11-29-2013: The following letter was sent privately by me to - TopicsExpress


11-29-2013: The following letter was sent privately by me to someone who currently is still affiliated to my page as a Facebook friend. I do not know if this person will, after receiving this, remain affiliated to my page as a Facebook friend or not. But I do not care. I will here hide the name of the person. But I sent the letter to this person in response to a post which had originally apparently been posted by something calling itself Illuminati Exposed. It was a post of two photographs. On the left was a photo of the great scientist, Albert Einstein. On the right was a photo of the great scientist, Nikoa Tesla. The photo of Einstein made claims that Einstein had worked on the production of the atomic bomb. That was a false claim. Einstein did not work on the production of the atomic bomb. As I wrote in my letter, Einstein co-signed a letter with another important physicist to then American president Roosevelt in 1939 informing Roosevelt that information had come through various channels to the attention of Einstein that led Einstein to believe the Nazi German regime was then working on science that could lead the Nazi German government to the production of an atomic bomb. As history has shown, that was true. Nazi Germany was, indeed, in 1939, then working on science that could have led them to the production of an atomic bomb. The post by the Illuminati Exposed outfit said Einstein worked for the U.S. government during World War II. That is true. He worked for the U.S. Navy. But the implication of the post was that he worked on the production of the atomic bomb. That is false. He did not. What he did was, co-sign a letter with another important physicist in 1939 informing Roosevelt that Nazi Germany was then working on the production of an atomic bomb. The post by the outfit calling itself Illuminati Exposed counterposed the ends of the lives of Tesla and Einstein in such a way as to have constituted an implication that Einstein somehow ended up very rich, while Tesla ended up broke. It is true that Tesla ended up broke. But it is not true Einstein was ever rich. His work, in fact, for the U.S. Navy gave him a salary of about $15 thousand per year. In 1940, that was a fairly nice salary. But in comparison with his achievements in science and with the immense hard work he had done in many, many, many fields, in all of which he made immense, immense, immense accomplishments, it was a pretty piddling sum of money. But the primary reason I refused to post this post from this gang calling itself Illuminati Exposed is, they, like so many other gangs of this kind, are engaged in a scam and a con which derives ultimately from the Jew-hating and Jew-baiting nature of the United States white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Christian, male nature of the United States ruling class, and also from the primarily white, Christian, male nature of the capitalistic ruling classes of England and Europe. These white, Christian, male ruling classes have long, long, long engaged or employed elements within said ruling classes or elements financed by said ruling classes to systematically bait, and misdirect hate of credulous, ignorant, impressionable petit-bourgeois masses and backward working class masses in their respective societies against Jewish people. Most Jewish people are themselves either working class or petit-bourgeois in economics and sociology, and gangs of lie-tellers like Illuminati Exposed are out there systematically mis-directing violent hate of backward workers and backward petit-bourgeois against Jewish petit-bourgeois and Jewish workers in order to help divide up the working class by religion, by ethnicity, by nationality, to divide Christian workers against Jewish workers and atheist workers against Jewish workers. I wont permit that on my News Feed. Here is the letter I wrote to this person. I have concealed the name of this person. If this person chooses to stay on my page, fine. If this person chooses to leave my page, I will divulge the name of the person at that time: *** 11-29-2013 To **: First: the entire notion of Illuminati is a scam and a con. It is a scam and a con primarily the brainchild of white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant-Christian, male elements from the more deranged and demented segments of the American ruling class who have long held to this scam, con, and delusion. This segment of the U.S. ruling class are that segment who have also for a long time been the primary inspirers of North American fascism. North American fascism is white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Christian, and male capitalist in its financing and in its support. Its membership is primarily white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Christian, male. There are no Jews in it. It is viciously and violently hostile to Jews, just as it is viciously and violently hostile to black people. If you are ignorant of that, very well. I am giving you this information. The Illuminati scam is another scam designed to detract and deflect from the reality of the class division in North American capitalist society and to divide the American working class, the class of exploited people in North America, by dividing the working class by religion, particularly to direct the hate of the North American working and petit-bourgeois masses against Jewish workers and Jewish petit-bourgeois. If you are ignorant of that, I am informing you of that, so learn it. Additionally, throughout most of the advanced countries of capitalism, North America, Europe, the Jewish people are not in the ruling class. They are primarily working class and petit-bourgeois, as are most Christian people in North America and Europe, most atheists in North America and Europe, most Muslim people in North America and Europe, most other people of other religions in North America and Europe But fascists in both North America and Europe have long beaten the drums to try to distract and deflect hate and anger of the ordiinary people and direct it toward Jews, who historically have been the scapegoat and target of the Christian ruling capitalist classes of North America and Europe. And this post of yours basically aids and abets that scam and that con and that fascist-minded ploy. If you do not grasp that, I am informing you of it, so learn it. I will not allow that on my News Feed. I have banned Illuminati Exposed, because it is a fascist con, scam, ploy, to disorganize the working and poor and exploited class and misdirect their hate against a historically oppressed people in North America and Europe, Jewish working and petit-bourgeois masses. If you do not understand that, learn it. If you hate or dislike what Im doing and this pisses you off, thats too bad. Second: the problem with this post is, it entirely lifts out of context what forced Einstein into the position into which he was forced. He was out of Germany at the time his study was literally violently confiscated by the Nazis right after they came to power, so he could not return to Germany. Second, in a government and state organized to systematically first racially and ethnically and religiously segregate a people, as the Nazi government was organized to do to the Jews preparatory to mass killing this people, the Jews who tried to assimilate in Germany could no longer assimilate. Try assimilating into a country whose leadership aims to first segregate, then kill, you, Sir. Third, Einstein had liberal illusions. That was his primary political mistake. But so did many. His political liberal illusions drove him to work for the U.S. government. But in reality, he did not personally participate in the Manhattan Project. He did, however, send a letter in 1939 signed by another physicist and himself telling Franklin Roosevelt that information had come to his attention persuading him Nazi Germany employed scientists doing scientific work that might enable them to build a nuclear weapon. That letter signed by Einstein and another physicist who had tried to persuade Einstein to sign it did come to Roosevelts attention, and that did persuade Roosevelt to get the Manhattan Project organized. Einstein did not personally work in the Manhattan Project, however. Fourth: yes, he worked for the U.S. Navy. Fifth: But post-World War II, he became a leading advocate of nuclear disarmament, and your post leaves that out. Third: you seem to think Zionism, a nationalistic ideology, became a mass movement in some kind of historical vacuum. But it did not. Neither did Muslim political religious fundamentalism. Both are mass movements with false ideologies and false consciousness. Both arose in retaliation against historically long forms of oppression against long oppressed peoples. If you do not grasp that, Im informing you of it, so learn that. If you dont want to learn that and you want to use my News Feed to bait Jews, you may leave. That is for your information, Sir. With internationalist communist greetings, Allan Greene
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 14:02:33 +0000

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