11/2/13 Talking with Al Ive been reading some of the postings - TopicsExpress


11/2/13 Talking with Al Ive been reading some of the postings on my facebook page and have to say, were all of a like-mind and similar angst. Nice to know Im not alone, that many share my discomfort, uneasiness, frustration & open disgust for whats happening to America. I read Katie Pavlichs Fast & Furious and it makes your blood boil. Same with Peter Schweitzers latest, Extortion, and his prior Throw Them All Out! Then I read an old classic by a fellow named Montagu back in the 1700s about the fall of five ancient republics: Sparta, Thebes, Athens, Carthage and Rome. Throw in some John Locke, Adam Smith, David Hume, Thomas Hobbes, Ludwig von Mises, Frederick Hayek, Edmund Burke, Russell Kirk, William F. Buckley & Milton Friedman, and present day America begins to look more and more like a hopeless case. The republics fell, by the way, according to Montagu and his reliance on the writings of Plutarch, Pliny, Cicero, Herodotus, Aristotle & Plato among others, due to 1) deviation from the precepts and ideals of their original foundings 2) the introduction of luxury/amenities to daily life 3) factional- ization. It seems everything begins with an equal/equitable distribution of power, which typically was split either 2ways or 3ways, depending on the system of government, between the royal or sovereign, the aristocracy and the people. Two-way splits and three-way splits both worked fine, so long as there were checks and balances on each power. But when alliances and loyalties to one particular faction among the aristocracy or people mani- fested such that an imbalance was created & censures or vetos became easily enforced by one power over another, things began to unravel. Dis-harmony, infighting, epicureanism, greed and abandonment of the high ideals and moralities constituting the original governmental platform upon which each republic was based, led inevitably and ultimately to decay, enfeeblement and collapse. Without strict adherence to a given set of principles and standards upon which all citizens could be held accountable, the systems would dissipate into a chaos of individual avarice, factions and favorites. Leadership faltered or became questionable. The fundamental glue holding the republic together began to dissolve. All sounds familiar, dont you think? Was a time when there was universal respect for our constitution, both here and around the world. No longer. Used to be government and military types acting under color of authority or auspices of their office/position would be held accountable for areas they supervised. No longer. There was separation of powers and mutual respect amongst equals, with rules and guidelines for their respective business or jurisprudence. Not anymore. The Supreme Court, with a few exceptions, worked to enforce the constitution with strict interpretation of original clauses and their intent, as expressed by the founders. Not so with this Chief Justice. The president had to take credit or blame for all that happened on his watch, whether intimately aware or not. The buck stopped here, as Harry Truman famously stated. Not this guy. No, Im afraid we have a whole new ballgame. This president and his minions/lackeys are making their own rules; do not give themselves up to any higher authority; discount/dismiss the most egregious infractions and malfeasances occurring under their watch; excuse away or claim ig- norance of things that are within their purview, for which they should be held accountable; exhibit negligence, lack of professionalism, extreme partisanship (factionalization), unbridled/unhealthy loyalty to their own, and casual disregard for the cause & effect of their actions, some of which have led to the deaths of American citizens. Its become patently clear this president and his people openly and deliberately lied when pitching/selling their Obamacare. In any other venue this would be unethical, mis-representation, and fraud. But, he and they make no apology, provide no explanation of why they did this. Their mantra is simply, they know best what we need, and its incumbent on them to provide it. This is, of course - the ends justify the means. Throughout history the greatest republics and empires in the world all fell to ephemeralities of the moment, the ambitions and greeds of a few that over-ruled the prevailing authority or power. Sometimes it only took a few individuals, well placed, to effect this calamity. America is not about socialism. Never was and never will be. Any attempt at bringing this about remains the crazy, self-indulgent dream of only a minority of us, and will result in something diminished and inconsequential compared with what we were. America of our founding will be no more, if this comes to pass. We will sink into the obscurity and mediocrity that is the lot of most of the world: no rugged individualism, no self-respect, no dreaming the impossible, no leading the world. No more greatness for the old U S of A . . . thats what were letting this false prophet and inter- loper do. We are in peril. We are losing our country. We have no champion but our- selves. Will we let it slip away, or fight? I suggest you ask yourself this question, as you look at your neighbor, co-worker and fellow countryman. This could become very ugly, even brother against brother, as we become Lincolns Child once more.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 18:40:31 +0000

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