120 There is no coincidence but providence of God The situation - TopicsExpress


120 There is no coincidence but providence of God The situation was as follows: David was fleeing from Saul and hid in the wilderness of Ziph in a wood. The Ziphites, inhabitants of that region, knowing that denounced Saul that David was among them. Saul knowing the cunning of David sent them to investigate if it was still there. But David had changed his hiding place, was now in the wilderness of Maon, Saul discovered and went to meet him, he and his men have managed to surround David and his companions, surrounded on all sides, could only look up. It was there that probably did the inspiration for the composition of Psalm 121 From where will my help come? and the help came. When Saul actually managed to surround David, a messenger came saying that the Philistines invaded Israel, was forced to retire and stop chasing him to go fight the Philistines, and then David found the answer to your question My help cometh the Lord, who made heaven and earth. The king of Syria wanted to find and arrest the prophet Elisha; he learned that he was in Dothan, a city surrounded by walls that stood on a hill. The king sent his army with horses and chariots. At dawn, they had surrounded the city (2 Kings 6:13, 14). When the helper Elisha got up and went outside, saw the enemy army, he was afraid and shouted: my master! how shall we do? And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. (2 Kings 6:15-17). What can we learn from this? Elisha was surrounded by the army of Syria and yet was calm and still. He trusted in God and saw that was protect. We can say that, in a way, we also have to see horses and chariots of fire protecting us, if we have faith that God is protecting his people and always trust him; we will feel safe and will have his blessing. (Psalm 4: 8). In time He will heal you, strip you of anguish and desert came to rescue us, because it is faithful and just. Mephibosheth son of a prince was abandoned, but it was no coincidence when David helped him (2 Samuel 9). He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not scratch your name Gods book of life. When we talk to God, or pray, waging invisible battles, but achieved visible victories, then we understand that nothing will separate us from Him, when we are with our feet clean, do not want to dirty them, when our hands are clean, do not want to inundated with any dirt. Which situation is taking your peace, surround or leaving sad and bothered? never and in no way God abandon you or you will fight alone, adverse situations exist to make us strong, and achieve to see that God exists, because the unimaginable will work and act, and your life will be strong even after so many battles will be crowned. David, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel and Mephibosheth, they all beheld the invisible through the problems, do not know if your problem is tiny or Herculean size, but know that victory and justice are in your hands, only just believe, exercise faith and to work so that the word of God spread while going through these problems. Seeing the invisible, all the problems thereafter they will be nothing compared to the experience of having God on your side to make you winner and then the story of his life will be changed. (Correia, Oscar) CT lettersvitae/wordpress/?p=3069
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:41:43 +0000

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