11-21-14: Was given a porta-potty by Melanie today which helps me - TopicsExpress


11-21-14: Was given a porta-potty by Melanie today which helps me with my alternative amenities Im having to create for myself where I now live. Since SSICS under the evil management of Rob Grant, Annika Lund and Bryan McCrea railroaded my eviction unfairly and in a totally corrupt fashion (marking SSICS as a Nazi-like hurt agency), Ive been practically homeless with few amenities. I will continue to protest against SSICS (which also unfairly and prejudiciously banned me from their property and all services) until Rob Grant, Annika Lund and Bryan McCrea are fired from their jobs, let go of or go to jail for misusing their authority, positions and financial resources to hurt people and create a double standard of justice in Canada. They use favoritism to lord over and decide who they will make homeless and who they will give housing to. After evicting me, they wont even show compassion enough to let me use a shower, laundary or attend the In From The Cold program to get a hot meal which they do for other homeless people and people with few amenities. This shows what a monster SSICS has become under the present management. The Board that oversees SSICS is supposed to be objective but is in Rob Grants (executive director of SSICS) hip-pocket and everything is fixed in his favour that should be objective and impartial. Im the only one with guts on Salt Spring willing to stand up to him and say what is true. All others are cowards afraid of losing their jobs or tenancy like I did, or services SSICS provides. Now that they evicted me, what else can they do? Their ban is illegal and I shall fight it. Who else thinks being banned from going to the foodbank, banned from mental health support, banned from The Yellow Submarine and banned from counseling services because I told the truth about abuse by Rob Grant, Annika Lund and Bryan McCrea is fair? Its been 6 months now! My health is deteriorating because of what they did to me. Can nobody see? Do people simple gloss over what I have to say? Does nobody care? Why arent these people being brought to justice? Is SSICS now given free license to go ahead and hurt whoever they want to hurt and get away with it? Who will read or listen to these words? Do I not exist? Or do I only exist when I go on The Dragons Den? Who is going to let SSICS get away with what theyve done to me? Why is it that they do not have to answer to anyone and Rob Grant or Annika Lund always get the last word (and falsify the truth of what they say and get away with it while I tell the truth but nobody listens)? Like The Roman Empire which fell, (because of corruption), so the same shall be the fate of SSICS (because of the corruption of those at the top who are running it)! They are going to make that happen their own selves. You can only stifle and hurt people so long and so much until a rebellion happens and a revolt takes place and a revolution undoes what harm has been done. That is the nature of evolution. Do not donate money to a help agency that is corrupt and living people have been put through the ringer who know that this is so! Choose and find other Help Agencies worthy of your donations. Start to donate your money instead to Soul Matters, a new Help Agency on Salt Spring Island that goes out of their way to help people with affordable counseling who cant afford it (only $10), and hardly has any funds at all! Heres what my eviction has cost SSICS (which Rob Grant, Annika Lund and Bryan McCrea refused to stop railroading to happen and pulled out all the stops to make it go ahead, despite 4-5 attempts to ask them to participate in madiation - which they refused to do..... Do to the way I was treated, a friend peitioned The United Way with information of what SSICS was doing and how thyed gone into the realestate business, land purchasing business and landlord and managing business more than their money was going to their Help Agency business (counseling, etc.). The United Way was also informed of what they were doing to evict me and give explicit details. This information cost SSICS to have their largest supporter (The United Way), pull their donations from them. Were speaking of hundreds and thousands of dollars, lost because they would not stop railroading the eviction of Paul Beckman (Palu Rainbow Song). Another fall-out of my eviction is that Patricia Brown, the chair of the Board that oversees SSICS, quietly resigned. When I find out what group gave SSICS $50,000 to $60,000 in funding to deal with homelessness and I tell them how SSICS railroaded my eviction to make me homeless at the very same time they were receiving funds to end homelessness, they will lose that funding once I tell them what they did and how bent and gun-ho they were (they had a definate agenda). I will persuade them to pull their funding away and give it to a true help agency somewhere else that doesnt go out of ther way to hurt people like SSICS now does! I shall be posting many more songs, so get ready! youtu.be/9k8tEfnPOo0
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:59:50 +0000

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