11-20-14 Time 12:30 p.m. STATUS REPORT: Toni and Corrina were - TopicsExpress


11-20-14 Time 12:30 p.m. STATUS REPORT: Toni and Corrina were going to see Aunt Bobbie and meeting up with Yvette, Corrina had let Toni to the passenger side of her car, I was standing at the top of the front landing when Toni turn around and start walking back towards the house, she put one foot on top of the first step, lost her balance and fall backwards landing on her back hitting her head on the asphalt payment HARD! I check her over not letting her get up when I notice blood on the back of her head, we got her up and took her inside to the kitchen sink to clean her up, when she started to throw up we put her in the car and took her to E.R. at T.M.C. they took her in right away, did their i.v. etc, put her on the machines , they took her for a C-T scan ( I went with her) she would not stay still, they took her back to the E.R. section and gave her some meds to calm her down, an hour later they took her for the C.T. again, NO BLOOD IN THE HEAD, all appears to be o.k. they put in 4 staples to the back of her head, ( they took 5 vials of blood to check over ). We were there at 1:00 p.m. and out at 5 p.m. she was a real wacko case all evening, Corrine, Yvette and aunt Bobbie were there with me. Thank you . Yvette and Corrina stayed here with us for a few hours then they had to leave for their home. Toni has been asleep for the last few hours, I have to take her back in 5 days to remove the staples. She is not a good patient, it took 4 personal to hold her down while they were treating her for the staples. Please send some prayer for her to keep her calm and well. Your Friend in Christ, J.R. Joseph R. Lucero Thank you Family and Friends.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:05:22 +0000

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