12:30 am Managing Your Business By Statistics Once your - TopicsExpress


12:30 am Managing Your Business By Statistics Once your business is up and running, the next step is to put you and the business on statistics so you can keep an eye on how things are running. Just like a baseball or basketball player, if you do not know what you have done, statistically that is… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:29 am Dealing With Theft In The Business In business there is a term called Shrinkage which means that no matter your best efforts, employees will most likely steal something from you at some time, and thus shrink your inventory. Whether you are a dental office, a veterinarian, a physic… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:28 am How To Dismiss a Difficult Staff Member There comes a time in every business when you discover that an employee is more trouble than they are worth. That staff member may think they are in charge and be disruptive with other staff and customers. This may be the time to think of a strate… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:26 am The 80/20 Rule Is Now The 90/10 Rule n the past, the 80/20 rule had several different meanings to a business. It usually meant that 20% of your customers were easy to work with, they would provide you with 80% of your business, and they were the ones you most likely would nurture to hel… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:23 am The Pitfalls of Partnerships One of the best ways to determine if you are ready for a partner is by creating a checklist. I am totally into having a checklist when it comes to making business decisions. This takes a lot of the emotion out of the deal so that you can just focus o… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:22 am Is Your Business Prepared For A Legal Threat? Into the life of a business, a little rain must fall...but hopefully only once in a while, and when it does you have a good umbrella in your hands, and oh yeah, you are not carrying your groceries in a paper bag at the time. In other words, every now… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:20 am Does Internet Marketing Actually Work? PART I In the dental practices that I have seen lately, not one of them has had an effective internet presence or any degree of internet marketing. It has taken some effort to get them to actually have a website that has proper title tags and keywords - you… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:18 am More On Marketing Your Business Over The Internet - PART II So you just spent $3000 on that brand new website with fancy title tags, keywords, meta this and meta that. Your web guy says he gave you what you are looking for, asked for, and paid for. However, the phones just are not ringing like you might expec… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:16 am Miss Manners Comes To Your Office He said Pass the salt one Thanksgiving. There was no Please preceding this potential pleasantry, and there was no Thank you after the salt had been passed. His lack of manners was noticed by all twenty people at the table. As I recall, the day … View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:15 am Backing Up Is So Very Hard To Do nce again, we have a quorum - I have not met a single business owner who backs up their computer and all their work... at all. Sure, they all know how to hit the save button but none of them are using mirrored drives, removable drives, off site bac… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:13 am Dealing With The Know-It-All Business Person This one is a sore subject for me because I still do not have the solution. How do you deal with a business person who knows everything and lets their pride get in the way of new ideas and new opportunities? As most of you already know, I am developi… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:11 am The Four Elements To A Successful Business Over the many years I have spent in business schools and continuing education programs, one of the most remembered items I recall are the four elements of a successful business. I would like to give credit where credit is due, but I cannot recall who… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:09 am Are You Your Own Roadblock To Success? I am not really sure what it is. Maybe they just get complacent over time, or maybe they just get fat and lazy, but whatever it is most business owners lose their ability to be innovative and accept change. This is something that you need to be aware… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:09 am Considerations In Taking On A Business Partner When you take on a partner in the business, it is essential that you create a proper road map that dictates the terms of your partnership. If you think a handshake will get you through the quagmire (I really love that word) of items that must be ag… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:09 am Insouciance In Your Business Oftentimes, I refer to the Olden Days when I feel like I learned something a very long time ago and get frustrated when people I meet just simply do not get it. Either they do not want to learn or they fear learning. One of these topics that is dif… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 12:09 am Hows Your Technology? Today, a business owner has a myriad of options when it comes to choices for technology. Some of the very coolest stuff comes in the form of wireless computers for medical and dental practices to increase the mobility of staff and patients. There is … 19 Saturday October 2013 View post Edit post Delete post overblog 11:58 pm Tips To Increase Your Profits - Keep Your Eyes Open Most of us are creatures of habit. We travel to work the same way, buy the same coffee everyday and generally do the same things at work too. Youve probably heard the expression If you do what youve always done, youll get what youve always got.… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 11:52 pm Tips to Increase Profits - Stop Overcomplicating Things! There is a well-known story which goes something like this... At the height of the Space Race, the Russians and Americans were faced with the same dilemma - how to use a pen to write in zero gravity up in space. The Americans solved the problem by sp… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 11:48 pm Tips to Increase Profit - Talk to the Troops Weve all been guilty of assuming we know what is going on in the business, but TV programmes such as Back to the Floor and Undercover Boss remind us that in most businesses there is a gap between what the owners think is reality and the true reality… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 11:46 pm Tips To Increase Your Profits - Network With a Purpose Most business owners who are setting up are told that the secret to building a business lies in networking. Get out there and network and you will get sales. But there are a number of problems with this: With so many networking opportunities out ther… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 11:44 pm Tips To Increase Your Profits - Offer a Guarantee It is well known in the internet world that offering a money back guarantee dramatically increases the rate of sales. So much so that you rarely see information products on the web that do not have a 30, 60 or even 90 day guarantee. But if you are ju… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 11:42 pm Tips To Increase Your Profits - Offer Something For Free In most businesses there is something that costs the customer a fair amount of money, but costs you very little to produce. This can be a great start for a free offer. There are countless examples of this in business - free samples in coffee shops, t… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 11:39 pm Tips To Increase Your Profits - Dont Discount! Its very tempting to cave in when you are faced with a customer pushing for a discount. But its a dangerous step to take for your business for several reasons. Firstly, that customer will always assume you are going to offer a discount in the futur… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 11:35 pm Tips To Increase Your Profits - Be Different Unfortunately, in difficult economic times people start to play safe in business. Often that means falling in line with every other business in your area or sector - copying their ideas, doing the same type of advertising or using the same suppliers.… View post Edit post Delete post facebook 11:09 pm typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty typesofbeauty.co… 18 Friday October 2013 View post Edit post Delete post overblog 5:09 pm Suspicious Email - Avoid Being a Victim by Following These 4 Steps I recently received an email warning me that in 14 days I would lose my domain name. I was sure it must be from the company where I registered my domain name because they had all my personal information. Something made me hesitate to send them the $7… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:59 pm Nurses - Overcome Mistreatment at Work By Letting Your Criticizer Self Destruct Bad things seem to happen to people who treat others poorly. If you just keep doing your job and ignore their behavior, often they will self destruct. Here are some real life examples. During my first pregnancy I worked full time as a home health nur… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:46 pm Eight Reasons Why You Can Call Yourself a Nurse Detective Like a good mystery? Love to see a detective put together clues to solve a crime? You may not realize it, but being a nurse is like being a detective. I compared what you need to be a detective with what you need to be a nurse and found these eight w… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:43 pm Adara meaning and name origin Adara \a-da-ra\ as a girls name is pronounced a-DAH-rah. It is of Arabic, Greek and Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Adara is virgin; beauty; noble. Adara has 2 variant forms: Adra and Adrah. Baby names that sound like Adara are Adare, Adir… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:37 pm Beauty Names Belinda, Blanche, Charis, Cleopatra and Diana are popular names. Adara, Adonia, Aoife, Aspasia, Belita, Callidora, Calligenia, Callula, Capri, Cosima, Elegance, View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:26 pm Top 20 sites where you can make free website Making money online has become very popular these days. People are getting into it passionately because it is a cheap way to earn some smart money from homes. Many students and single moms are earning online. You just need a website or blog for this … View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:22 pm A Completely Bridal Makeup Online Course Day 01 Here I am going to give you free tips for makeup Course. Bridal makeup is a different makeup style. Bride always gets every one’s attention at wedding party. Wedding day is the most important day for any bride. She wants to look very beautiful to … View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:17 pm A Completely Bridal Makeup Online Course Day 01 A Completely Bridal Makeup Online Course Day 01 Here I am going to give you free tips for makeup Course. Bridal makeup is a different makeup style. Bride always gets every one’s attention at wedding party. Wedding day is the most important day for… View post Edit post Delete post facebook 2:09 pm Rashid Iqbal added a new photo. View post Edit post Delete post facebook 12:42 pm Rashid Iqbal added 6 new photos. View post Edit post Delete post facebook 12:39 pm typesofbeauty typesofbeauty like me 17 Thursday October 2013 View post Edit post Delete post facebook 10:19 pm typesofbeauty View post Edit post Delete post overblog 7:12 pm Trusting in Quality Furnace Repair Furnace repair is vital during the winter months. When the cold hits, you are going to need to make sure that your heat is continuing through the entire house. If it is not, and if the temperature gets too low, you may end up suffering. You will have… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 7:09 pm 2 Traffic Strategies I Want To Go Over With You We can feel touch and pain and pleasurable sensation; we can feel both positive and negative emotions, and as with any gift that is given to us, what we do with our feelings is up to us. In our chaotic, busy and difficult lives, we are bombarded with… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 7:09 pm Trusting in Quality Furnace Repair Furnace repair is vital during the winter months. When the cold hits, you are going to need to make sure that your heat is continuing through the entire house. If it is not, and if the temperature gets too low, you may end up suffering. You will have… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 7:09 pm The Economic Impact Of Climate Change And Severe Weather Events As rapid population growth continues to expand into areas vulnerable to climate change, especially along the coasts, economic activity has become more concentrated, consequently there will be more damage from storms and rising sea levels. In the Sout… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 7:09 pm Swimming Pools Bring Joy and Work ark was learning a valuable lesson - always listen to your wife. Rhonda expressed more than a little concern at the idea of looking at swimming pools to potentially install at their house, but Mark had dreamed about having one in his own backyard sin… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:53 pm A Completely Bridal Makeup Online Course Day 01 Here I am going to give you free tips for makeup Course. Bridal makeup is a different makeup style. Bride always gets every one’s attention at wedding party. Wedding day is the most important day for any bride. She wants to look very beautiful to … View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:51 pm Introduction to Mehndi Mehndi has very old history. It has been using from the ancient times, almost from 5000 years ago. History told us that Mehndi was introduced in India by mughal empires. It is also said that mehndi is originally from India. Mehndi is also called as … View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:47 pm Immigration to UK Onward 2009 The UK has implemented new programs related to immigration, for immigrants wishing to settle on its country, or spend some time for job or other activities. One of the most popular programs is for highly skilled migrants, was introduced… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:27 pm Can Quotations Change Your Life? No matter what your mood, there will always be a suitable quotation to help. There are quotes abound for every single aspect of life. No matter what the occasion or subject matter, an apt quote can be found. If you type quotes into your Google sear… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:24 pm Journaling to Help Organise Your Life Many of us may feel as if we dont truly have a handle on our life and I dont know anyone who does not, from time to time, feel as if they could use a little bit more organisation. After all, when you are unorganised, you not only have a difficulty … View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:23 pm Starting Fresh With Your New Journal If you are new to journaling and are ready to get started, you are about to take a step into a much larger world. I have been journaling for years and I have to admit, Im not only addicted to it, I find that it helps me in so many different areas of… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 4:21 pm How to Overcome a Journaling Sticky Point Many of us are familiar with the term writers block but until we experience it for ourselves, it is difficult to really imagine how difficult it can be overcome. Although the vast majority of us are never going to be professional writers, there are … View post Edit post Delete post overblog 3:52 pm Motivational Videos - Raise Morale Effectively and Affordably People are constantly looking for motivational tools that can spark a burst of enthusiasm and energy. Raising motivation levels is one of the top three priorities for any manager or employer. Companies frequently invest large amounts of time, effort … View post Edit post Delete post overblog 3:50 pm 10 Techniques to Dramatically Boost Your Self-Confidence One of the most important qualities that a person must possess in order to achieve total happiness and contentment in their life is self-confidence. Self-confidence refers to an individuals belief that they have the ability to accomplish tasks and o… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 3:48 pm A Guide to Bridal Jewelry Pakistani weddings are all about dresses, jewelry, shopping, traditional customs and many more. Today’s life is too much fast and modern but in our weddings we all always try to follow our customs and traditions. Bride is the main person of any wed… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 3:47 pm A Completely Bridal Makeup Online Course Day 01 Here I am going to give you free tips for makeup Course. Bridal makeup is a different makeup style. Bride always gets every one’s attention at wedding party. Wedding day is the most important day for any bride. She wants to look very beautiful to … View post Edit post Delete post overblog 3:39 pm How to Fix Google Penguin Penalized Website: Where to Start? Google constantly strives to bring the most relevant sites to its users by introducing changing in its algorithms. This often takes webmasters by surprise as these changes sometimes spell doom for their websites. If you have been hit by the latest Pe… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 3:37 pm Starting School Later Boosts Student Success Research shows what parents of teenagers have known forever: teens struggle to wake up early and then they come alive as nighttime deepens. Many parents are dismayed and frustrated over how early their teenagers have to be at school, knowing all thei… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 3:34 pm Feelings, Nothing More We can feel touch and pain and pleasurable sensation; we can feel both positive and negative emotions, and as with any gift that is given to us, what we do with our feelings is up to us. In our chaotic, busy and difficult lives, we are bombarded with… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 3:31 pm The Benefits of a Behind the Ear Hearing Aid When most people picture a listening device, they probably think of a behind the ear hearing aid. This instrument is one of the oldest kinds of models in existence, but advances in technology have allowed manufacturers to improve devices by making th… View post Edit post Delete post overblog 3:24 pm How Artists Can Let Go of Survival Jobs know, because thats what I experienced day after day, year after year as a struggling writer. I deliberately sought out jobs that required very little commitment from me so I could devote my energy to my writing. In return I received very little pay… View post Edit post Delete post facebook 3:15 pm typesofbeauty
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:06:06 +0000

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