11/08/13 - Lisle Wilkerson is coming to Anime Apex! One of the - TopicsExpress


11/08/13 - Lisle Wilkerson is coming to Anime Apex! One of the featured guests at this years Anime Apex convention will be the very lovely and very talented, Lisle Wilkerson. For those of you who do not know her by her name, you may recognize her from her work in voice over. Lisle is the mastermind behind the voices of Nina Williams, Zafina, and Christie Monteiro of Tekken; Sarah Bryant from Virtual Fighter; and many female characters from both Shenmue II and the Crazy Taxi series; just to give a peak in to the womans extensive career. Ms. Wilkerson was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. She moved to the United States in 2008, at the age of thirty-five. She speaks fluently in both Japanese and English; and has been the host of many radio talk shows in both languages since she was nineteen-years-old. Needless to say, her voice over work has been done in both languages as well. Aside from video games, she has also voiced for Batz Maru (of Hello Kitty) and commercials for such internationally renowned companies as Nissan, Panasonic, Sony, etc. This fabulous career isnt solely based on voice work, however. Lisle is known for her acting in the Academy Award winning Sofia Coppola film Lost In Translation, as well as the award winning indie film Kamataki. Since moving to the U.S., she has started a blog entitled Memoirs of a Six Foot Blond Geisha. This was mainly to document the various culture shocks between living in Tokyo and living in Los Angeles. Half a decade later, she shows no signs of slowing down her life in the fast lane. Ms. Wilkerson is currently involved in many projects. She is a free-lance voice over actress. She is a media correspondent for Japans high profile events; including their Academy Awards, Emmys, Golden Globes, and Grammys, and more! She also hosts a weekly radio segment for Japan. As if keeping up with all this wasnt enough, Lisle has taken on the role of Assistant Producer of the upcoming film Black Hat. She has even started her own music and entertainment company, known as LW Entertainment. You may even find her working as an interpreter at one of the many conventions she appears at all over the country. When she does find herself with down time, you may find Ms. Wilkerson in her pink boxing gloves trying to save the world Nina Williams-style; or spending precious moments at home with her adorable jet-setting bilingual cat, Princess Genki.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 05:47:14 +0000

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