12 Year Commitment to JOY I found an old journal when I was - TopicsExpress


12 Year Commitment to JOY I found an old journal when I was cleaning up my desk today. It was meant to be found amongst old newspaper clippings and keep sakes of this career I’ve had. In it lies paragraphs of youthful optimism and written evidence of some of my travels/adventures. This particular piece was embedded between scrawled Jiu Jitsu drawings and journals of my trip to Brazil. Reading through this made my come to the conclusion that I miss the experience of writing. I used to have these books to scribble meaningful notions down in, and did nearly every day, but my late teens and early twenties came and went. So with it my dedication to scripting out my thoughts and beliefs expired for lack of time or lack of exuberance. If any of you write by habit, and are within the age group aforementioned.. .KEEP AT IT!! When we are elderly and wearing protective undergarments for fear of staining the nursing home upholstery, we won’t remember much of anything, and most that we do will be diluted or skewed by dementia. Writing can be the minutes of the meeting that is your life. A paragraph might be able to bring back a whole experience, or even serve as evidence to the nurses and care workers that the event actually happened and you are not in fact bat shit crazy( many of the stories I have I am sure sound completely fictional)! I, for one, feel the key/finger relationship isn’t as organic or personal as pen work, but I wanted to share with my family, students and friends an aging and stained-paper chunk of wisdom from my 21 year old brain, so we must settle for this computerized and impersonal digital script. Postage is expensive, and screenshots would fail the purpose because I doubt you could read my faded handwriting on the spiral bound ledger. Strangely enough, this piece was written EXACTLY 12 years ago TODAY. June 30th, 2002. The catharsis of this particular youthful and optimistic jaunt remains the same every time I read it. It has been something of an unmelodic and enlongated mantra for me. It convinced me as I inked it that it was truth, it continues to guide me as I live day to day, and it will hopefully bring a wrinkled smile to a toothless, senile old mouth when I am in my nineties. It has served as a reminder of how much beauty we are surrounded by when stress attacks me to the core, or as a beacon of affirmation of my path when everything is tip top. I believe it showed up today to be shared. In my completely irrelevant, only-educated- by- life opinion (the proof is in my grammatical chaos) we are all a piece of each other’s puzzle. There are over 6 billions homo sapien heartbeats pumping LIFE through billions of miles of aorta’s, veins and capillaries on this planet RIGHT NOW. In an unproven hypothesis I would suggest that each of those heartbeats share at least one beat together in a perfect moment of synchronicity with the other five billion, nine hundred ninety million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine (big breath), within the twenty four hours it takes to rotate this rock we live on a single time. I will share a heart beat with you, my wife, the child living inside of her, my best friends, worst enemies, and maybe just about every other weirdo on all four corners of this fantastic planet. There is rhythm to the chaos and everything we do WILL affect someone else. Me writing this with intention to share MIGHT affect one of you? This is the connection we have with each other that amazes me beyond words; typed, scrawled or spoken. It always makes me feel like we will BE alright, as long as we try to be as good as we can and keep the balance heavily loaded on the positive weighing pan of the scale. The gigantic magnitude of this LIFE!!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 05:24:03 +0000

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