11-23-14 A Womans Faith = Leadership Scripture reading: - TopicsExpress


11-23-14 A Womans Faith = Leadership Scripture reading: Judges 4:1-8, 14-16 In Hebrews 11 where we have been reading about the Champions of Faith Deborah is not listed. After Rahab comes the prophets but no mention of Deborah. What she was doing may have been viewed as counter cultural because she was a woman performing in what was traditional a male role. Deborah was a prophetess and judge. She set up shop under a palm tree at Bethel in the Benjamin providence. Deborah heard God speaking and the people soon realized that and came to her for guidance. The Hebrew people had been in the promised land for 30-40 years and were straying from God. They were taking on the gods of the natives. God left them on their own and the locals started regaining the land taken from them. Then the Hebrew people would cry out to God and He would send a prophet and Deborah was the 4th. In the scripture reading from Judges, Deborah has summoned the military general Barak and told him he was to lead 10,000 warriors against King Jabins army at Mt. Tabor. Barak said he would go only if Deborah accompanied him. He was actin out of fear. Because there was no way the Hebrew force would win against kings mighty army on their own. Deborah went to Mt. Tabor because she had strong faith and Barak lead his men down to the battle but the kings army became confused and literally ran away-- on foot. God was with the Hebrew troops and gave them the victory. The result was peace for another 40 years. The Hebrew people lived in the Promised Land for 200 -300 years and forgot what God had done for them. Isnt that also true today? The tone of this country is intolerance to those who profess God which parallels what happened in Germany in the 1940s. God wants our faith to be so strong that we obey Him even when it isnt something we want. When we are obedient, God uses us and we feel blessed. That is the faith of Deborah. Are you having troubles in life? Are you doing things Gods way? Challenge for the week-- Do something you know God wants you to do that you have been afraid to do. John 14:27 CHILDRENS SERMON Todays scripture reading had a lot of hard names to pronounce but Chris did a really good job. Names are important. What is todays story about? Fear. What are you afraid of? (Dark, evil spirits, bumble bees, voodoo dolls) What should you do when you are afraid? (Pray to God to take away your fear.) God told Deborah that He was going to take care of the problem they had. Barak was afraid. Deborah wanted the general to know he needed be afraid because God was with them. DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT - Chris Kafer Did you hear Pastor Anita say we couldnt have done it alone about the shoeboxes? God is raining down blessings if we are open to receive them. I was building fence on my farm yesterday. Yes, I had blaze orange on so the deer hunters in the neighboring lands could see me. Partway thru the song, Give Thanks kept running thru my mind so I started singing it. I am not sure if the hunters heard or liked that but I couldnt help but to worship God and thank Him for all the blessings. In Luke 17 we read about the 10 lepers that Jesus healed and how only 1 of them came back to thank him. This is a story of Thanksgiving. A quote I carry in my truck is: Even while I was hanging on the cross, I thought of you. JOYS Successful surgeries Healing from surgeries Visiting friends and family The witness EUMC is Receiving cards, calls & visits while homebound CONCERNS Those who lost loved ones this week Those who wont be home for Thanksgiving Those who lost a beloved pet
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 05:40:16 +0000

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