12/13/15...++A RHEMA WORD FROM THE LORD++ SOMETHING that God - TopicsExpress


12/13/15...++A RHEMA WORD FROM THE LORD++ SOMETHING that God JUST REVEALED unto my spirit,at 3:58,AM,finished at 4:18,AM... Thus Saith The Lord: Theres a shift that is going to happen AS the OLD year ENDS and the NEW YEARS ARRIVES! DONT MISS IT. GET PREPARED! CONFESS your faults to The God of Heaven,if youre a Christian,and I will hear you.THEN TURN AWAY FROM the sin that so easily trips you up,and I will strengthen you.( Hebrews 12:1).Do what Ive instructed you to do. Whether it is coming OUT FROM AMONG folk,or whether it is coming CLOSER TO ME...or whether it is even leaving that Ministry that I am NO LONGER meeting you at...be obedient. As Long as I REVEAL unto you Visions...and goals...and Revealations concerning The Minission that I have given you,then youre not leaving this world...But when the Visions stop...when the Revelations come no more...when The Goal isnt refreshed in your spirit,then come to Me and ask Me why.DONT aska a psychic,because there are MANY psychics who CLAIM that they are My Prophets and Prophetesses,but they are NOT. NOTHING that THEY say that I told them comes to pass,and that is because I have NOT SENT THEM. There is a SHIFT already starting IN The Spirit Realm. I am preparing to ELEVATE SOME of you. I AM PREPARING SOME of you for Ministry. MANY havent RECEIVED what I have been promising them because THEY WONT OBEY Me. I dont desire your sacrifices.I desire your OBEDIENCE.(1 Samuel 15:22).Dont follow the ones that CLAIM to follow me,but follow ME,The God of Heaven! (Deuteronomy 18:20-22).The Leaders that I have placed in your life will feed you from MY WORD,because I WILL be The ONLY ONE leading and using them! (2 Corinthians 4:1,2).I know that things are hard,I walked the earth.I KNOW that people are cruel,I was mistreated and STILL AM. I understand loneliness, because NO one could drink from the cup that I did. I will Bless you. Listen: I WILL BLESS YOU...just come TO Me.Turn your FACE to me and NOT your BACK.( 2 Chronicles 7:14;Ezekiel 23:35).COME TO ME...Take MY yoke upon you and learn of Me,for My yoke is easy and MY burdens are light.(Matthew 11:29,30). The NEW Year is going to be a NEW START between Me and thee.I will be manifesting My Ways unto you AS the days go on. I love you. ALL Power has been given unto ME...IN Heaven AND IN the earth.(Matthew 28:18). I will Bless you. I WANT to Bless you. Just obey Me. Ask Me a sign and I will prove THIS message is from ME.(Judges 6:36-40). Ask a sign between Me and thee ONLY,and I WILL bring it to pass.in Jesus Name,Agree with Me...The God of Heaven.For I am HE and I exist ALL BY MYSELF. I AM THAT I AM.(Exodus 3:14).,saith The Lord. FROM US TO THE GOD OF HEAVEN: Father,PLEASE FORGIVE us for ALL of OUR SINS and SHORTCOMINGS,FAULTS AND WRONGS BY WORDS,THOUGHTS,DEEDS,OR EMOTIONS,in Jesus MIGHTY Name,We Agree!(1) Romans 3:10,23; (2) 1 John 1:8,9; (3) James 5:16; (4) 1 John 5:14,15; (5) John 14:13,14; (6) 2 Corinthians 1:19,20; (7) Matthew 18:19,20; (8) Ephesians 1:3... (given by The Holy Ghost unto ONE of His Modern Day Apostles,Apostle A.E. Coleman,Jr.) (C)2014 THE WORD OF GOD,THROUGH JESUS CHRIST,STREET & OUTREACH MINISTRY**++ALL RIGHTS RESERVED++(203)745-8162**Incorporated in CO,CT,NC,SC,MS,TN,TX,WI** OurChurch/member/t/TheWordofGod/ ~PLEASE EXCUSE ANY AND ALL TYPOS THAT YOU SEE IN THIS DOCUMENT~
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 09:18:18 +0000

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