11/4/2013 todays deposit: Galatians 6: 8-10 (AMP) For he who - TopicsExpress


11/4/2013 todays deposit: Galatians 6: 8-10 (AMP) For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Good morning! This morning I would like to share something with you the Lord said to me through a conversation I had with my youngest son. I never take it lightly when the Lord speaks, and I pray that it will help you in this season of your life. My son and I were on our way to church, and we were talking about a little issue we have in our house. Its a tiny thing, but it is a irritating little thing. It has four legs and a tail, and runs from under the stove to the refrigerator to lord knows where. Well, I noticed it last week, but my son obviously noticed it well before me. So, we are talking about this thing (mouse), and I am telling him to remind me to go by the store and get something to kill this little rodent. He then turns to me and begins to tell me of his interaction with Mr. Mousey this past week. He goes on to tell me how he is sitting playing his x-box eating some cheddar cheese chex mix, and Mr. Mousey peeks his head out from under the tv stand in a very noticeable manner. He said, Ma, he smelled the cheese and wanted some, so I threw him one, and he ran out and grabbed it and ran back under the tv stand. Really??? Right in that moment, before I even knew what I was saying, I said, You mean to tell me you are feeding what I am trying to kill? And just as I said it, the Holy Spirit shifted my mind and began to minister that word in my spirit. There are many times God is trying to get us to a certain place in our lives, but we are so connected to the THING He is trying to destroy in our lives that we hinder our own progress. It may be a relationship, job, secret sin, internal issues (insecurity, fear, etc.). We hold onto these things because they are familiar, and in some cases they bring us a level of comfort that we are not willing to give up. So I ask you - What are you feeding, making fat, giving energy to - that God is trying to kill in your life? What is it that part of you is irritated by, but the other part of you is entertained by? Yeah, my son (a part of me) was amused at the fact that the rodent ran out and grabbed the chex mix and ran back in, but the truth of the matter is - YOU DONT BELONG HERE SIR! Today, think about what it is that does not belong in your life, and consider - am I promoting the growth of this thing and causing it to grow? Better yet, ask yourself, Is this thing enhancing or hindering my growth? Only you can answer that. It may feel good now, but as it grows - think about the damage it can cause. Stop Feeding What God Is Trying To Kill because eventually that thing could kill you, thus aborting the plan of God for your life. Have a GREAT day. *Note: Mr. Mousey is history
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 12:27:37 +0000

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