1176 cont. BIRTH OF VAIVASWAT,YAMA,YAMI AND YAMUNA:- After - TopicsExpress


1176 cont. BIRTH OF VAIVASWAT,YAMA,YAMI AND YAMUNA:- After departure of asurya , Sagnya was leaving Suryas abode for Swarga-loka(her parents house) as chhya,leaving behind Maaya to look after the house. Sagnya(Chhya) gave birth to a son . He was called Vaivaswata. He later on became a MANU. Suryas visits were quite infrequent and for a short time after a prolonged interval. During one such visit,when he was in the arms of Sagnya,tears started rolling down her eyes, unable as she was to bear Suryas heat,and the fury and ferocity with which Surya was engaged ger in Sahavas(The sign Leo,or Simha assigned to Surya in the RaasiChakra is indicative of Suryas animal and fierce nature of courting Sagnya).These tears got transformedinto a female -child named Yamuna.Looking at Sagnyas discomfiture during Sahavas ,Surya cursed her to be born as a horse. The twins The twins Krintatak and Kritantika (Yama and Yami) wereborn during this union. Vaivaswata became a NANU (Great Sage) and revealed the contents of the 18 Great Puranas to themundane world as Shaunak , receiving these through Sage Parasar-Vyasa. All pious Hindus hold these 18 puranas most dear to their hearts.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:35:40 +0000

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