122ND KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING Presiding over the - TopicsExpress


122ND KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING Presiding over the one hundred and twenty-second (122nd) sitting of the Kano State Executive Council today Wednesday 6th November, 2013 (3rd Muharram, 1435 AH), Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE expressed his gratitude and that of the entire Council, to Almighty Allah for granting the entire Muslim Ummah the longevity to enter yet another year in the Islamic Calendar. Prosperity and fruitful existence in the year ahead was prayed for from the divine mercy and bounties of Allah for the entire citizenry in Kano State and the country at large. With this in view, Council received thirty-two (32) memoranda from eleven (11) MDAs for deliberation among which nineteen (19) were approved for execution with an expenditure of Three Billion, One Hundred and Sixteen Million, Five Hundred and Seventy Six Thousand, Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven Naira, Seven Kobo (N3,116,576,787.07) covering ten (10) projects. Thus: 1. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT Only one (1) among five (5) of the memoranda submitted on behalf of some MDAs from this Office was approved for execution after deliberation by Council. Thus: Memorandum on the Need to Appoint a Renovation and Revival Committee for Kano State Race Course and Horse Racing Respectively in Kano State:- The Special Adviser (Sports) intimated Council, as endorsed by the Office of the Secretary to the State Government, through the contents of this memorandum that existing facilities at the Kano Race Course have dilapidated to a stage with negative consequence on Traditional Horse Racing in the State. Four (4) problems were identified, which informed the Special Adviser on Sports to present the following four (4) observations for the consideration of Council; i. That Government at various times on the reactivation of the Race Course and Horse Racing in Kano set up several Committees. ii. That there appears to be a deadlock on who is in charge of the Race Course Community and Horse Racing in Kano State. iii. That some stakeholders in Kano Race Course and Horse Racing shy away from the game due to some negative activities by some misguided persons in the area. iv. That the residents at the Race Course are not united, which causes threat to peace and security coupled with distrust and misinformation on the Race Course and Horse Racing activity. In view of these observations/problems, the Special Adviser on Sports forwarded the following two (2) suggestions for consideration by Council. Viz; • That there is need for Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE to pay a visit to the Kano Race Course and witness the dilapidated condition of the monumental Sports arena. • That there is need to appoint a 24 – Member High Powered Committee to be known as Kano Race Course and Horse Racing Renovation and Revival Committee to operate under twelve (12) Terms of Reference. The details on the 24 – Members, which is to be chaired by Alhaji Bashir Dalhatu (Walin Dutse) and twelve (12) Terms of Reference for the operations of the Committee were appreciatively acknowledged and approved by Council. 2. OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR/HON. COMMISSIONER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Five (5) memoranda were submitted for deliberation by Council from the Office of the Deputy Governor/Hon. Commissioner for Local Governments. Only one (1) of them was approved for execution as follows: Presentation of Report on Urban and Rural Solar – Powered Infrastructure Proposed and Executed by Copious Energy Nigeria Limited and Request for Funds for the Implementation of the Solar – Powered Electricity to Ten (10) Boarding Secondary, Science and Technical Schools in Kano State:- The Deputy Governor/Hon. Commissioner, Ministry for Local Governments reminded Council of its approval for the release of the aggregate sum of N9,689,000.00 to execute the pilot project on: i. Solar Irrigation Solution N8,350,000.00 ii. Solar Powered Deep FreezersN1,339,000.00 TotalN9,689,000.00 Success with the execution of the pilot project informed the Office of the Deputy Governor/Hon. Commissioner for Local Governments to suggest extending the project in phases to our Boarding Secondary, Science and Technical Colleges by the installation of Solar – Powered Electricity Supply. A list of ten (10) Schools spread across the three (3) Senatorial Districts in Kano State was obtained from the Ministry of Education for the purpose. The Schools include; GSS Bichi, GGC Dala, GSS Dambatta, GSS Ajingi, GGC Kachako, GGC Kura, GSS Zakirai, Science College D/Tofa, Science College D/Kudu and GSTC Karaye. Each School is to be provided with 6KW Solar Electricity System at the cost of N12,635,095.00 totaling up to the aggregate sum of N126,350,950.00 for the ten (10) selected schools, which was requested for release by Council. Significance of the project to the upliftment of Education, prompted the granting of approval by Council for the release of the requested sum of N126,350,950.00 to enable the installation of 6KW Solar Electricity System to each one (1) of ten (10) Schools. 3. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Presentation of the Need and Request for Funds to Enable the Renovation of Some Existing Physical Structures at GGSS Shekara:- The Honorable Commissioner for Education notified Council, through the contents of this memorandum that GGSS Shekara is the only Boarding Secondary School in the Kano Municipal Local Government Area. Physical inspection of the School recently conducted revealed that some existing physical structures require urgent renovation. Again, an abandoned storey block of four (4) Science Laboratories with two (2) Offices stands desolately requiring completion for occupation/utilization. The scope of works required for the renovation and completion of the physical structures and the storey block were assessed at the cost of N29,297,825.34, which was requested for release by Council to enable the execution of the stated projects. Considering the significance of the project/request to the resolve of the present administration to provide qualitatively for the upliftment of education in all ramifications, Council approved the release of the requested sum of N29,297,825.34 to the Ministry of Education to enable execution of the stated project at GGSS Shekara. 4. MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Presentation of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Integrated Vital Registration into National Healthcare Delivery System:- The contents of this memorandum referred to a letter with reference number MOH/OFF/249/1/160 of 3/10/2013 from the State Ministry of Health to the State Ministry of Justice soliciting for professional advice/opinion on the cited issue (Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Integrated Vital Registration. Candid opinion of the Ministry of Justice on the issue communicated to the Ministry of Health, as Council was notified, was that the MoU could be signed considering the fact that responsibilities of the parties to the MoU were clearly stated. Further, the contents of the MoU shows that the capacity of the Health Workers to be involved in the program will be enhanced to enable them carryout the objective of the agreement. Notably, the MoU made no mention of the financial implications on the part of the State Government. Therefore, the Ministry of Justice suggested that such an aspect should be clearly spelt out to avoid conflict in implementing such a vital program. Council appreciated the presentation and approved a joint follow up on the issue by the Ministries of Justice and Health and the submission of the outcome to Council for consideration and approval. 5. MINISTRY OF HEALTH Three (3) of the four (4) memoranda submitted for deliberations by Council from the Ministry of Health were approved for execution as follows: a) Presentation of Information Memorandum (IM) on Post Graduate School (Family Medicine), Ministry of Health, Kano: Situation Report:- The Honorable Commissioner for Health reminded Council, through the contents of this memorandum, of its directive to his Ministry to study a request submitted for the release of overhead in 2013 for the Post Graduate School (Family Medicine) and submit its findings/recommendations for consideration and approval by Council. Responding to the directive, the Ministry of Health set up a Technical Team of experts to apprise the School and submitted the six (6) requirements stated below: • Renovation and furnishing of Office accommodation, • Providing the Library at the School with relevant required textbooks and journals along with ICT equipment (Desktop Computers) and regular Internet Services, • Provision of funds for the running cost (overhead) to run affairs of the School = N290,136.60 monthly (i.e. N870,410.00 quarterly), • Provision of two (2) vehicles (one (1) Official Car for the HOD and one (1) Utility Bus for Residents), • Employment/deployment of two (2) additional Consultants for the School, and • Recruitment/deployment of Supporting Staff (one (1) Librarian, one (1) Confidential Secretary, one (1) Electrician, one (1) Plumber and one (1) Female Sub – Staff/Cleaner). Essentially, Council was requested to approve the execution of the following two (2) prayers immediately: i. Directing the State Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport to assess the renovation/cost implication of the Schools’ Office Complex and Outpatient Clinics for Resident Clinical activities; and ii. The release of the sum of N870,410.00 for the provision of the immediate requirements of the School for the rest of 2013. Council noted, considered and approved the immediate execution of the two (2) prayers specified above. b) Re-submission on Procurement and Provision of Cold Chain Equipment under the Tripartite MoU Arrangement (Kano State, Dangote, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations) to all Wards of 44 LGCAs in Kano State:- The re-submission resulted from the Executive Council resolution on the cited issue during its sitting of Wednesday 30th October, 2013 when deliberating on the earlier submitted memorandum on the procurement and provision of Cold Chain Equipment for which funds had already been provided under the tripartite MoU arrangement. Council resolved that the memorandum/request should be resubmitted along with the following: i. Detailed rationale for the choice of the preferred Cold Chain Equipment (CCE) type (Domestic TCW 2000 Solar Direct Drive), ii. Evidence of recommendation of this particular CCE type by WHO, UNICEF, NPHCDA and the Dangote and Gates Foundations, and iii. Justification of Sole – Source procurement. The contents of this resubmitted memorandum amply substantiated choice of Domestic TCW 2000 Solar Direct Drive for the preservation of vaccines in the 484 Wards across the 44 LGCAs in Kano State. Considering the details presented, Council approved: • The selection of Domestic TCW 2000 Solar Direct Drive as the Cold Chain Equipment (CCE) for Kano State, • Authorization to the SPHCMB to procure 208 units of Domestic TCW 2000 Solar Direct Drive from Prezzo Shed Investment Ltd. as the exclusive agent for the equipment for a total value of $2,412,000.00 c) Presentation of Request for Permission to Handover the Funds Accumulated as Financial Support to Bereaved Families of Ten (10) Polio Immunization Workers Shot to Death by Unknown Gunmen in Kano State:- The contents of this memorandum solemnly reminded Council of the unfortunate killing of Polio Vaccinators by unknown gunmen at Tarauni and Nassarawa LGCAs in February, 2013. A total of ten (10) victims were shot to death including nine (9) Polio Vaccinators and one (1) pregnant woman who was at the Clinic receiving medical attention. The Honourable Commissioner for Health informed Council that the President of Nigeria had graciously reviewed upwards the total donation of N5,000,000.00 to each of the bereaved ten (10) families of the deceased in the incidence. Earlier the deceased families had received N1,000,000.00 from the NPHCDA (Federal Government), N500,000.00 each from the Kano State Government and Dangote Foundation respectively. Further, Council was concertedly informed that N30,000,000.00 had been released and received into the account of the Kano State Ministry of Health from the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHCDA) as balance to add to the earlier approved N10,000,000.00 from the same source. This translates to the following: i. N40,000,000.00 from NPHCDA (Federal Government) ii. N5,000,000.00 from Kano State Government iii. N5,000,000.00 from Dangote Foundation Total= N50,000,000.00 As such, the NPHCDA and the Kano State Ministry of Health solicited for permission by Council and the acceptance of Governor to symbolically and ceremoniously handover the financial support of N5,000,000.00 to each of the bereaved ten (10) families of the deceased victims. Council acknowledged the solemn presentation/request and approved the granting of permission for disbursement of the financial support of N5,000,000.00 to each of the bereaved families of the deceased victims and await fixation of a suitable date for the event by Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. 6. OFFICE OF THE HEAD OF CIVIL SERVICE One (1) of the two (2) memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from the Office of the Head of Civil Service was approved for execution as follows: Request for Funds to Enable the Payment of Salary and Book Allowances in respect of 287 Bonded Medical Students studying at Various Universities within Nigeria:- The laudable policy of Bonding Medical Students by paying them bona-fide salaries while undergoing their studies, by the State Government, warranted the decision of the Kano State Hospitals Management Board to channel the cited request, through the Office of the Head of Civil Service, for consideration by Council. Specifically, the following three (3) prayers were forwarded in respect of the 287 Bonded Medical Students: i. Council to approve the release/payment of twelve (12) months salary arrears to three (3) omitted Bonded Medical Students to the tune of N1,065,801.60 and books allowances (2012 and 2013) amounting to N307,461.60. These totaled up to the sum of N1,373,263.20. Again, the three (3) students should be included in the State payroll with effect from November, 2013. ii. Council to approve the release/payment of the books allowances for the year 2013 to 203 Bonded Medical Students at the rate of N51,243,60 totaling N10,402,450.80. iii. Council to approve the release/payment of six (6) months’ salary arrears to eighty-one (81) Bonded Medical Students to the tune of N14,383,127.20. Total = N26,163,841.20. The request was considered in order as Council granted approval for the execution of the three (3) prayers forwarded and the immediate release of the requested sum of N26,163,841.20 to the Office of the Head of Civil Service to enable the execution of stated purposes by the State’s Hospitals Management Board. 7. MINISTRY OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY, CO –OPERATIVES AND TOURISM The three (3) memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from this Ministry were approved for execution as follows a) Presentation of report on Wrongful Duplication of Payments Approved as Empowerment Package for Members of Kano State Petty Traders residing in Lagos State:- The Honorable Commissioner for Commerce, Industry, Co–operatives and Tourism reported returning the sum of N6,820,000.00 back to the State Government Treasury. The money was paid twice for the same purpose. Details were presented to Council for consideration. Council acknowledged the presentation in appreciation and commended the honest gesture while encouraging all serving Officers to emulate. 8. MINISTRY OF LAND AND PHYSICAL PLANNING One (1) of the two (2) memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning was approved for execution as follows: Presentation of Request for the Revalidation and Release of Funds for the Execution of Contract for the Construction/Dualization of Dakata – Kwanar Inusawa Road:- The contents of the memorandum informed Council that the cited road construction contract was initially awarded to Messrs. SKY Technical and Construction Co. Ltd. by the previous administration under the Ministry of Rural and Community Development on 24/9/2010 at the initial sum of N1,373,049,253.03 with the length/distance of 11.9KM as a single carriage way. Accordingly, the Contractor was given advance payment of N600,688,521.62 net. Nevertheless, interim valuation certificates numbers 2 and 3 in the sums of N74,466,521.85 and N15,551,426.22 respectively were raised in favor of the Contractor and were confirmed not to have been paid. Specifically, the permanent works on the ground were valued by the Management Consultants, Messrs. Integrated Engineering Ltd. in the sum of N501,058,834.00, which was discounted by 10% (i.e. N50,105,883.40). Thus, the value of the previous executed permanent works stands at (N501,058,834.40 – N50,105,883.40) = N450,952,950.00. But, the sum of N600,688,521.62 was paid as advance payment to the Contractor, which implies that the sum of N149,735,571.62 (i.e. N600,688,521.62 –N450,952,950.00 = N149,735,571.62) is still with the Contractor. Importantly, reviewing and revalidating inherited projects in the State, the Fact Finding Committee identified the Dakata – Bela Road Project for completion. The road is a single carriage way situated in Nassarawa/Ungogo LGCAs with a total length of 7KM. It starts from Hadejia Road (Yan’ Kaba Junction) passes through Kawaji – Dakata – Dawaki Dakata – Zango – Rangaza and terminates at Inusawa under phase one of the project. Additionally, there is renovation/repairs of Sama’ila Mai Biscuit 820M link road, which is of importance as it serves as a vital connection to Hadejia Road, Independence Road and Bela Hospital. The 820M link road also enhances economic activities within Bompai Industrial area and its surroundings. Cognizant of the desire of the present administration to upgrade the status of the road from single carriage way of 7.3M width to dual carriage way of 14.6M width, crash barrier and reinforced concrete drain from Hadejia Road (Yan’ Kaba Junction) to Dakata through Kawaji – Dakata – Dawakin Dakata – Zango – Rangaza – Zango – Kwanar Inusawa at the adjusted 100% completion within new Contract sum of N2,824,816,285.53 was proposed. As such, the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning requested Council to approve the execution of the following two (2) prayers in respect of the revalidation and award of the project cited. i. Approve revalidation and award of the Contract for the construction of Dakata – Kwanar Inusawa Road at the sum of N2,824,816,285.53 within 100% completion of revised scope of works to Messrs. SKY Technical and Construction Co. Ltd. ii. Approve the payment of 30% of the reviewed Contract sum amounting to N847,444,885.66 (i.e. Net payment of N847,444,885.66 – N149,735,571.02) = N697,709,314.64. Council considered the relevance of the project to the Community in the area and approved the execution of the forwarded two (2) prayers to enable the execution of the revalidated Contract on the construction/Dualization of Dakata – Kwanar Inusawa Road by Messrs. SKY Technical and Construction Co. Ltd. according to the presented specifications. 9. MINISTRY OF WORKS, HOUSING AND TRANSPORT Three (3) of the four (4) memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport were approved for execution as follows: a) Presentation of Update Report on the Execution of Erosion Control Project at Guushi Bridge along Karaye – Kwangawa Road:- The Honorable Commissioner for Works, Housing and Transport reminded Council, through the contents of this memorandum, of its approval granted for the award of Contract for the execution of Erosion Control at Guushi Bridge to Messrs. MDA Engineering Construction Nigeria Ltd. via Executive Council Extract Number SSCA/CA/EX/10/I/345 of 10th June, 2013. The contents of this memorandum notified Council that before the contractor mobilized to site, the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport received a petition from another/different Contractor Messrs. Saami Nig. Ltd, through the Office of the Honorable Commissioner, Ministry of Environment, claiming to own the Contract as awarded earlier by the previous administration. Reacting to the situation a meeting was convened with the concerned Contractor who agreed to mobilize back to site and complete the remaining works in view of which the following two (2) prayers were forwarded to Council for consideration and approval: • Withdrawal/cancellation of the approval granted for the award of Contract for Erosion Control at Guushi Bridge along Karaye – Kwangawa Road to Messrs. MDA Engineering Construction Nig. Ltd. at the cost of N48,228,320.19 as contained in Council Extract referenced SSCA/CA/EX/10/I/345. • Revalidation of the initial Contract award to Messrs. Saami Nig. Ltd. and settlement of all outstanding valuation certificates to enable the Contractor complete all outstanding works in accordance with project’s scope of works. Council attentively acknowledged the presentation and granted approval for the execution of the two (2) prayers forwarded on the cited issue and directed that all payments should be made from the Ecological Funds. b) Request for Funds to Enable Payment for Diesel (AGO) and Lubricants Consumed by the Task Force Committee on Installation/Repairs/Reactivation of Street and Traffic Control Lights for the Month of September, 2013:- Details on the cited request were presented to Council for consideration and granting approval for the release of the aggregate sum of N60,865,860.00 to the Task Force Committee on Installation/Repairs/Reactivation of Street and Traffic Control Lights to effect payment of Diesel and Lubricants consumed in the month of September, 2013. Council noted, considered and approved the release of the requested sum of N60,865,860.00 to the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport to enable the Task Force Committee on Installation/Repairs/Reactivation of Street and Traffic Control Lights to effect payment for Diesel and Lubricants consumed in the month of September, 2013. c) Presentation of Review of the Value of Some Sold GPs:- The Honorable Commissioner for Works, Housing and Transport concertedly notified Council, through the contents of this memorandum that, the Consultants assigned for the project of sale of GPs to Civil Servants resident in them, reported that twenty nine (29) of the GPs have been reappraised and realized to have been over valued due to the following: • Wrongful inclusion of common driveway land area in the valuation, • Wrongful inclusion of carve – out area as part of some of the GPs. • Erroneous inclusion of renovation cost in the valuation of some GPs that were hitherto in dilapidated state, Details on the twenty-nine (29) GPs under review were presented to Council for consideration along with their new/reviewed values. Council acknowledged the presentation. 10. MINISTRY OF FINANCE Presentation of Report on Multiple Taxation across the Federation at various Levels and its Effect on the Nigerian Economy:- The Chairman Board of Internal Revenue notified Council of the following six (6) items on the cited issue. Viz: • That the National Economic Council (NEC) is currently handling harmonization of Taxes and Levies. • That NEC is streamlining Taxing activities across the levels of Government. • That NEC proposed amendment of Taxes and Levies (Approved list for collection) Act 21. T2 LFN 2004. • That NEC has mandated the Inspector General of Police to ensure that no State or LGC mount Road Blocks on the highway for Tax purposes. • That Tax Authorities should enhance their abilities to enforce Tax Laws within their jurisdiction by creating and empowering Legal and Enforcement Units with powers to enforce Tax Laws within administrative structures. • That Ministerial Implementation Committee comprising the Honorable Minister of Finance, Representative from the Federal Ministry of Justice, National Planning Commission, Honorable Minister of Trade and Investment, Representative of the Inspector General of Police, Acting Chairman Federal Inland Revenue Services (FIRS), State’s Honorable Commissioners of Finance, State’s Chairmen Board of Internal Revenue (BIR), Secretary Joint Tax Board (JTB) and Chairmen Association of Local Governments of Nigeria (ALGON) will continue deliberations and implementation of modalities from 12th – 15th November, 2013. Invitation for representatives from Kano State was presented to Council for consideration. Council acknowledged the presentation appreciatively. 11. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION, INTERNAL AFFAIRS, YOUTHS, SPORTS AND CULTURE Request for Funds to Enable Preparation and Participation of Kano State Contingent in the Maiden Edition of the National U – 17 Youth Game (5th – 15th December, 2013) in Abuja:- The Honorable Commissioner for Information, Internal Affairs, Youths, Sports and Culture notified Council of receipt of an invitation letter from the National Sports Commission to Kano State Government to sponsor its contingent to participate in the Maiden Edition of the National U – 17 Youth Games scheduled to hold in December, 2013 in Abuja. Details were presented to Council for consideration on the proposal from the Ministry of Information, Internal Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture for the State to sponsor 210 contingent to compete in eleven (11) Games at the aggregate sum of N25,045,000.00, which was requested for release by Council. The request was considered to be in agreement with the Sports policy of the administration as Council approved the release of the trimmed down sum of N16,000,000.00 to the Kano State Sports Council to enable the participation of 210 contingent from Kano State to participate in eleven (11) Games at the Maiden U – 17 Games (December, 2013) in Abuja. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES OF THE 122ND EXCO SITTING 1. FORMAL COMMISSIONING CEREMONY OF THE NEWLY CONSTRUCTED HOSTEL AT THE SCHOOL OF BASIC AND REMEDIAL STUDIES, FUNTUA Council delightfully acknowledged the successful formal commissioning ceremony of the newly constructed Hostel at School of Basic and Remedial Studies (SBRS), Funtua by the State Government held on 31stOctober, 2013, which will ease accommodation problem being faced by the Students. Council urged the students to utilize the facility and wishes the School authority success. 2. FORMAL COMMISSIONING OF TWO(2) SETS OF HAND BAGGAGE SCANNERS AT MALAM AMINU KANO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (MAKIA) Council appreciatively acknowledged the successful commissioning of two (2) Sets of Hand Baggage Scanners at Malam Aminu Kano International Airport (MAKIA). The two Scanners cost the Kano State Government over N43million. The scanners are meant to assist security operatives at the Airport in the checking of illegal arms and ammunitions. 3. RUMFOBA OFFICIAL VISIT TO GOVERNOR ENGR. RABI’U MUSA KWANKWASO, FNSE Council acknowledged the visit by the officials of Rumfa College Old Boys Association (RUMFOBA) commending the Governor for his giant stride towards educational development within and outside the State. Similarly, Council called upon other Old Boys Associations in the State to continue supporting their Alma – Mata (Old Schools). 4. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Council witnessed presentation of Awards to GovernorEngr. Rabi’uMusaKwankwaso, FNSE as follows: i. A Special Award to Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE for his Statesmanship and wisdom in Governance by the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria; ii. A Special letter of Award for Appreciation to Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE by the 100 students newly admitted into Bells University Otta, Ogun State sponsored by the Kano State Government. USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS ON ANY EMERGENCY Council endorsed the following useful phone numbers submitted by Security Agents for easy access in case of any emergency on the metropolitan Roads. The public may easily contact KAROTA for breakdown of Vehicle(s), traffic congestion, accidents, and illegal/wrong parking on – 08091626747. Similarly, the State Police Command could be contacted on – 08032419754, 08123821575. In addition, the State Fire Service can also be contacted on – 07051246833, 08191778888. 11 | Page
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:26:30 +0000

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