12:45am I opened my facebook account, went through my inbox - TopicsExpress


12:45am I opened my facebook account, went through my inbox messages, scrolled down a bit, searching for a conversation. I got it finally, opened it and smiled. 1089 messages it said. I kept on scrolling it till the end. It said 5th April.2012 4:10pm Yes, this was the time, the GOLDEN TIME, when for the first time I had a chat with you, when first time I talked to you, when first time we exchanged numbers. I felt so so good reading our conversation, reading your replies, reading how happy we both were having eachother in our life. I read your messages countless times. I felt so happy. I closed my eyes, a tear dripped from my eye coz I know now we can never have that conversation again coz now we arent friends, coz now things have changed, coz now you are changed. I loved you, you know that. I cared for you, you know that too. I did so so much for you, you know that. I always stood by your side, I always supported you, I always adviced you. Remember our late night conversations? remember those never ending mid night gossips? Remember those laughters? Those pranks? Those silly arguments? Those cute fights? I know you dont remember anything coz if you did, you wouldnt have done what you doing right now. There was a time when I used to be your foremost priority. When you used to tell me about yourself, your life, everything. When you used to call me your SPECIAL FRIEND and meant that too, so what happened now? Remember when you were disheartened coz of that girl, it was me who used to console you for hours, remember when you took a new phone, it was me who specially went to the store to help you make the right choice, remember when your facebook account got locked, it was me who helped you with each and everything, from picture collage to moral support, from birthday wishes to midnight cake, I did so so many countless unmentionable small mere things for you not only coz I cared for you but also coz I loved you to the core, from the bottom of my heart but what did you do? Did you do the same things for me being my special friend? Sorry to say but you didnt even do what a usual friend would do. When I was suffering from typhoid you didnt even ask about my health, not even once for formality sake you called me When I had my exams you didnt even bother to wish me When I was distressed and needed a friend, even contacted you, you didnt made any move to help me or advice me Whenever I needed you, you were never with me, NEVER You had time to be on whats app for hours but to reply me or inquire about me, you had no time You were busy whenever I needed you You had time for everyone except me And the worse, after all what you did and were doing, I sent you a special birthday cake forgetting every hurt I got from you and I didnt even got a special thanks for it, well, yes I think I deserved it completely. Yes, I deserve to be punished to make you my special friend I deserve to be punished for giving you all that you never deserved I deserve to be punished for choosing a really really wrong person as my friend and yes, I REGRET MY DECISION for choosing you as my special friend Today I see you on whats app and facebook, you are happy, glad, you enjoying your life and my presence or absence have simply no value in your life Now I am a bloody nobody for you You dont even ask if I am alive or not Sorry but now I am so hurt that my doors are closed not just for you but for every new person who tries to be my friend Now I am scared coz I dont have the capacity to get hurt anymore Thanks to you for letting me know again why guys shouldnt be trusted Thanks to you for opening my eyes You always said that you are different from other guys, Yes, you are very very different coz other guys didnt hurt me the way you did You did hurt me and hurting someone is the worse thing anyone can do Now I have broken all contacts with you, Deleted you from facebook also, Its been weeks I havent contacted you and I wont contact you ever now Yes you did contact me by forwarding me Diwali messages but I am sorry, I am too hurt to reply you Last but not the least, I am going, going from your life Will try to forgive you if I can, not coz you deserve it but coz I deserve freedom from your hurt Good bye my Special friend Good bye
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 01:22:49 +0000

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