12/01/05 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All - TopicsExpress


12/01/05 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear I am The Lord your God, Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that is within them... I am The One, alone, who sits on high, Molding and shaping that which I have made by Him, Who is seated at My right hand. To men have I also given power, to mold and shape themselves and their world. Theirs is a corrupted spirit, and by that same spirit do they go out creating all that is corrupt, and destroying all that is pure and of God. So then, God must judge His people by all they have done, being judged according to the New Covenant, which separates them from all that has corrupted them. Only their rejection of My Covenant will lead them into this judgment... And their acceptance thereof, out of judgment and into life. I am a just God... And My judgment, righteous judgment... Out of My mercy and justice, I have sent to you that Spirit, who is as The Father, To become man and live as man. To Him have I given the right to judge, for He is without sin, And was willing to die for those who have fallen under judgement, So they might pass from judgment into life. I did not send Him, at His first coming, to judge the world, but to save it, leaving all to judge themselves by He who is the perfect man, knowing there is none like Him. Those, who follow Him, shall receive that which He owns and gives to them... Eternal life, through separation of sin, by Him who had no sin. For He carried the weight of the world’s sin to the cross, and crucified sin through His suffering, abolishing sin upon His rising. He will be your judge in the Last Day, Because I have given Him the right to judge... Because He is The Son of Man. So then, He judges as God, for His judgment comes from God, and justly bestows that judgment because He was also man, but did not live as man lives... Instead, living in perfect obedience to God, then suffering at the hands of man, being fully tempted as a man... Overcoming all things by His righteousness, His death and His resurrection, out of love. In a similar but deceitful manner, the devil will try to destroy all that Christ has built, being altogether filled with sin, envying Him who sits at My right hand. Satan can not change his visage and become man... He is what he is, and remains as he is to this day. Those he corrupted, who are as he is, he corrupted as he is by who he became... They have fallen. Satan has also appeared to men as himself, sending them strong delusions, causing them only to see what was already in their hearts... He is Lucifer, son of the morning, bright and shining... With a heart as the abyss. So then, he only imitates that which is of The True Light, leading all away by false words sounding like the Truth, even imitating the very mother of The Christ to lead those away into false worship. And to his eternal damnation, he has appeared to many, causing millions to be led away into false worship and faith of that which stems from the Word, forever changed into blasphemy and abomination by those who were mistakenly thought to be sent by God. Christ Jesus is King... There is no other! Nor any other way found!... All religions of this earth are abomination before The Lord! Even those, in My name, are of their like... Not worshipping through Him who I have sent to them. Even those of Christ have corrupted and blasphemed My name, by subversion through His name, the name I gave Him... My name. All is corrupted and dying... The light is gone from the churches... The darkness fills the entire world. Oh peoples of the earth, you have been weighed... You have been found wanting... Your days are numbered, and your kingdom is finished, and will shortly be found no more in remembrance. The devil comes to take you captive. He has been thrown down and seeks to devour with teeth bared. Remember, no one can rule this world, who is not of this world. Only He, who made this world, may rule... And allows they, who have ruled, to rule, because they were men. So then, satan is allowed to rule for a short season, but not of his own authority, but by a man under his authority who receives his power by him who is the father of lies and sin. So then a man will rule, not Lucifer... No angel shall rule over man or man’s earth. It was given man to have dominion over the earth, not to angels, but all reside under the authority of He who created all. Satan goes out to deceive and subvert the nations, by that which is already in them, conquering them by a man who is as they, all being entangled in the snare of the devil, because their hearts they have already remade in his image, denying The True image in which they were created. So be amazed, My people... This man of perdition is coming, and is already in the world, waiting in the wings. Soon will The One, who stays, let... Then will all come to pass, as it was and is written, during the Last Week. So The Word was sent... And has come into the world, to save all who believe and live by The Word... And to destroy all those who fight against The Word, Not knowing that they too are bound by The Word. All are under subjection to The Word... Being made alive by The Word, or passing away by His judgment. The Word stands forever... Immovable and everlasting, permanent stone, unchangeable... Having complete authority over all things, Even the light and the dark, the righteous and the wicked. Indeed, all the universe is under His will, Giving heed to He who created it, forever and ever. trumpetcallofgodonline/index.php5?title=Judgment%2C_Transgression..._And_The_Word
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 02:17:24 +0000

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