12 03 2013 Happy Tuesday, I hope you are getting everything - TopicsExpress


12 03 2013 Happy Tuesday, I hope you are getting everything cleaned up and put away after Thanksgiving. I noticed this year a lot of people here on Marco went out to eat instead of cooking at home, do you think this is a trend? Cyber Monday beat Black Friday in sales by a huge margin this year. Some of the so called experts say that a big reason for the shift was people are just tired of crowds and if you watched TV over the weekend, violence at the malls, gas over $3.50 per gallon, fears over pensions, and Obama Care costs that will have to be paid at the same time Credit Card Bills are due. DOD is talking about closing the 178 commissaries in US along with the 70 overseas locations at a savings of 1.4 billion dollars in subsidies. Commissaries have been a part of uniformed life for years not to mention they provide jobs for spouses of military personnel. On average 30% of employees are military dependents and the closing of these outlets will add to an already high rate of military spouses unemployment. The latest rumor from Florida Politics is that if Trey Radle decides to resign, his replacement will be former congressman Connie Mack. I’m not sure on this one, I like Connie but is he the best man to represent us through this BozoCare fight? Speaking of BozoCare, the web sight still seems to puzzle the geniuses Berry has surrounded himself with. In a report from the Insurance Information Institute the OmamaCare website still falls short in security, fails to transmit information to the insurance companies, fails to notify Doctors of who is covered and who isn’t, and finally fails to pay providers (except the programmers) in a timely manner. One of my favorites of the day is the State of California is paying from $2,500.00 to no maximum in subsidies for poor people to buy new Green Cars. I can only believe that they didn’t lose enough money on the Cash for Clunkers program that they had to double down with electric cars. Lets take a quick look at jobs. In the last Jobs report 1.4 million new jobs have been created, of those jobs 927,000 were part time jobs and that translates to 456,000 new full time jobs but that doesn’t account for the 11 million people who have just quit looking for a job all together and are not part of the labor pool anymore. How do these numbers affect our Presidents Job Approval rate? Well as you can imagine not to favorably. In November Mr. Obama fell to an all time low of 40% approval, 55.6% disapproval and a 37.1% approval of Berry’s handling of the economy that nestles in nicely with the 59.3 disapproval. These numbers relate to why people are so frustrated by, how do I put this, misstatements the President has made for the past 6 years. Well you all be careful out there, it looks like there is a change in the weather coming. Tomorrow is hump day and I’ll be back then!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 22:58:13 +0000

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