(12). LESSON 12: THE LORD BROUGHT TO PASS A WORD OF PROPHECY SPOKEN CONCERNING JEROBOAM: 1ST KING 12. Specific Bible Reading: 1st Kings 12-16 Supportive Scriptural References: Joshua 1:8 And Romans 12:9-21 SCRIPTS: this is to establish the point that: The kingdom of Israel became spitted into two reigns; Judah stands on her own with her own king and kingdom while the whole of the children of Israel stands on their own with their own king and kingdom because, the cause was from the Lord to bring to pass a word of prophecy spoken concerning Jeroboam (1st King 12: 15-24). The major root of this was Solomon, the Lord was angry with Solomon because his heart was turned from the Lord God of Israel, which had appeared unto him twice, and had commanded him concerning these things, that he should not go after other gods: but he kept not that which the Lord commanded. The Lord then said He will rend the kingdom from him and give ten tribes to his servant and one tribe to his son because of David’s sake, and for Jerusalem’s sake which the Lord had chosen. The Lord later prophetically performs these words through prophet Ahijah the Shilonite. Jeroboam was that servant of Solomon the prophet meet on the field, the prophet caught the new garment he was clad with, rent it into twelve pieces and gave him ten pieces, which represent ten tribes to rule. The remaining two pieces also represent two tribes, one is Judah, Solomon’s son will be left with that to rule while the other tribe is Levi, they had always belong to the Lord for the Lord is their portion (1st King 11:9-38). Brethren, never put on any evil attitude against the word or God, your evil attitude against the word of God can led your fellow brother or sister in the body of Christ to sin and backsliding, split friendships, split families, split marriages, split companies and organizations, split churches, split states and nations. Must you be an agent of split through your evil attitudes? No! Don’t be; rather be an agent of peace and unity. Your evil attitudes are capable to attract evil prophecies to your life which can have effect on your children and generations to come like it did to Solomon. Learn to take very good care of your attitudes and live totally in accordance to the lifestyles of our kingdom.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:58:27 +0000

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