12 Things You May (Or Dont Give A Schmidt To) Know About Me A - TopicsExpress


12 Things You May (Or Dont Give A Schmidt To) Know About Me A Parody of Dr. Juvy Agravantes Post 1. I dont have a younger sister. I think it would have been great to have a younger sister. If she were really, really nice. And if she were less attractive than me. Buwahahaha! 2. I love coffee and mocha. I love the taste. When I was a kid, almost every birthday party I attended to had chocolate cake. Only my cousins slash next-door neighbors had mocha-flavored cake, and I always looked forward to their birthdays. I love the feel of whole coffee beans in sacks. I love their smell and how they trigger my brain to wake up. Heck, I even love the sight of new coffee shops sprouting out of nowhere. 3. I was permanently scarred when I had to dissect a frog in second year high school Biology class. My teacher performed a dissection for the whole class first. Then she let us dissect our own frogs, leaving behind the frog she dissected. THAT frog rose from the dead and made a pathetic and disgusting attempt at escaping with its intestines (and other internal organs I cannot name) hanging out of its wide open belly. I metaphorically died along with it. 4. I cannot speak Filipino without a bad accent. Its not even a Cebuano accent. More of a really awkward foreigner learning Filipino for the first time. My Filipino on paper is passable, but dont let me speak it. Not even to a Globe customer service representative. Just. No. 5. I hate math. Mostly because Im so bad at it. Or maybe I was average and everyone else had superior IQ that crushed my math esteem. No, I was just really bad at math. 6. If I didnt major in Linguistics and Literature, Id probably have taken aeronautics. That would have been a drastically different path for me. In an awesome way. Plus, Id have lots of fun making flying puns. Like, if I passed a test and somebody asked me how well I did, Id say I passed with flying colors. And dont get me started on my flying playlist: I believe I can fly, Flying without wings, Fly on the wall. Heh. 7. I almost always cry when watching movies. I cry over animated films (Pixar should come up with their own brand of tissue paper--Toy Story 3 was just the tip of the iceberg), I cry over documentaries, musicals (Les Mis--5 times, my friends), romances, family dramas. And yes, even TV commercials. Have you seen the latest Jollibee Christmas commercial? Wheres your humanity? 8. I like to shop for clothes. But I like money more. Its a bloody inner battle I fight everytime I have to go shopping. Like when my jeans no longer fit--personal issues. Or when somebodys going to get married or have a party. That kind of stuff. 9. I dont eat dinuguan, balot, and raw fish. I also dont eat certain vegetables like okra, tomatoes (yeah, yeah, its supposed to be a fruit but tell that to every single grocery store), squash. I dont eat pears because of its weird texture. I dont eat ox tongue because bleeeechh. And animal privates. Come on, people! 10. On average, I only get seriously sick once a year. And Im so depressed that I can no longer go to my pediatrician when Im sick because Im past 18 already. I miss her rocking horses, all those toys in her clinic, the jelly ace she gives after checkup. And her other patients, bless those kids. Who start screaming their heads off when she gives them shots. I hate children. 11. No matter how many times I hear about the donkey story (and its other variations), I still want to please people. I hate the feeling of going home knowing I displeased somebody. It kills me. 12. My shoe size is (also) 9. Its big. People say its really big. And then I tell them that Paris Hiltons a size 10. Bet you didnt know that!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 15:47:57 +0000

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