10th Muharram - Mattam-e-Shabbir(Imam Hussein) At the end, only - TopicsExpress


10th Muharram - Mattam-e-Shabbir(Imam Hussein) At the end, only Imam Hussein left for the battle n he prepared himself for the final journey wz great sadness b4 all his family.He tied the amama ( turban ) of Rasulallah (saw) on his head , then took the sword zoulfekar of Hazrat Ali (as) and the shield of Hazrat Hamza (RA) to defend against the enemy . Then there was a small waez which Imam Hussein did wz the family n told to hv patience in difficult time . The time of this separation was a very dramatic moment n heart touching for people of Ahle Bait , while the situation was most critical wen Imam Hussein s family the Ahle Bait exchanged a last look at him Al - wida Al-Wida yA Ahle Bait Mustapha -Al -WIda Al-WIda yA dil bare Mustapha i As it was hard for the survivors of Karbala, tears in their eyes , they looked at each other, the chief of martyrs , the great Imam Hussein (ra) going forever on the battle field.What was the suffering of Imam Hussein when he knew that he will not return among his family n what was z suffering while seeing all his relatives who have been killed lying down everywhere .And now he was about to leave his family in a foreign place while they were without foods and water.But the brave Imam bore all these difficulties but wont acceptit Yazid the liar. Arriving on the battlefield, Imam Hussein had a chat wz the comander of Yazid to remind them their(Ahle Bait) identity and then he told them of his innocence as on the last day(Kayamat) , these criminals can not say that Imam Hussein had not warned them ! Imam Hussein was so touching in his explanations , about some points that many of them burst into tears . Seeing the speech of Imam Hussein had an effect among the soldiers , some enemies were afraid that these soldiers may return to Imam Hussein, so they began to shout stop Imam Hussein speech by saying : We do not want to hear your speech we only wanna to know if you accept Yazid as Khalifa or you prepare for war Imam Hussein said I never accept to get my hands dirty with a criminal like Yazid !Now do what you intend to do and the one who wants to war wz me do come Chief Ibne Ziard brought a large Syrian bandit who took his sword with pride n arrived with the intention to kill Imam Hussein but as always wen he comes near him Imam Hussein did an open attack which enlightened his sword at his head which beheaded n threw his head very far.Then come the turn of another Iraq, Egypt n Rome soldiers n all had the same kind of death.there were some who had the head squashed by the sword zoulfekar which scattered on all sides . Imam Hussein was also struck with his spear by which he raised some criminals n hurled them violently to the ground till they died .Imam Hussein called others enemies who received pikes in their stomach , thew shot were so violent that they pierced their back. Others were flanked by land or their heads were smashed by the horses hooves of Imam Hussein (ra) Ibne Ziard had noticed that even Imam Hussein was starved, he is a great warrior that nobody could defeat him individually. He never ceased to increase deaths among criminals. Their blood flowed on z land of Karbala .So Ziad the commander ordered to put into execution the same method used by treachery against the other martyrs like encircled n attacked from a distance but Imam Hussein really fought like a lion . So Ibn Ziard n other leaders thought another large plan to kill Imam Hussein.Ibn Ziad then ordered to continue to circle the brave Imam by keeping a distance from him , just by running the arrows on him.Rain of arrows therefore fell upon the one who was to be the last martyr of Karbala . Finally, Imam Hussein his valiant horse was severely affected in several parts of his bodies. The horse could not move one step n Imam Hussain (ra) had to stop to avoid aggravating the horse suffering .Although the fact that Imam Hussein had received numerous injuries on different parts of the body , no one dared to approach him while he was on his horse being hurt. Imam Hussein was the overwhelming, issued an open position when a soldier who came n threw an arrow on his blessed forehead. With this new injury, Imam Hussein was completely bathed in blood. Weakened by the 72 injuries on his holi body, Imam Hussein (ra) fell down!Oh we Muslims just think for a while, wat a moment was in Karbala wen our IMAM was all alone, injured n suffered, can in this world any person suffer as our IMAM has suffered????Our IMAM wasnt an ordinary person as said by some short minded people He is different n unique comparing wz us!!N wen we sunni muslims do majliss to remind us of the Ahle Bait suffering, those short minded ppl said that its shirk!!!Oh u coward do think that without IMAM HUSSEIN we would not have ISLAM- ISLAM ZINDA HOTA hai har KARBALA ke baad At that moment a soldier choseto threw a pike in the little son of the Holy Prophet (saw) stomach . Suffering serious injuries , Imam Hussein was on prostration ( sajjad ) to his Creator . A criminal named Nadire Ibne Kharshash approached with the intention to separate the head of Imam Hussein (ra) of his blessed body, but his hands trembled n the sword fell from his hand, another version, it is said that when Imam Hussein was captured in weakness, 10 soldiers approached to kill him But they were so afraid of committing a serious act, they were going back on their feet. At last 4 criminals : Shimar , Sanan , Kuli n Shabil approached Imam Hussein. The first ( shimar sat on the stomach to kill our Imam when Imam Hussain (ra ) said Oh u criminalToday the day of Jummah n its time for namaz , the time where all oummat of my grand father(Rasullallah saw) attends Kutba on the minbar Its very touching to see Imam Hussein (ra) the son of Hazrat Ali in such a situation Oh Shimar !go away for a moment just let me do my namaz its time where the kutba is being read.All are praising my grandfather ( nana) , n they are sendin Darude sharif on him, while u crimanals are threating his little son in zis state and wher Rasulallah used kiss me on my neck, you want to put the sword there!! Oh Shimar ! Get up on me that I accomlisse my namaz At these words Shimar went frm Imam Hussein chest and Imam Hussein did tayammum before the namaz . When he made the first Sajjda, maudit Sinan threw a pike , while Shimar wz his sword cut our Imams Holy neck,Imam Hussein was reading Allahu Akbar which the word ALLAH stuck in his holy neck n AKBAR from his holy mouth which was already apart from his body!!Allahumma Swalleala Syedina Muhammadi Wala ale Syedina Muhammadi wabarik wasalim This is the time when our Imam Hussain (ra) became the last shaheed of Karbala at the age of 56 years , 5 months, 5 days. peace of Allah be upon the brave Imam Hussein!He has never hesitated to sacrifice everything for the sake of the true Islam .Inna Lillahi Wa inna ilaihe - rajiourne ISLAM ZINDA HOTA HAI KE BAAD MDT Karbala Labbaik Labbaik YA YA HUSSEIN HUSSEIN AL WIDA Al WIDA YA HUSSEIN - WE CAN NEVER 4GET U YA HUSSEIN YOU WILL STAY FOREVER IN OUR YA HUSSEIN IBNE HAIDER Photo: 10th Muharram - Mattam-e-Shabbir(Imam Hussein) At the end, only Imam Hussein left for the battle n he prepared himself for the final journey wz great sadness b4 all his family.He tied the amama ( turban ) of Rasulallah (saw) on his head , then took the sword zoulfekar of Hazrat Ali (as) and the shield of Hazrat Hamza (RA) to defend against the enemy . Then there was a small waez which Imam Hussein did wz the family n told to hv patience in difficult time . The time of this separation was a very dramatic moment n heart touching for people of Ahle Bait , while the situation was most critical wen Imam Hussein s family the Ahle Bait exchanged a last look at him Al - wida Al-Wida yA Ahle Bait Mustapha -Al -WIda Al-WIda yA dil bare Mustapha i As it was hard for the survivors of Karbala, tears in their eyes , they looked at each other, the chief of martyrs , the great Imam Hussein (ra) going forever on the battle field.What was the suffering of Imam Hussein when he knew that he will not return among his family n what was z suffering while seeing all his relatives who have been killed lying down everywhere .And now he was about to leave his family in a foreign place while they were without foods and water.But the brave Imam bore all these difficulties but wont acceptit Yazid the liar. Arriving on the battlefield, Imam Hussein had a chat wz the comander of Yazid to remind them their(Ahle Bait) identity and then he told them of his innocence as on the last day(Kayamat) , these criminals can not say that Imam Hussein had not warned them ! Imam Hussein was so touching in his explanations , about some points that many of them burst into tears . Seeing the speech of Imam Hussein had an effect among the soldiers , some enemies were afraid that these soldiers may return to Imam Hussein, so they began to shout stop Imam Hussein speech by saying : We do not want to hear your speech we only wanna to know if you accept Yazid as Khalifa or you prepare for war Imam Hussein said I never accept to get my hands dirty with a criminal like Yazid !Now do what you intend to do and the one who wants to war wz me do come Chief Ibne Ziard brought a large Syrian bandit who took his sword with pride n arrived with the intention to kill Imam Hussein but as always wen he comes near him Imam Hussein did an open attack which enlightened his sword at his head which beheaded n threw his head very far.Then come the turn of another Iraq, Egypt n Rome soldiers n all had the same kind of death.there were some who had the head squashed by the sword zoulfekar which scattered on all sides . Imam Hussein was also struck with his spear by which he raised some criminals n hurled them violently to the ground till they died .Imam Hussein called others enemies who received pikes in their stomach , thew shot were so violent that they pierced their back. Others were flanked by land or their heads were smashed by the horses hooves of Imam Hussein (ra) Ibne Ziard had noticed that even Imam Hussein was starved, he is a great warrior that nobody could defeat him individually. He never ceased to increase deaths among criminals. Their blood flowed on z land of Karbala .So Ziad the commander ordered to put into execution the same method used by treachery against the other martyrs like encircled n attacked from a distance but Imam Hussein really fought like a lion . So Ibn Ziard n other leaders thought another large plan to kill Imam Hussein.Ibn Ziad then ordered to continue to circle the brave Imam by keeping a distance from him , just by running the arrows on him.Rain of arrows therefore fell upon the one who was to be the last martyr of Karbala . Finally, Imam Hussein his valiant horse was severely affected in several parts of his bodies. The horse could not move one step n Imam Hussain (ra) had to stop to avoid aggravating the horse suffering .Although the fact that Imam Hussein had received numerous injuries on different parts of the body , no one dared to approach him while he was on his horse being hurt. Imam Hussein was the overwhelming, issued an open position when a soldier who came n threw an arrow on his blessed forehead. With this new injury, Imam Hussein was completely bathed in blood. Weakened by the 72 injuries on his holi body, Imam Hussein (ra) fell down!Oh we Muslims just think for a while, wat a moment was in Karbala wen our IMAM was all alone, injured n suffered, can in this world any person suffer as our IMAM has suffered????Our IMAM wasnt an ordinary person as said by some short minded people He is different n unique comparing wz us!!N wen we sunni muslims do majliss to remind us of the Ahle Bait suffering, those short minded ppl said that its shirk!!!Oh u coward do think that without IMAM HUSSEIN we would not have ISLAM- ISLAM ZINDA HOTA hai har KARBALA ke baad At that moment a soldier choseto threw a pike in the little son of the Holy Prophet (saw) stomach . Suffering serious injuries , Imam Hussein was on prostration ( sajjad ) to his Creator . A criminal named Nadire Ibne Kharshash approached with the intention to separate the head of Imam Hussein (ra) of his blessed body, but his hands trembled n the sword fell from his hand, another version, it is said that when Imam Hussein was captured in weakness, 10 soldiers approached to kill him But they were so afraid of committing a serious act, they were going back on their feet. At last 4 criminals : Shimar , Sanan , Kuli n Shabil approached Imam Hussein. The first ( shimar sat on the stomach to kill our Imam when Imam Hussain (ra ) said Oh u criminalToday the day of Jummah n its time for namaz , the time where all oummat of my grand father(Rasullallah saw) attends Kutba on the minbar Its very touching to see Imam Hussein (ra) the son of Hazrat Ali in such a situation Oh Shimar !go away for a moment just let me do my namaz its time where the kutba is being read.All are praising my grandfather ( nana) , n they are sendin Darude sharif on him, while u crimanals are threating his little son in zis state and wher Rasulallah used kiss me on my neck, you want to put the sword there!! Oh Shimar ! Get up on me that I accomlisse my namaz At these words Shimar went frm Imam Hussein chest and Imam Hussein did tayammum before the namaz . When he made the first Sajjda, maudit Sinan threw a pike , while Shimar wz his sword cut our Imams Holy neck,Imam Hussein was reading Allahu Akbar which the word ALLAH stuck in his holy neck n AKBAR from his holy mouth which was already apart from his body!!Allahumma Swalleala Syedina Muhammadi Wala ale Syedina Muhammadi wabarik wasalim :( :( :( This is the time when our Imam Hussain (ra) became the last shaheed of Karbala at the age of 56 years , 5 months, 5 days. peace of Allah be upon the brave Imam Hussein!He has never hesitated to sacrifice everything for the sake of the true Islam .Inna Lillahi Wa inna ilaihe - rajiourne ISLAM ZINDA HOTA HAI KE BAAD MDT Karbala Labbaik Labbaik YA YA HUSSEIN HUSSEIN AL WIDA Al WIDA YA HUSSEIN - WE CAN NEVER 4GET U YA HUSSEIN YOU WILL STAY FOREVER IN OUR
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:40:11 +0000

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