 022. Jesus heard a voice from heaven (Matthew 17: 5). 023. Jesus died, was resurrected Lord (Matthew 17: 9). 024. Jesus was not entitled but only God has the right (Matthew 20:23). 025. Lives of Jesus as a ransom (Matthew 20:28). 026. Lord, son of David? (Matthew 20: 29-31). 027. Jesus is the prophet of Nazareth (Matthew 21: 10-11). 028. Jesus was hungry and cursed the fig tree (Matthew 21: 18-19). 029. The Lord is God, not Jesus (Matthew 22: 36-37). 030. Jesus did not know the day of Judgment (Matthew 24:36). 031. Jesus went to pray in Getsmani (Matthew 26:36). 032. Jesus sad and scared to death (Matthew 26: 37-38). 033. Jesus bow down and pray (Matthew 26:39). 034. Jesus only king of the Jews (Matthew 27:37). 035. Jesus could not save himself (Matthew 27: 41-43). 036. Jesus called out to his Lord (Matthew 24:46). 037. Jesus gave his life (Matthew 27:50). 038. Jesus is authorized by God (Mark 28:18). 039. Jesus had a mother and brothers (Matthew 3: 31-32). 040. Jesus was the son of a carpenter (Mark 6: 3). 041. Jesus claimed he was a prophet (Mark 6: 4). 042. Jesus pray and give blessing (Mark 6:41). 043. Jesus misses forecast (Mark 9: 1). 044. John calls Jesus the teacher (Mark 9:38). 045. Jesus claimed that only God is good (Mark 10: 17-18). 046. Jesus said, all things are possible with God (Matthew 10:27). 047. Jesus is the son of man, mocked, spat upon and killed (Mark 10: 33-34). 048. Jesus was not eligible, unless God (Mark 10:40). 049. Jesus gave his life as a ransom? (Mark 10:45). 050. Jesus of Nazareth, the son of David (Mark 10:47). 051. Jesus was sent to the ass without permission of the owner (Mark 11: 1-3). 052. Jesus comes in the name of God (Mark 11: 9). 053. Jesus was hungry, did not know the season and cursed the fig tree (Mark 11: 12-14). 054. Jesus gave testimony that God is One (Mark 12: 28-29). 055. Jesus did not know when the apocalypse (Mark 13:32). 056. Jesus including the ungodly (Mark 15:28). 057. The angel said that Jesus was a Nazarene (Mark 16: 5-6). 058. Jesus is seated at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19). 059. Mary was pregnant gave birth to Jesus (Luke 1:31). 060. Jesus was born in the city of the prophet David (Luke 2:11). 061. Jesus had parents (Luke 2:41). 062. Jesus was circumcised or uncircumcised (Luke 2:21). 063. Jesus submitted to God (Luke 2: 22-23). 064. Jesus was called Son by his parents (Luke 2:48). 065. Jesus cared for his mother and the bigger and more loved by God (Luke 2: 51-52). 066. Jesus began his work at the age of 30 years (Luke 3:23). 067. Jesus was Led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Luke 4: 1). 068. Spirit of the Lord is upon Jesus, who claimed to be a messenger of God (Luke 4:18). 069. Jesus of Nazareth (Luke 4: 33-34). 070. Jesus with his mother and siblings (Luke 8: 19-21). 071. Jesus was called as a Teacher by his disciples (Luke 8:24). 072. Jesus more earnestly praying to God (Luke 22: 43-44). 073. Jesus gave his life (Luke 23:46). 074. Forecast fictitious Jesus, not proven (Luke 24: 24-46). 075. The Word of God is Jesus? Jesus is Gods word? (John 1:1). 076. God has become man as Jesus? (John 1:14). 077. God gave his only begotten son, Jesus? (John 3:16). 078. Jesus could not do nothing of himself (John 5:19). 079. As a messenger of God, Jesus can not do and follow his own will (John 5:30). 080. Jesus testified to God (John 5:37). 081. The teaching of Jesus is from God (John 7:16). 082. Jesus came by the will of God who sent him (John 7: 28-29). 083. Jesus said what he heard from God who sent him (John 8:26). 084. Jesus speaks appropriate what God taught him (John 8: 28-29). 085. God is greater than Jesus, even though they are one ?! (John 10: 29-30). 086. Jesus in God and God in Jesus? (John 10:38). 087. Jesus prayed and testified he was sent by God (John 11: 41-42). 088. Jesus claimed that he was lower than his Lord (John 13: 16-17). 089. No one can come to God without going through Jesus ??? (John 14: 6). 090. Jesus was controlled by God (John 14:10). 091. Jesus asked the Lord, a successor (John 14: 15-17). 092. God is greater than Jesus (John 14:28). 093. Jesus came from God and went to God (John 16:28). 094. Jesus confess one God, and he is just God messenger (John 17: 3). 095. Jesus received the word of God and deliver it (John 17: 8). 096. Jesus went to the Lord (John 20:17). 097. Miracles of Jesus comes from the Lord (Acts 2:22). 098. Jesus made as God ??? (Acts 2:36). 099. Jesus stood right hand of God (Acts 7:56). 100. God raised Jesus only as the savior of the people of Israel (Acts 13:23). 101. God is One and Jesus submit himself atone for sin (1 Timothy 2: 5). Paragraph to 101 (last) This speaks of Jesus as the redeemer of man, which according to the Christian Jesus died in order to atone for human prayer. Well how scientists about it? Check out their opinion as follows: Socianus (1539 - 1604) If the sacrifice of Jesus is absolute and unlimited cover everything, then people should be completely free to do as he pleases. And if the doctrine of atonement is true, then God is no longer valid humum binding his servant, as a punishment for sins has been paid by Jesus. Dr Alexander Cruden : That for the purpose of sacrifice as that meted out to Jesus with pain and misery that so terrible, it was so repulsive to the modern human thought and considered a doctrine that is very creepy. George Bernard Shaw : I prefer my moral responsibility, it is not better to charge my sins on the scapegoat sin. I would be less cautious against sin, if I knew that it did not hurt me. William Ellery Charing (1780 - 1842) : Sacrifice is human must do for God, not God to man. If Jesus was God, why is it God who sacrificed Himself to man? It does not make sense 11! God can forgive the sins of men with non-violent and cruel manner. (Tortured to death nailed on the cross). How Sin According to Islam ? According to the Islamic view, whatever is done by human sin, God will forgive us, provided us truly repent sincerely, and promised not to do it. God can forgive all sin, but not for sin of shirk (make human or anything as a God). Listen to the word of God in the Quran the following: Say, O My servants who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of the mercy of God. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins [1314] everything. Indeed, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah Az-Zumar 39 53). In view of Islam, sin borne by each culprit. One can not bear the sins of others: That is not a guilty person will bear the sins of others. (Surat An-Najm 53 38-39) Conclusion Of 101 reasons that have been described, it is clear that Jesus was not God, but he was just a prophet or apostle of God sent to his people that the Children of Israel. In all four Gospels Jesus said that he was just a prophet, and not God. Note the words of Jesus in the four Gospels: Then they are disappointed and rejected Him. Then Jesus said to them, A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own country and in his house. (Matthew 13:57). And he said again: I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his hometown. (Luke 4:24). For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet has no honor in his own country. (John 4:44). People who lived contemporary with Jesus also knew that Jesus was not God, but ONLY a prophet. And the crowds were saying, This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee. (Matthew 21:11). In the Quran, the Prophet Isa testified that he never said and do not teach that he was God. And (remember) when Allah said, O Jesus the son of Mary, is there thou say to men, Take me and my mother into two god but Allah? Jesus replied, Glory to Thee, it is not worth for me to say what it is not my right. If Ive said it, then surely you know. You know what is in me and I do not know what that is in thee. Thou art acquainted with all the unseen; (Quran Surah Al-Maidah 5 :116). From the description of the Bible and the Quran alike say that: JESUS WAS ONLY A PROPHET, NOT GOD !!! JESUS WAS ONLY SON OF MARY, NOT SON OF GOD !!! To whom you want to liken Me, and assuming I want to compare, so we are the same? (Isaiah 46: 5). Did not I Lord? Nothing else, no God besides Me! God and Saviour, no one else but Me ! (Isaiah 45:21). So.... what will you say Christians ???
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:58:15 +0000

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