11/01/15 Finley night time update Later into the afternoon his - TopicsExpress


11/01/15 Finley night time update Later into the afternoon his settings were changed so hes just on regular cpap with just the exception of the apnea alarm just incase he forgets how to breath all together bless him which would kick in after no breaths at all after 20 seconds but hes managed all day since on it bless him. No assistance n back up blasts just little mask over his nose blowing out oxygen which he has to inhale himself . Hes been out today as usual for mommy and daddy cuddles about an hour apiece atleast. The other doctor came and after a bit of a wrestle managed to fit another canulaer , he just got one last dose over night then hopefully canulaer can come back out. We give him a good wash today as he was looking a bit grubby but thats just a boy thing lol. He hasnt even noticed the difference in cpap as hes doing all the breaths himself anyway . When they have antibiotics they have to have bum cream and some oral stuff called nystatin ( other spellings are available lol ) some babies like it others cringe at it , large amout for these tiny fighters and its ok if they only have small amount but this chunky monkey has the whole syringe full and laps away chomping on it and trys to suck the syringe lol, video shows him having last little bit lol. Hopefully touch wood etc this is all going to keep going over night without any panics or dramas and tomorrow will be more of the same. Everyone including nurses, doctors, consultants and ourselves just cant believe this is the same little brute from couple of weeks ago we shall call the de sat king . Thanks as always folks x x x
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:52:22 +0000

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