12 years ago today, on 9/15/02, I heard a number-915-that changed - TopicsExpress


12 years ago today, on 9/15/02, I heard a number-915-that changed my world but changed my daughters even more so. Then told how waiting 2 more days wouldve meant funeral plans. I began leaning a lot of terms Id never heard before and others took on new meaning: blood sugar, pancreas, bg, ketoacidosis, Humolog, Lantus, carb counts, DKA, lancet, glucagon, honeymoon phase, dead-in-bed, units, bolus, basal, dd, DOC, JDRF, finger sticks, ketones. .. Our life as we knew it was gone forever. Now 2 a.m. was a new alarm setting. Nutrition labels looked different: serving size/carb/protein. Our math improved. Telling people so they could understanding why the shaking, weakness, and confusion or the extreme giggles, very thirsty, and hyperactivity levels could change so quickly-- was not a good thing. Crying and sleep exhausted because three snacks and five juice boxes werent raising blood sugars for hours until it was time to get up for work and school anyway, thus no sleep. Then dealing with the aftermath all day trying to lower the spike--chasing numbers all day. Trying to decide if pizza or ice cream was worth an extra shot. Laughing at peoples expressions when they would hear me as her are you high? Trying to give a shot with an incorrect size syringe. Realizing the kit was forgotten in a now-locked building. Her trying to take a science test when she cant even read the words. Finding a place to put an insulin pump under a beautiful $350 prom dress. Fighting insurance companies trying to explain ketones strips were a necessity and not for cosmetic reasons. Packing for an overseas airline trip was a challenge. Trying unsuccessfully to explain to a school RN why I threw away insulin that he had in a cupboard for 4 months which was no longer effective. Loving another school RN for taking extra workshops to better understand type 1 with school age children. Trying to constantly explain type 1 and 2 ARE somewhat similar while also very different. That she could have a medical emergency so quickly that you need to know how to administer life saving glucagon. That she had some of the best friends parents who werent afraid to invite her to stay overnight and theyd watch her sugar levels in the middle of the night. That kids could help recognize a low and wait patiently, while on a zoo field trip, as she ate a snack to raise her blood sugar. That true friends stay up with you the entire night and check in with your mom when you drink too much and it messes with your blood sugar levels. That the DOC can help you with anything/anytime, even when you run out of insulin and insurance wont kick in for two weeks...too long to wait. That a cell phone and insulin pump, however similar to view, are NOT the same thing. That other kids dont realize the novelty of snacking on glucose tabs wears off if you have diabetes. That family understood, was there always, & knew when you needed an extra hand. That you have more medical knowledge of diabetes than do many nurses and doctors. That you are the same person, only stronger inside, more empathetic, better at living life because at first- you HAVE to be more strong, understanding, and stop taking pity on yourself. You begin to even excel. And then propelled into the new world. Its not easy but gets easier. 12 years ago today, I thought I was going to lose my daughter. Instead, shes proven type 1 does not keep you down. It knocked her down in the initial shock, tosses her some punches, challenges her some days more than others, but like Rocky, it aint about how hard you get hit, its how hard you get hit and keep moving forward. ♡ this girl! I am so so very proud of you Shelby!!! Happy Dia-versary, Shelbs!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 08:52:58 +0000

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