11/2/14 Romania: Days 4 and 5 It is now 5:00AM here and 10:00PM - TopicsExpress


11/2/14 Romania: Days 4 and 5 It is now 5:00AM here and 10:00PM EST for most of you. We arrived here in Balimore last night around 6:30PM after about a 3 hour plus drive from the retreat center just outside of Brasov. We took about 15 minutes and we went right into a meeting. Before I recap last night let me attempt to recap Saturday and Sunday at the retreat. Saturday I probably got about 4 hours at best hours of sleep and Sunday 3.5 hours of sleep. Our first meeting began about 9:00AM and we went to about 11:00AM and our second meeting went from 11:30 to about 1:00PM. We met Friday night from 7:00 to 10:30. Sunday we met 9:00 to 11:00 and 11:30 to 1:15. So many amazing things took place perhaps the most amazing is to see how Troy and Paula are working together. Troy sings a prophetic phrase and then Paula sings the phrase. It got to the place on Sunday that they sounded like a duet. They were singing together at the same time. It was mind blowing. On Sunday I asked her if she would travel with us to do the Pastor’s conference this coming Friday. She said yes! As the meeting concluded Sunday she said that she had spoken to Ps. Joseph and it ended up she will be with us for the rest of the trip, I hope we can record what the Holy Spirit is doing with them. It would blow your mind and the anointing created would take your breath away. Well that’s getting a little ahead of things. Saturday it became clear the “word” I was to carry here in Romania. To tell you the truth it also defined what has been happening in our own church over the past number of months. Perhaps for two plus years I have been quoting from Isaiah 43 “behold I do a new thing”; “don’t remember the past.” That we were to “position ourselves and get “ready.” I had no idea what the new was until now. It started the Sunday before I left that I had ministered from the first chapter of Ruth. If you recall Naomi and Ruth arrive in Bethlehem after Naomi loses her two sons (they had died) and Ruth had lost her husband. It’s an interesting contrast of two different people responding to the same tragedy. One became bitter (living in the flesh – Naomi) and Ruth responds in the Spirit. Having returned to Bethlehem it says “it was the beginning of harvest.” That’s it the church (the body of Christ) has been going through a difficult season. But all that is about to change because we are entering a new season. It is a season of harvest. There are conditions to enter this new season. We have been sharing from Revelations 4 for the same length of time “to come up here” and if we did the Spirit would show us “new revelation and understanding.” The first thing that takes place is John begins to worship. Hold that thought because worship is one of the keys to this new season. The question is what kind of worship and why? Over the past few years it has become increasingly difficult to hear God in worship and in our private lives. Why? Well like Elijah in first Kings 19 we have been trying to hear God amongst the noise. In I Kings 19 God was not in the wind, earthquake or fire but “in the still small voice.” Our worship though being done well it has become noise. Secondly we allowed ourselves to be caught up in the business of life. We try to pray, study or just “muse” with the Lord but our mind is distracted by all kinds of thoughts; especially the “gotta do’s” – GOT TO DO THIS GOT TO DO THAT. The result little intimacy, unable to hear the Lor so we end up with our natural mind. Our minds are busy and not at rest. How can we still our minds - answer quiet intimate worship. When we worship this way we begin entering a place of rest. This new season is a season of deeper intimacy. In the Song of Solomon in chapter 2 we see our beloved (intimate/affectionate) calls us to come away. The voice of the beloved declares it is a new season. That winter has passed and the rain is over, flowers are blooming and there is the voice of singing. Again the call from our beloved Rise up and come away. There is this wooing to come and be with him. It does require a response. It’s time to find new intimacy and quiet intimate worship creates that atmosphere. Once we have the new atmosphere in church and in our private lives we will hear the still small voice. We will have a greater sense of his presence, love and affection – His presence will be simply overwhelming. The second aspect to coming away is to find rest. We are in both our natural and spiritual lives very busy thus we have the absence of rest. Man’s first day was a day of rest,; we were created to rest. The children of Israel in Hebrews 4 failed to enter the rest. We too have failed to enter this rest that; is our inheritance. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 if we are carrying all kinds of burdens and stress he invites us to come. If we responded and truly went to him (but we are too busy) he said he would GIVE US REST. Come away! Rest translated there means “radical relief.” We have been working and working when we are to be at a place of rest and we should be able to say as Jesus did that the Father is working. Once again Jesus is speaking to us what he said in Mark 6:31 (ERV) “Jesus and his followers were in a very busy place. There were so many people that he and his followers did not even have time to eat. He said to them, “Come with me. We will go to a quiet place to be alone. There we will get some rest.” We are entering a new season of Intimacy where we will sense his presence and affection in a way we have never experience. Embracing quite intimate worship will still our busy minds, we hear his voice in a clearer way and in this season of rest we see the Holy Spirit working as we cease striving and we focus on abiding. That is the abridged version of what I am sharing. Even the way we are ministering is different I am sharing more of the corporate word then personal words. That being said when the retreat was over I had for the first time prophesying that I prophesied to everyone there. Rather than going into details about the words given I can tell you that each life was dramatically changed. People often cried, others were in shock. On Sunday I asked people who wanted to recommit their lives to Jesus – EVERYONE RESPONDED. On Sunday everyone came for prayer. I was honestly shocked to see certain people come forward as we prayed for impartation. Here last night It too was incredible. There were many visitors one woman was the chief organizer of woman conference and the Holy Spirit so spoke to her she got out of her seat and knelt and wept. Perhaps the prophetic anointing never has been stronger, more precise and direct and still spoken in love as well as in such a way that primarily the only person who understands what is being said is that person and maybe a few personal friends. We call this prophetic language. PS: I hadn’t written sooner because there was no time and I was exhausted.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 06:13:23 +0000

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