11th June 2014 NO LIMITATIONS CAN STOP YOU FROM MAKING GREAT PROGRESS Job 19:8 “He has walled (fenced) up my way so that I cannot pass, and he has set darkness upon my paths.” (AMP) Oh what a reality! Job is confronted with a situation whereby his path of progress has been barricaded. He is in the midst of ungodly limitations. The wall in front of him has demarcated the limit or border he cannot pass. It seems impossible to go to new levels of experience or territory. He is like a dog on a leash/chain and is tied to a steel pole – he cannot go into territory beyond the limit imposed by the chain. This is the situation many Christians find themselves in today. Your life or level of progress seems to be operating in a realm well short of your mission. The promotion just fails to materialise, certain problems seem to be impossible to resolve, your bank balance cannot go beyond a certain standard, the business just won’t go to the next level. Spiritually you are not making progress – the anointing upon you seems to remain at the same level. Something seems to happen just before you make it. Stagnation is your lifestyle and you are not moving from glory to glory. Darkness in the verse confirms that you can no longer see if you are coming or going, you do not know what to do, you are overwhelmed by life circumstances. Your mind is in gloom – frustration, hopelessness, and stress may abound in you. You might even think that you are a failure. No one seems to think of you or love you at all. You are alone and suddenly giving up, suicide, divorce have become options up for your consideration. You believe that you cannot get out of that wilderness (Lamentations 3:7) and even actions that go against God’s Word no longer seem abominable any more. When God instructs, do the instruction without delay. Many Christians do not know that DELAYED COMPLIANCE to God’s instruction is a SIN. Procrastination is a serious sin that is subtle but effective in making sure that you do not accomplish the assignment God had planned for you before you were born. The different levels of fruitfulness often makes you think that God gave some people days that are 70 hours long and others days that are one hour long! Job’s friends came and even gave wrong counsel. Job was so stressed and even said the wrong words ‘…..naked I came into this world, naked I will leave……..’ (Job 1:21) to justify his crying and complaining. Job 1:21 is wrongly used by many people especially at funerals and God rebuked Job for saying these wrong words (continue reading and get the answer) Job’s life circumstances changed drastically when he listened to God’s Word. Whilst Job was busy pouring his heart out, crying and acting almost insane because of his life’s circumstances: after all he had lost his children, great wealth, etc. Job though he had good grounds that justified him to act the way he did. God rebuked him. God told him to stop that talk and crying but instead to act like a man (Job 38:1-4, Job 40:7). Job repented (Job 42:6) of his complaining, wrong talk and frustrations (Job 40:1-7, Job 42:1-6) . Job complied without delay and God raised him over life’s circumstances and he had twice as much wealth and children as he had before the challenges (Job 42:10-17). God corrected Job’s wrong friends for their wrong words (Job 42:7-10). All their limitations were removed as they received God’s Word with gladness and joyously carried out the instructions to the full without delay. Pastor Andrew Mutondoro will be hosting the weekly Word@Work Wednesday service from 6:30pm to 8:00pm tonight at Unit 154 Speculator Street, Northlands Business Park, 37 New Market Road, North Riding, Johannesburg, South Africa. The service is broadcast live in some of the branches of Oasis Christian Assembly. All are welcome and admission is free. For more information please call +27(0)11 025 3442/3. If this devotional has blessed you, please pass it on and also email us your feedback to [email protected] To subscribe to receive the Bolts of Wisdom daily devotional goto the following link: oca.org.za/subscription.html God bless you. Pastor Andrew Mutondoro website: oca.org.za
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 07:42:03 +0000

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