119) Please don’t harm but must kind treat religion - TopicsExpress


119) Please don’t harm but must kind treat religion people/event/thing!!! youtu.be/HPCiupX5Ca8 raise-grant-forksitigarbhavihara.weebly/title-from-101---120.html#119 https://drive.google/file/d/0B1GwNR9EKJrRN2hOU2N2U202VGM/view?usp=sharing ----------------------0.19 This title yidam wanted everyone to follow an moral concept: please don’t harm but must kind treat religion people/event/thing!!! Those sentence advice us: we must respect/kind treat/filial any kind of religion people/event/thing, but don’t doing any devil manner to harm then……….as yidam noticed a fact that, from ancient time until now, many religion people/event/thing always harm by different type of human kind, those harm is like: abuse, bully, attack, disturb, destroy, killing, force to change religion believe, ban certain religion believe, jail certain religion follower, bad critic etc…………..they has many reality case happen before and involve many reason why those human kind harm religion people/event/thing, as stated below: 1. from ancient time until now, many king/country leader after change country religion believe, they will ban other religion by using country law, if not follow will jail or even kill, badly, some also will destroy all the religion temple, book, material together without tolerance to co-exist………………..or some governor scare the fast raising develop of religion all over the people-country will threaten the position/benefit of government because if world become pure land, sure without money tax collection, no one become government official/solder(all is religion people), government is like unnecessarily…………………or an place/country happen massive war, then many religion site also will destroy/occupy together, hard to avoid………………..or someone is pollute by wrong concept by thinking religion is burden/rubbish/without benefit to social, so just ban/destroy it………etc 2. some religion follower is very faithful to own believe until decline/far away/destroy/ban other religion……………….. some religion follower destroy/ban/critic other religion for the purpose to maintain/protect/increase follower quantity and religion develop/position/fame ………………some religion follower always thinking other religion is devil, only own believe is superior/correct, and then try the effort to destroy/ban/critic other religion ………..etc. 3. An atheist (no religion believer) always try the effort to decline/far away/destroy/ban/critic any religion. 4. An devil person always harm/bully/attack/abuse/destroy everyone/anything, of course including religion people/event/thing 5. Same religion follower but different type of group/organization establisher/practice way sometime also will attack/destroy/critic/ban each another for the purpose to maintain/protect/increase follower quantity and religion develop/position/fame or misunderstand own group//organization establisher/practice way is the best/superior/legitimism!!! Etc…………….. ---------------------------------33.33 Why yidam advice everyone must kind treat any religion people/event/thing? Reason stated below: 1. In many title before, yidam already mention, main purpose of religion being create is to purify human heart and then create an heaven/pure land environment in earth which far away any crime, suffering, bad karma life etc. if we destroy it, sure will bring suffering to human kind 2. If religion people is good in morality, and the event hold/thing being produce is very significant/bring benefit to us, then why we must harm/ban/destroy/critic/far away those? Because we also can get benefit within it!!! 3. if we harm/ban/destroy those, it will bring massive sin karma to own, because we are harm significant/high morality people/event/thing, also, other people will no chance to learn/enjoy effective purify way/matter so for the reason stated above, just hope everyone must remember in mind, don’t doing any manner to harm any religion people/event/thing, oppositely must giving respect/kind treat/filial to they or even match up their mind……………..except for certain religion people/event/thing stated below: 1. some religion follower always like to attack/harm with other religion/group/organization establisher without proper reason, then we can’t follow their order/mind 2. some religion follower is doing devil manner, then we also can’t ignore(make like no happen) or even learn from they, but must giving moral advice 3. some religion follower is giving wrong moral concept/bad teaching point, then we also must giving moral advice but not follow it. So if certain religion follower manner is stated as above, sure we can’t follow/learn from they, oppositely must giving moral advice…………… Finally yidam advice everyone again: Please don’t harm religion people/event/thing because of our devil desire/mind, wrong thinking concept etc. but must respect/kind treat/filial they for the reason stated above. Of course, if certain religion follower having wrong manner, we also can’t follow/learn from they. Let mutual encourage!!!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:07:35 +0000

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