11 But King Sol′o·mon loved many foreign women+ besides the - TopicsExpress


11 But King Sol′o·mon loved many foreign women+ besides the daughter of Phar′aoh:+ Mo′ab·ite,+ Am′mon·ite,+ E′dom·ite, Si·do′ni·an,+ and Hit′tite+ women. 2 They were from the nations about whom Jehovah had said to the Israelites: “You must not go in among them,* and they should not come in among you, for they will surely incline your heart to follow their gods.”+ But Sol′o·mon clung to them and loved them. 3 And he had 700 wives who were princesses and 300 concubines, and his wives gradually inclined his heart.* 4 In Sol′o·mon’s old age,+ his wives inclined* his heart to follow other gods,+ and his heart was not complete with* Jehovah his God like the heart of David his father. 5 And Sol′o·mon followed after Ash′to·reth,+ the goddess of the Si·do′ni·ans, and Mil′com,+ the disgusting god of the Am′mon·ites. 6 And Sol′o·mon did what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, and he did not follow Jehovah completely* as David his father had done.+ 7 It was then that Sol′o·mon built a high place+ to Che′mosh, the disgusting god of Mo′ab, on the mountain in front of Jerusalem and to Mo′lech,+ the disgusting god of the Am′mon·ites.+ 8 That was what he did for all his foreign wives who were making sacrificial smoke and sacrificing to their gods. 9 Jehovah became furious at Sol′o·mon, because his heart had inclined away from Jehovah the God of Israel,+ who had appeared to him twice+ 10 and had warned him about this very thing, that he should not go after other gods.+ But he did not obey what Jehovah had commanded. 11 Jehovah now said to Sol′o·mon: “Because you have done this and you have not kept my covenant and my statutes as I commanded you, I will surely rip the kingdom away from you, and I will give it to one of your servants.+ 12 However, for the sake of your father David, I will not do it in your lifetime. I will rip it out of the hand of your son,+ 13 but I will not rip away the entire kingdom.+ One tribe I will give to your son,+ for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen.”+ 14 Jehovah then raised up a resister against Sol′o·mon,+ Ha′dad the E′dom·ite, of the royal family of E′dom.+ 15 When David defeated E′dom,+ Jo′ab the chief of the army went up to bury the slain, and he tried to strike down every male in E′dom. 16 (For Jo′ab and all Israel stayed there for six months until he had done away with* every male in E′dom.) 17 But Ha′dad fled with some of his father’s E′dom·ite servants, and they went to Egypt; Ha′dad was then a young boy. 18 So they set out from Mid′i·an and came to Pa′ran. They took men with them from Pa′ran+ and came to Egypt, to Phar′aoh king of Egypt, who gave him a house, assigned him a food allowance, and gave him land. 19 Ha′dad found favor in the eyes of Phar′aoh, so much so that he gave him in marriage the sister of his own wife, Tah′pe·nes the queen.* 20 In time the sister of Tah′pe·nes bore him a son, Ge·nu′bath, and Tah′pe·nes brought him up* in the house of Phar′aoh, and Ge·nu′bath remained in the house of Phar′aoh among the sons of Phar′aoh. 21 Ha′dad heard in Egypt that David had been laid to rest with his forefathers+ and that Jo′ab the chief of the army had died.+ So Ha′dad said to Phar′aoh: “Send me away, so that I may go to my own land.” 22 But Phar′aoh said to him: “What have you lacked with me that you now seek to go to your own land?” To this he said: “Nothing, but please send me away.” 23 God also raised up against Sol′o·mon another resister,+ Re′zon the son of E·li′a·da, who had fled from his lord, Had·ad·e′zer+ the king of Zo′bah. 24 He gathered men to himself and became chief of a marauder band when David defeated* them.+ So they went to Damascus+ and settled there and began reigning in Damascus. 25 And he became a resister of Israel all the days of Sol′o·mon, adding to the harm done by Ha′dad, and he abhorred Israel while he reigned over Syria. 26 And there was Jer·o·bo′am+ the son of Ne′bat, an E′phra·im·ite from Zer′e·dah, a servant of Sol′o·mon’s+ whose mother’s name was Ze·ru′ah, a widow. He too began to rebel* against the king.+ 27 This is why he rebelled against the king: Sol′o·mon had built the Mound*+ and had closed up the gap of the City of David his father.+ 28 Now this Jer·o·bo′am was a capable man. When Sol′o·mon saw that the young man was a hard worker, he made him overseer+ over all the compulsory service of the house of Joseph. 29 During that time Jer·o·bo′am went out from Jerusalem, and the prophet A·hi′jah+ the Shi′lo·nite found him on the road. A·hi′jah was wearing a new garment, and the two of them were by themselves in the field. 30 A·hi′jah took hold of the new garment he was wearing and ripped it into 12 pieces. 31 Then he said to Jer·o·bo′am: “Take ten pieces for yourself, for this is what Jehovah the God of Israel says: ‘Here I am ripping the kingdom out of the hand of Sol′o·mon, and I will give you ten tribes.+ 32 But one tribe will remain his+ for the sake of my servant David+ and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel.+ 33 I will do this because they have left me+ and are bowing down to Ash′to·reth the goddess of the Si·do′ni·ans, to Che′mosh the god of Mo′ab, and to Mil′com the god of the Am′mon·ites, and they have not walked in my ways by doing what is right in my eyes and observing my statutes and my judgments as his father David did. 34 But I will not take the entire kingdom out of his hand, and I will keep him as a chieftain for all the days of his life, for the sake of David my servant whom I chose,+ because he obeyed my commandments and my statutes. 35 But I will take the kingship out of the hand of his son and give it to you, that is, ten tribes.+ 36 To his son I will give one tribe, so that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem,+ the city that I have chosen for myself as the place to put my name. 37 I will take you, and you will reign over all that you desire,* and you will become king over Israel. 38 And if you obey all that I command you and walk in my ways and do what is right in my eyes by obeying my statutes and my commandments, just as David my servant did,+ I will also be with you. I will build you a lasting house, just as I have built for David,+ and I will give you Israel. 39 And I will humiliate the offspring of David because of this,+ but not always.’”+ 40 So Sol′o·mon tried to put Jer·o·bo′am to death, but Jer·o·bo′am fled to Egypt, to Shi′shak+ the king of Egypt,+ and he remained in Egypt until Sol′o·mon’s death. 41 As for the rest of the history of Sol′o·mon, all that he did and his wisdom, is it not written in the book of the history of Sol′o·mon?+ 42 The length* of Sol′o·mon’s reign in Jerusalem over all Israel was 40 years. 43 Then Sol′o·mon was laid to rest with his forefathers and was buried in the City of David his father; and his son Re·ho·bo′am+ became king in his place.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 01:58:43 +0000

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