101 stupid things people say to vegans: - 1. It’s the food - TopicsExpress


101 stupid things people say to vegans: - 1. It’s the food chain 2. Where do you get your protein from, HA? 3. If we weren’t meant to eat animals then why are they so tasty? 4. Don’t you know that we’re omnivores? 5. Lions kill Zebras in the wild 6. Vegetables have feelings too you know 7. You kill ants when you walk 8. Each to their own 9. It’s natural, so there! 10. Everything in moderation 11. The animals have to die sometime 12. Cows will take over the planet if we don’t control them 13. Jesus ate fish 14. The Dalia Lama eats animals 15. You only live once 16. I knew a vegan once and he was sick 17. Vegans are extreme 18. Don’t tell me what to do 19. We’ve been doing it since the beginning of time 20. But worms eat our bodies when we die, so why is it OK for them? 21. It’s the circle of life 22. Cows are stupid 23. You can’t save all the animals 24. You can’t save the world 25. Where do you get your B12? 26. You can’t eat plants all day 27. It’s not murder it’s slaughter 28. Vegan’s are sooooooo extreme 29. We can’t digest grass 30. It’s OK, they were bred for consumption 31. Soya is genetically modified 32. There’s not enough room on the planet to produce vegetables for everyone 33. I’m allergic to Tofu 34. Where do you get your Omega 3 from? 35. If you were in the jungle you’d kill an animal to stay alive 36. We’re predators 37. What if you killed a pig with your car, then it would be OK to eat it? 38. We’re animals 39. It’s great that you’re vegan, but I couldn’t do it. 40. Chickens won’t survive in the wild, releasing them is cruel “Chickens won’t survive in the wild, releasing them is cruel” 41. Fish aren’t animals 42. You’re not vegan! Spiders crawl into your mouth when you sleep 43. Don’t eat the food’s food 44. Plants can feel pain 45. What about all the hungry kids in Africa? 46. What about all the child slaves in China? 47. You’re laptop has an ingredient in it that’s bad for the environment and you still use it 48. Is your belt vegan?, what about your wallet, aha! 49. We’re doing the animals a favour, nobody wants to be in those conditions “I know, I know,but you don’t think about that” (in response to animal farming conditions) 50. The legal definition of murder does not include animals, so it’s fine 51. I know you’re right, but I love meat 52. They would eat you if they could 53. I will never change 54. Going vegan doesn’t change anything 55. Well I only eat very little meat/ cheese/ eggs, none at all really 56. Foie gras: You can’t taste the cruelty 57. I know, I know,but you don’t think about that (in response to animal farming conditions) 58. In a survival situation I would stay alive because I can eat people 59. It’s wrong for children to throw stones at the ducks, but it’s perfectly fine to shoot them 60. We bless the animals before we eat them, so we appreciate their death 61. I’m grateful for the sacrifice the animal made for me 62. Humane slaughter is OK 63. It’s evolution man 64. Meat gave us big brains 65. What about Eskimos, they’d starve without meat! 66. Vegans are weak 67. Vegans are always tired 68. Vegans fart more 69. You’ll have weak bones 70. What do you eat, grass? 71. Hitler was a vegetarian 72. You kill vegetables 73. Why do you love animals but hate people? 74. Veganism is like religion 75. Vegans eat rabbit food 76. Tofu is disgusting 77. I tried going vegan once but I didn’t feel well 78. What do you do in the winter when vegetables don’t grow mmmmmm? 79. I’d rather eat meat and be happy then eat grass and be depressed! 80. You’re vegan, GREAT more for me, haha 81. The animals are happy in the farms 82. If you don’t milk the cows they’ll explode 83. Do you want one? oh I forgot you can’t eat that. 84. Vegans die as well you know 85. I couldn’t be vegan I want to taste “EVERYTHING” 86. I could never give up cheese 87. I’m totally against animal cruelty (as they eat a steak) 88. If we let the cows all live they will produce too much methane and poison the atmosphere 89. Wait, Gorillas are Vegan, I think you made a mistake! 90. Who would you rather save your sister or a cow? 91. You can’t build muscle on a vegan diet 92. Vegans are skinny 93. Some people HAVE to eat meat, it’s their blood type or something, that’s SCIENCE! 94. What else are the animals going to do? 95. It must be so awkward for you when you go out 96. Raising your kids vegan is child abuse 97. The animals don’t feel anything, they stun them and then slice their throats, it’s fine 98. Save animals eat a Vegan, LOL 99. You need meat for energy 100. I couldn’t go vegan, I tried tofu once and I didn’t like it 101. Vegan shmeegan, hahaha I could go on, but you get the idea.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 01:11:58 +0000

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