12 Signs of emotional maturity Each person has a different level - TopicsExpress


12 Signs of emotional maturity Each person has a different level of emotional maturity. It is something which you can consistently work on and improve over time. You can use the following signs of emotional maturity to gauge your own level: 1. Flexibility You are able to see each situation as unique and you can adapt your style accordingly. 2. Responsibility You take responsibility for your own life. You understand that your current circumstances are a result of the decisions you have taken up to now. When something goes wrong, you do not rush to blame others. You identify what you can do differently the next time and develop a plan to implement these changes. 3. You understand that vision trumps knowledge You know that you do not need to have all the answers. As long as you can identify the problem, you can visualise a solution and research the best way to implement that solution. 4. Personal growth Meeting the challenges of tomorrow requires learning and development today. You have a desire to learn and a thirst for knowledge. Learning and development activities form a key part of your schedule. 5. You seek alternative views Knowing that the way things are done can always be improved, you willingly seek out the opinions and views of others. You do not feel threatened when people disagree with you. If you feel that their way is better, you are happy to run with it. 6. Non-judgemental Variety makes the world a more beautiful place. Even when you disagree with people, you do not feel the need to criticise them. Instead, you respect their right to their beliefs. 7. Resilience There will always be things that go wrong. There will always be setbacks and major disappointments. While you may initially be a little upset, emotional maturity allows you to express your feelings, identify the actions you can take, and move on. 8. A calm demeanour It’s hard to be calm 100% of the time but you are able to remain calm the majority of the time. 9. Realistic optimism You are not deluded. You know that success requires effort and patience. You do, though, have an optimistic disposition whereby you believe you can cope with whatever life throws at you. You also believe that there are opportunities out there for you, so you seek them out. 10. Approachability You are usually easy to get along with and people feel comfortable approaching you. Building relationships is never contrived; it comes easy to you. 11. Self-belief You appreciate when others praise or compliment you. It feels good when they approve. However, you know that there will always be people who disapprove but you are confident in who you are and what you do. If you believe that a particular course of action is right for you, you will do it, whether they approve or not. 12. Humour You don’t take yourself too seriously. You are able to enjoy a good laugh with friends and colleagues, even when you are the butt of the joke. One of the greatest obstacles to emotional maturity is passive aggressive behaviour. You can learn to ovecome it with out guide to Tackling Passive Aggressive Behaviour . Emotional maturity allows you to take charge of your life. You have your own vision for your life and your own ambition for success. Focusing on realising your vision, you can create a happy, healthy life where you respect yourself and others. When you develop emotional maturity, life becomes a joy rather than a chore. Your happiness and fulfilment are in your hands. Emotional maturity doesn’t evolve overnight. It takes effort, practice and patience. If you can improve a little every day, you will soon be living a happier, more fulfilled life. good mrg ..
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 01:37:55 +0000

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