12 STEP HEALING PROCESS Keep in mind that each of you is unique - TopicsExpress


12 STEP HEALING PROCESS Keep in mind that each of you is unique and each of the experiences you have are unique. Below is a simple healing process; there are many variations available to you. The more skilled you are at accepting Spiritual Guidance and the more skilled you are at facing your fears, the easier this process will be for you. By inviting the assistance of your Spirit Guides, you will be shown ways that are unique to assist you in the healing process. The basic steps are as follows. 1. Find a quiet location where you will not be disturbed, preferably for at least an hour. A peaceful place in Nature is ideal. 2. Quiet your inner and outer mind by focusing on your breath and relaxing your muscles. There are a myriad of techniques to help you with this process. Choose one that feels comfortable to you. 3. Call in your Higher Self, asking for Spirit Helpers to assist with this process. Ask for protection from any outside forces of interference. State your intention by naming the past wound and current malady you wish to heal. 4. Choose the physical site on your body to work on. State your intention ,for example, “My liver is healthy and fully functioning.” Begin to gently tap on that area of your body. Pay attention to the thoughts and physical sensations you feel. 5. Many things can happen at this point. You may remember a traumatic event from this life or a past life. You may see or hear the name of a healthy food or vitamin supplement. You may see yourself in a practitioners office. A person may come to your mind. 6. Pay attention to any emotions that arise. Let them bubble to the surface. If you feel like crying, then cry. If you feel like dancing, then dance. If you feel like drawing in the soil, then do so. These are ways to release the emotions that have become squelched and stagnated. 7. If an event or person comes to your mind, allow the remembrance of it, as you initially experienced it. If it is too painful, ask your Guides to let you view this objectively, as though you were watching a movie. 8. As best you can, bring up feelings of forgiveness and love for yourself and all other persons involved in whatever memory comes to you. This may take several sessions for some issues. Be patient and fake it til you make it. 9. Visualize yourself as fully healed. Gently and lovingly stroke the area involved. Thank your body for its assistance with the healing process. 10. Thank the Spirit Helpers that are assisting, even if you dont quite believe they exist. Once you have experienced a few miracles and heard enough miraculous stories, you will eventually know that something bigger than you is happening! 11. Close the session by thanking all that were present. 12. As best as you can, do not speak words or have feelings that will re-create the dis-ease. Keep your thoughts focused on your total body as being healed and healthy. Selamet! Be in joy! Chicchan 6 To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 45 at: mayanmessages.wordpress/days-40-52/ Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others... Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 01:11:38 +0000

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