11-30-14 Hope- Trusting in Gods Timing Scripture reading: - TopicsExpress


11-30-14 Hope- Trusting in Gods Timing Scripture reading: Luke 1:5-25 What is Hope? It is the living presence of the knowledge of God. Hope is mentioned 185 times in the Bible. Sometimes our hope is on a personal level and in other instances it is much larger. Romans 5:1-5 Zachariahs story -- He was a priest from the tribe of Levi and the line of Aaron. In todays reading he is serving with the rest of his group at the temple. Lots were cast and he won the privilege of going into the Holy of Holies to pray. This was something that all the priests looked forward to and rarely got to do. The Holy of Holies was a curtained off sacred area of the temple that only the chosen priest was allowed to enter. It contained the Ark of the Covenant, a jar of manna and a stand for incense. The selected priest prayed for God to come. As the burning incense rose on this day, Gabriel appeared to Zachariah to tell him that God was answering their prayer. Gabriels appearance was totally unexpected and Zachariah was filled with fear because he knew that he WAS in the presence of God. Gabriel appeared because of Zachariahs faithfulness and obedience. He was announcing the Messiahs coming and almost as an aside he told Zachariah that he and his wife, Elizabeth would have a son that they were to name John who would prepare the way for the Lord. Zachariah focused on the promise of a son, which fulfilled his personal hope, but missed the much larger declaration which was that God was coming. Zachariah and Elizabeth were old (over 60 in a time when the normal life expectancy was 35), they lived outside the city and they were humble. They were not the ones you would think would be the chosen ones. But they were faithful, righteous and obedient. When Zachariah asks for a sign that what Gabriel has told him is true, God mutes him and he isnt able to say a thing until after John is born. It also served as proof to the other priests that Zachariah had encountered God in the Holy of Holies. The name Zachariah means Yahweh remembers and Elizabeth is God is my oath. Psalm 39 Hope is an awareness of Gods holiness. How can you be the hope? The vision of God is in the midst of this season. As believers we are to live differently. Become Christ in a way that you have not anticipated. 1Peter 3: 3,15 We will never be at peace except thru Christ Jesus. We have hope that Jesus will come and redeem this world. CHILDRENS SERMON This is a season of angels. How can I be an angel to someone else? DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT - Scott Peterson God puts things in our lives every day for us to notice. Scott shared the patchwork quilt poem. (see the post below) Psalm 139 JOYS Birthdays God blessing small steps of obedience (Shoeboxes, silent auction etc.) CONCERNS Those who lost loved ones Those fighting disease Those recovering from injuries & surgeries Auto accident victims St. Louis Teachers ANNOUNCEMENTS -Marthas Meal served 84 people last Wednesday evening. -Help is needed to our church running smoothly. Please volunteer. -Poinsettia orders are due on December 14. Remember a loved one or honor someone with a lovely poinsettia and help decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. See Kathy Jungwirth. -Walk Thru The Bible, a day long conference for individuals from 10-80 is scheduled for January 10th at Faith Community in Ripon.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:21:29 +0000

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