#1209- Hey guys I’m such a beta I got dumped by my - TopicsExpress


#1209- Hey guys I’m such a beta I got dumped by my girlfriend of 3 years six months ago...largely because I had let myself go and she was no longer physically attracted to me and my constant irritability was bringing her down. I decided at this point to get back into the dating game and try my hand out at asking a girl out. There was a girl in my tute called Bailey. She was a 7.5/10, nice, and intelligent. We were always friendly towards each other in the lab and being the fat beta I was, I interpreted that as her being interested. So, one day I work up the balls to invite her over for dinner. She agrees. This is where things start to get ugly. She comes over to my place at around 7pm. I decided to go #YOLO mode and cook an elaborate dinner with steak, twice-baked potatoes, several sides, and a $40 bottle of wine(keep in mind Im working 2 jobs just to make ends meet). I had set a table and lit candles. When she sees it all shes like, Oh jesus..you really went all out. In my mind I interpreted that as, How sweet! A man thats willing to go the extra mile! We start eating and honestly, theres not a lot of talking. Dinner goes by QUICK...like 30 minutes quick. She finishes and shes like, That was really nice, thank you. and starts motioning to leave. I start to panic and just blurt out, Wait theres more! Lets go see a movie! Being the nice girl she is, she says, Oh, okay. I have NO idea whats playing in theatres and right now Im wondering if my card is going to get denied at the ticket counter. As were leaving my place to go the movies, my roommate, Tom, comes in. He briefly says hello and introduces himself, and we go on our way. We arrive at the movies.. We settle for My Bloody Valentine in 3D. The movie is as crappy as it sounds. Theres beheading after beheading, full frontal nudity on screen, a rape scene or two, and gratuitous violence. Bailey looks just sort of mortified as shes sitting in her chair cringing with her hand on her face leaning away from me. The movie FINALLY ends, and Bailey looks like she has PTSD at this time. I drive her home and she awkwardly hugs me at the door. Being the giant beta dink that I am, in my mind I thought the night went GREAT and said, We should do this again sometime!! with a huge enthusiastic grin on my face. Shes like Uh huh...gives me one of those awkward side hugs, and goes inside. GREAT SUCCESS is all I can think in my mind. So..were in the tute together the following Monday and shes acting super weird around me. Usually we would laugh and tell stories and all that, but today shes just sort of quiet. I also notice that shes texting on her phone a lot. I decided not to make a lot out of it and figured she was having a bad day. I try making small talk with her and brought up how I had a FKING FANTASTIC TIME with her over the weekend and get a lot of, Yeahhh uh huhs out of her. I go home after work that night and my other 3 roommates are all in the living room. I hear one of them say to Tom, So are you going over there? and he replies, Not sure...probably. When I walk in the room they all got mysteriously quiet. I think you guys know where this is going... So on Wednesday, its the same story. Bailey is distant and texting...Im there scratching my head. However, at one point she goes to the other room and left her phone on the counter. It vibrates for a text, and without thinking I just glanced at the screen. Its my roommate, Tom. Now, they had literally NEVER met prior to that elaborate dinner...and their interaction that night was approx 15 seconds. But apparently one of them got ahold of the other, and now they were texting back and forth every 3 minutes. I get home that evening, and my 3 roommates are still sort of hush-hush around me and I noticed Tom was texting the whole evening. So now its Friday. I get home from work and Tom is heading out the door. He looks nice....too fking nice. I ask him where hes going and he says, Out with some friends. Bull****. He leaves, and I spend the entire night drinking Mountain Dew, playing Halo, not sleeping, and raging and thinking, HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO ME??? Midnight rolls around...hes not home. 2am rolls round...still not home. 4am rolls around...STILL NOT HOME. Theres no way, Im thinking. No way he spent the night. So I do the unthinkable. I hop in my car and drive over to her place around 6am. Im thinking..this HAS to be a coincidence...theres no way he spent the night. Hes probably somewhere else. So I pull up towards her place and what do I see? Tom leaving her apartment with a big grin on his face and Bailey in a set of pajamas. And what do they see? Me. They ****ing see me doing a slow drive-by in my car outside her apartment. I take off and drive home and go to sleep. So Saturday I wake up around 2pm feeling like complete chit after being betrayed by my roommate, having this girl I had a crush on get smashed by my roommate after a week of knowing him, after staying up all night in rage, and feeling hungover from all that Mountain Dew. Im in my room upstairs and I can hear my roommates talking downstairs. Im in a complete rage...but Im not sure what to do about it yet. I do know Im hungry as hell, though. But, rather than risk running into my roommates, I waited in my room until they left and playing XBox and drank what remaining Mountain Dew I had for sustenance. 6pm rolls around and they FINALLY leave, so I go out and drown my sorrows in more Mountain Dew and gorge on some Maccas. During this trip I decided I needed to man up and confront Tom for betraying me. I get home and my roommates are back. Fk. I didnt think it would be so soon. But, its now or never. I asked Tom if we can talk outside and he agrees. We go outside and I just lose it, Dude Tom were roommates how could you do this to me? You KNEW I had feelings for her and that I really liked her but you decided to fk her anyways? I start to get choked up and a few tears are coming down my face. I went through all that trouble and that dinner was like $120 and you KNOW how financial broke I am. At this point I start to just lose it and just spill my entire guts at this poor guy. And I never feel like I fit in in our apartment and I think I need to move out now. How could I ever trust you again after this? Tom just stares at me with wide eyes and a mortified expression on his face. He replies, Uh dude okay if you dont want me to see her thats fine, theres plenty of other girls here and ends it with that and goes back inside the apartment. For some reason, that made me feel better. I see Bailey in the tute on Monday. Shes actually acting really friendly and seems like shes in a good mood. Though at some point she does ask me, Hey, were you in my neighborhood Saturday morning? I made up the worst lie I could think of, Oh...yeah...I had to drop off my friends dog at his house and its in the same neighborhood as you. She bought it. I thought at this point things might actually be okay...Tom wasnt going to see her anymore, Bailey was being friendly towards me again, and even if we werent dating at least I had that. So Wednesday rolls around. Im feeling pretty fking good at this point. Things seem to have settled down. I head into the tute whistling a tune and smiling from ear to ear because just like Mr. Marley said, Every little thing gonna be alright! Then I see Bailey. And she looks fking furious...like you ran over my dog with your car furious. She sits in silence and does her work. I notice she isnt texting today. I go up to her towards the end of the workday and say, Hey Bailey is something wrong? She glares at me and says, Outside. I think, Oh this is great, shes going to confide in me. This is my chance to show her how supportive I can be! We walk outside to a semi-private area. She looks at me. What the fk is wrong with you? Didnt see that one coming. Huh? I replied. WHAT did you say to Tom to make him tell me he didnt want to hang out with me anymore? Oh, uh...I dont know. Seriously. What is your problem? Him and I were getting along just fine until you ruined it. Well Bailey tbh Ive had feelings for you for a while which is why I made that dinner and took you to the movies and spent all that money(yes, I really said this). Yeah, what the fk was that. I thought we were friends and we were going to just hang out and eat a pizza or something. Why on Earth did you do all that crap? Ive never even HINTED that I had any interest in you outside of being friends and colleagues. And now, I FINALLY found someone I liked and you had to go and ruin it all just because you were jealous. You know what that makes you? A child. -Deer in headlights look- Yeah, it makes you a child. You know what? Youre pathetic. Youre an immature, pathetic child. With that, she turned around and went back into the building. So I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said Fresh and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought, naw, forget it, yo holmes to Bel-Air. I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and said to the cabbie Yo holmes smell ya later. Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:35:01 +0000

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