12-02-2014: Melody Campbell listed as with the Ohio Conference of - TopicsExpress


12-02-2014: Melody Campbell listed as with the Ohio Conference of Teamsters took special trouble to defend the decision of administrators of Facebook Union Thugs censoring out my posts on the cops murdering black kids and Spartacist posts on the same thing. This woman listed with the Ohio Conference of Teamsters simply defended it as a rule. I wrote her back, and what advances or retards labors interests doesnt matter to you. Youd make a good Nazi. Good riddance. In 1934, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, truck drivers got unionized in the course of pitched class warfare with the cops, the hired murderers and strike-breakers of the bosses. Today, idiot officials of unions like the Teamsters defend kicking out posts that talk about killer cops murdering black kids while these same idiot officials recruit cops into the labor movement, a dagger pointed straight at labors heart. Heres the video, Labors Turning Point, on how in 1934 truckers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, fought class war to unionize into Local 574 of the Teamsters at that time, and at that time, they had no illusions the cops were any kinds of workers or any illusions cops were on the side of labor. They knew what the cops were: The Year 1934: Labors Turning Point, 1934 Truckers Strike, Minneapolis, from YouTube, Video Documentary of Major 1934 U.S. Labor Strike Struggle: youtube/watch?v=nfE9Aa1xYXw Heres one of my posts Melody Campbell and administrators of the Facebook Union Thugs removed despite my protests that killer cops murdering black people is, indeed, a union issue of concern to labor.: https://facebook/policethepoliceACP/photos/a.540196092664058.146582.540176322666035/1007537322596597/?type=1&theater Heres the other post the administrators of Facebook Union Thugs removed despite my protests that killer cops murdering black people is, indeed, a union issue of concern to unions and working people: 12-01-2014: Recent public leaflets, articles, statements, published by the Spartacist League/U.S. on racist crimes against humanity done against black and brown people inside the United States of America by police and/or governmental agencies inside the United States of America. The Spartacist League is a 4th Internationalist, American Trotskyist-minded, socialist political organization that is part of an international Trotskyist political organization called, the International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist). I am a member of no political party or organization, but agree with the contents of the following public leaflets, articles and statements.: I agree with the following statement: Same Old Story: Killer Cop Walks Ferguson Righteous Fury Cops, National Guard Out! spartacist.org/english/leaflets/ferguson-nov2014.html *** I agree with the following article: Pennsylvania Adopts Prisoner Gag Rule to Silence Mumia Abu-Jamal: spartacist.org/english/wv/1056/mumia.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1056/mumia.html *** I agree with the following article: Ferguson Two Months Later: Thousands Protest Racist Cop Terror spartacist.org/english/wv/1054/ferguson.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1054/ferguson.html *** I agree with the following statement: Cops Are Enemies of Workers spartacist.org/english/wv/1052/qotw.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1052/qotw.html *** I agree with the following article: Ferguson: The Real Face of Racist Capitalist America Break with the Democrats! Build a Revolutionary Workers Party! spartacist.org/english/wv/1051/ferguson.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1051/ferguson.html *** I agree with this leaflet: Spartacist League Leaflet, August 20, 2014 Cops, National Guard Out Now! Ferguson: The Real Face of Racist Capitalist America spartacist.org/english/wv/1051/ferguson-leaflet.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1051/ferguson-leaflet.html *** I agree with this article: Cops Are Not Workers! New York City: Cops Bash Unions Over Garner Demo spartacist.org/english/wv/1051/garner.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/english/wv/1051/garner.html *** I agree with this article: From the Archives of Spartacist Conspiracy and Treachery in Alabama Spartacist No. 4, May-June 1965 spartacist.org/english/wv/1051/alabama.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1051/alabama.html *** I agree with this article: NYPD Broken Windows: License to Kill Outrage over Cop Choke-Hold Killing of Eric Garner spartacist.org/english/wv/1050/garner.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1050/garner.html *** I agree with this article: Albuquerque Cops Killing Spree: spartacist.org/english/wv/1048/albuquerque.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1048/albuquerque.html *** I agree with this article: Ida B. Wells A Black Womans Fight Against Lynch Terror (Women and Revolution Pages) spartacist.org/english/wv/1048/wells.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1048/wells.html *** I agree with this letter: Ida B. Wells and the 1905 Teamsters Strike (Letter) spartacist.org/english/wv/1049/letter-wells.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1049/letter-wells.html *** I agre with this article: NYPD Frame-Up Machine spartacist.org/english/wv/1047/nypd.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1047/nypd.html *** I agree with this article: For Free, Quality, Integrated Education for All! Racist Bigotry and Liberal Nostrums at UCLA (Young Spartacus Pages) spartacist.org/english/wv/1047/ucla.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1047/ucla.html *** I agree with this article: Botched Execution in Oklahoma: Racist Torture Capital Punishment is State Murder spartacist.org/english/wv/1046/execution.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1046/execution.html *** I agree with this article: As Bourgeoisie Touts 1964 Civil Rights Act Supreme Court Knifes Affirmative Action, Again For Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution! spartacist.org/english/wv/1045/affirmative-action.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1045/affirmative-action.html *** I agree with this article: Honoring Rubin Hurricane Carter 1937-2014 (Class-Struggle Defense Notes) spartacist.org/english/wv/1045/hurricane.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1045/hurricane.html *** I agree with the following article: Black Panther in Prison for Decades Free Albert Woodfox! (Class-Struggle Defense Notes) spartacist.org/english/wv/1045/woodfox.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1045/woodfox.html *** I agree with the following article: Greensboro 1979, Kansas City 2014 Fascist Murder spartacist.org/english/wv/1045/greensboro.html Printable version of this article: spartacist.org/print/english/wv/1045/greensboro.html *** Thanks to Tyler Schleyhahn for posting this, which Im sharing: https://facebook/policethepoliceACP/photos/a.540196092664058.146582.540176322666035/1007537322596597/?type=1&theater *** I was told this is not a union issue. I said it is. I said labor and blacks have historically gone forward together or fallen back separately. I said cops should not be in unions because they are enemies of labor. I said cops break strikes, bust labor strikers, bust unions and should not be in the unions. They should be expelled from the unions. Most black people are working class people. Cops murdering black kids is a union issue because not seeing it as a union issue is not seeing past the tips of union brothers and sisters noses. It is narrow-minded and lacking vision and lacking a long-term program for the victory of labor in America. Labor and black people go forward together or fall back separately. Stop deleting this post! Labor unions should fight and strike against the killer cops killing black kids just as labor unions should mobilize mass workers self-defense against killer cops and other union-busters when labor goes on strike. An injury to one is an injury to all! Stop censoring an objectively pro-labor post by saying its not a union issue.: Thanks to Tyler Schleyhahn for posting this, which Im sharing: https://facebook/policethepoliceACP/photos/a.540196092664058.146582.540176322666035/1007537322596597/?type=1&theater *** 12-01-2014: I was kicked out of the page, Facebook Union Thugs, because I insisted that posting posts on racist killer cops murdering black kids is a union issue. I insisted that historically labor and black people went forward together or moved backwards separately. I insisted that killer cops should not be in unions. I insisted that most black people were working class people. I insisted that unions should make killer cops killing black kids a union issue. I insisted that unions should expel cops from the union movement. I insisted on this. For insisting on this, the page, Facebook Union Thugs, expelled me from their page. This is why American unions today are so weak, so vulnerable, so powerless. They get their class enemies elected to office and they recruit their class enemies to their workers class organizations and they oust militant pro-union and anti-racist workers from sites calling themselves pro-union. - Allan Greene
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 16:01:06 +0000

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