12 years on, faces of Gujarat riots share a room and a dream - The - TopicsExpress


12 years on, faces of Gujarat riots share a room and a dream - The Times of India KANNUR: Qutubuddin Ansari, the face of 2002 Gujarat riot victims shared the dais with Ashok Mochi, the Bajrang Dal activist whose photograph became the icon of the inhuman face of the riots, at a function organized by CPM here, 12 years after the incident. The function happened on Monday.... I realized what is love only after leaving Gujarat and today hundreds of people come to meet me but I interact with only those who have humanity, Ansari told the public meeting. He said the society should realize who the masterminds of the riots were. I have no hatred towards Ashok Mochi; I know he was only a tool in the hands of rioters and today I have a feeling of love towards him. In his address, Mochi also said he knew love only after he shed his past. I have abandoned the politics of hatred and revenge once and for all, and my life was changed completely after the 2002 riots, said an emotional Mochi. Now, I realize Ansari is my brother. timesofindia.indiatimes/india/12-years-on-faces-of-Gujarat-riots-share-a-room-and-a-dream/articleshow/31440200.cms https://facebook/search/me/non-friends/me/friends/friends/intersect?ref=eyJzaWQiOiIwLjEzMTAyNDQ3MDc4MzY2ODk3IiwicXMiOiJKVFZDSlRJeVVHVnZjR3hsSlRJd1NTVXlNRzFoZVNVeU1HdHViM2NsTWpJbE5VUSIsImd2IjoiOWE0YTRmMTZiMDIyOWRhMjM1YmEyMDNhYTVjZmE0ZDU5YWNmYTUwNyJ9#!/photo.php?fbid=10201768490358174&set=p.10201768490358174&type=1&theater
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:18:29 +0000

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