113) 1) What is main purpose must do in our life? (Purify own and - TopicsExpress


113) 1) What is main purpose must do in our life? (Purify own and other to become saintly people)2) Everyone please don’t become working slave/money slave!!! 3) We must provide free service/product to everyone, but not always talk about money!!! youtu.be/q5f_ik8JRK0 https://drive.google/file/d/0B1GwNR9EKJrRN1Q5VTZUbWdYSmc/edit?usp=sharing raise-grant-forksitigarbhavihara.weebly/title-from-101---120.html#113 ------------------------------0.53 Today this title has 3 important point, of course all is related each another if we notice clearly. Now yidam wanted to explained and advice one by one for those point so everyone realize what morality teaching bring to us. 1) What is main purpose must do in our life? (Purify own and other to become saintly people) Definition: Every living being (no matter what species, importantly is concluded as living being like: human, animal or alien etc.) must realize clearly, our main purpose when existing in this universal is to Purify own and other to become saintly people, away from this purpose is wrong. Purify mean rectify/maintain good morality of individual or other like: giving moral teaching, doing religion practice, enjoy religion content etc. Everyone must realize, our true glory achievement is to become Saintly people which achieve Saintly title, has own temple in heaven, away from 6 wheel of karma life, also praise by public if we doing many purify matter which rescue a lot of human kind to become heavenly angel, other then that, is not glory achievement. Also, only doing purify matter will bring true happiness to own and other, why? Because it is significant matter which benefit everyone. Importantly, If everyone is dong purify matter, sure this world already become pure land without crime/conflict between living being/natural disaster/poor/hungry/war/disease/die of age, importantly is away from 6 wheel of karma life etc…….. that why yidam will insist: purify matter is main purpose for every living being to implement when exist in this universal, except from this purpose no other. ------------------------------27.36 2) Everyone please don’t become working slave/money slave!!! Definition: nowadays, human kind is addict on working to earn money whole of life, that why this behavior is look like working slave/money slave. But in first point yidam already stated clearly, every living being exist in this universal just has one purpose: doing purify matter. Yidam ask everyone an question: working and money can bring us to become heavenly angel? Away from 6 wheel of karma life? Really will bring happiness and enjoyment to us? Answer: sure is not……………………. As yidam mention many time, main requirement to become heavenly angel/away from 6 wheel of karma life is to maintain prefect good morality whole of our life, far away any sin, or even purify other…………………. Also, true happiness/enjoyment come from significant matter which bring benefit to own and other like purify matter but not working to earn money. As yidam notice that, nowadays human kind will addict on working to earn money has several reason 1) has money to enjoy worldly matter, devil desire 2) now is money world, no money can’t life normally, or mean is force by social order ……………… but in before yidam already mention clearly, no significant or even devil matter actually will not bring true enjoyment/happiness to us but just emptiness and suffering, maybe our intelligent is cheated by devil desire, and misunderstand is true enjoyment/happiness ……………………oppositely, doing purify matter only will bring true/everlasting enjoyment/happiness to us, also, sure will get blessing by merits light and without life cost worries occur. Has an Chinese phase saying: if we doing anything just to chasing money, money will more far away!!! Of course importantly, working to earn money actually bring a lot of disadvantage to us as this concept is wrong develop in earth (heaven has money transaction? Need working to earn money? Sure is not), those disadvantage is like: appear devil mind, mind pollution, someone busy all day long without time to rest/doing purify matter/bring healthy harm, injury/die in working place, worries/dangerous/tiring/dirty/pressure in working task/place, love between family become distance when busy on work until no time to enjoy family day, conflict between all company staff or even with customer etc………..So If working can bring many disadvantage to us, why still join it? --------------------------50.28 3) We must provide free service/product to everyone, but not always talk about money!!! Definition: nowadays in this social has an devil/heartless concept/manner: “no money no talk”…..or clearly mean if we don’t has money, then don’t dream to get/enjoy anything/service in this earth………………..as yidam already told many time, working/money world actually is wrong develop by human kind just to satisfy devil mind/desire, if we look on heaven, is they has money transaction/working to earn money? Sure don’t has………..that why yidam in here advice everyone, from now on please try our best to provide free service/product to everyone, but without money charging…………… if everyone really execute this concept/manner, sure money/working world already eliminate/disappear………sure it will bring a lot of benefit after this like: relationship between human kind become good as everyone is talk about love but not money, everyone no need working to earn money for life normally as everything is free, will not encounter disadvantage come from working, everyone has time to doing purify matter as no need working etc………….. of course important, religion people can life normally, religion place /thing/activity can establish/create/hold smoothly…………… Finally yidam remind everyone again, main purpose we exist in this universal is to purify own and other to become saintly people, except from this purpose no other………..as doing purify matter is only the massive glory achievement, true happiness/enjoyment, or is the most significant beneficial compare other ………………………………also, please don’t become working slave/money slave (addict on working to earn money), as many disadvantage bring to us as stated above, please don’t cheat by devil desire/mind by chasing money to enjoy it or please be confidence on merits light blessing, don’t worries no money can’t life, as do more purify matter anything will be fine……………..Lastly, we must provide free service/product to everyone, but not always talk about money…………only that working/money world will disappear/eliminate in this earth, and so social full of love but not just talk about money, everyone can life normally/has more time to doing purify matter, importantly religion people/thing/activity can develop smoothly. Let mutual encourage!!!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:23:38 +0000

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