#12 [The letter was saying GONE ON A BUSINESS TRIP.] [Two - TopicsExpress


#12 [The letter was saying GONE ON A BUSINESS TRIP.] [Two weeks later] Andile on the phone with Sonia. Andile:You should have atleast warned us about your disappearance and prepared ourselves for the heart break. Sonia:I tried calling you but the reception was really bad. Andile :I know it can be difficult to reach me when am home. Sonia: You have to climb a tree to get signal ( laughing). Andile:Laughed. .......no. my village aint that rural. Sonia:(still laughing) Whatever. Andile:I got to admit that the house is so big and dead without you.. I didnt take notice of other rooms until these past two weeks.. Sonia:Well my apartment here is very quite. Even a grouo of patients cant compare with Yoliswas noise, that now seems to be normal to listen to. Andile:Apparently she is the most quite person since we arrived. Sonia:She will have to wait another week. Andile:That long!(raising his voice a bit) Sonia: (surprised) Yes. Andile; Sorry about that. Sonia:Its okay. Andile:So do you travel like this often. Sonia:Sometimes. But when I was still married they didnt send me away. Andile:Why? Sonia: I was a mother and they said it wasnt healthy for Siya and didnt want to put a strain to my marriage. Andile:One intelligent policy ever. Sonia:Yeah. But now they drag me as they wish. I am not complaining though. Andile:I am. Sonia Oh (blushing ) Why? Andile: its not good for my health. Sonia: Your health is just fine. Andile:You should examine my heart I think I felt go in pieces. Sonia:Are you flirting with me Mr Khanyisa? .(smiling) Andile:No. Just telling the truth Sonia: I think its way past your bedtime. Andile: laughed ......okay mom.Will talk tomorrow. Sonia: maybe. Andile:Ill teleport if you are planning to avoid my call. Sonia:laughed. ........ .kiss Yoliswa for me . Andile:Ill decide on that. I might keep the kiss for myself. Sonia: laughed and blushed.......Goodnight Andile. Andile:night. (call ended) [Next morning at Sonias house] Yoliswa dragging her self to the kitchen where his dad was making breakfast. . Yoliswa:Dad I dont like my hair this way. Aunt Sonia doesnt do it this way. Andile:But you never complained before. Yoliswa: thats before a best better option came along. Andile:Just sit down and eat. She pulled a chair and sat down. Andile dished up for her. HAHAHA! DRAMA QUEEN
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:04:01 +0000

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