#10_Ways_to_make_your_man_love_you Falling hard for a guy and - TopicsExpress


#10_Ways_to_make_your_man_love_you Falling hard for a guy and don’t know how to approach him? Stop fretting and start reading. 1 Don’t Be Desperate Studies have shown that girls who pay a little more attention than normal in every aspect don’t Get the love and attention they deserve. If a girl tries too hard to get a guy, it becomes a turn off For the guy, labels like “too easy” come into play. So girl, be ladies, avoid overdoing it, if you Really like someone, go about it the way a lady should. Keep a safe distance, leave room for Him to put his efforts in, don’t give it your all before it even began. 2 Write Romantic Love Poem/Notes Love knows no appearance, but when love is yet to be had these things are important. If you two go to the same school, dress apart. Look your best, make him pay attention To you. Make sure your appearance is classy to avoid the “too easy” tag. 3 Do What He Loves If you’re really into him, give in to his likes and dislikes. Guys love sports and outdoor activities, Most of men loathe the mere thought of sitting for hours in a restaurant and just talking about Things. So for your first date, think about him and do what he would definitively love. 4 Make Him Miss You Absence makes the heart grow fonder, don’t be too clingy or “always there”. Be busy in your Own life and routine, so much so that once in a while he would think about you so much that He would kill to meet you. But don’t do this too often, there’s also the term of “out of sight, out Of mind”, so do this only once in a while and don’t make a habit of always being busy and not Paying attention. 5 Take Things Slow Think things are speeding up a bit too fast? Turn it down a notch. If he’s being too hesitant Towards the physical side, take your time, let it develop on your own. Your relationship Shouldn’t be good because the physical intimacy is good, it should be good on its own. 6 Be Interesting Most women tend to open up all at once in front of their men. Keep it a bit more interesting By not telling him all of your life’s interesting stories at once. Open up slowly and he’ll be More interested in having those big conversations with you. 7 Be Ready To Give And Take Love doesn’t just come from nowhere. It needs grooming, time and a LOT of effort to become strong. It doesn’t happen from just one side. If you don’t love him enough, don’t expect anything special in Return. Love works ONLY when both sides are completely loyal and content with each other, otherwise It just breaks out after a short period. 8 Cook For Him It’s true, the way to a man’s heart is his stomach. Love for food is part of a man’s basic Instincts. Cook up some nice grub for him and watch him return the favor. 9 Be His Best Friend If you two have had a history of friendship before you started the relationship, you’re going To have an amazing time together. Never let go of that friendship that started you two off Even after falling in love with each other, love is an evolved form of amazing friendship So always hold on to the core of it. 10 Always Be Confident. Nothing is a bigger turn on for a man than a confident woman. If you love yourself and are Confident about the way you carry yourself and your personality, he will fall head over heels For you in no time. Never let go of yourself, be beautiful, be brave, be bold, be funny, keep A good grasp on yourself and he will come running
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:36:28 +0000

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