12th September 2013 For your Father in Heaven knows Texts: - TopicsExpress


12th September 2013 For your Father in Heaven knows Texts: Matthew 6:32 Memory Verse: ‘(For after all these things do gentiles seek :) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have needs of all these things’ [Matthew 6:32] Devotional thought: If you don’t know your needs how will you know if God has given it? Devotion Message Hello dearly beloved. We give glory to the God of all other gods for the gift of wisdom and knowledge. One of the verses I used to have problems believing is Philippians 4:19 because I thought I am not seeing them at Work and that is the way it is with many believers. There was a time in School that I was so much engrossed in God that I forgot all my needs and I just wanted to be with Him, not recognizing that at that time I was almost naked for I had few clothing with me and I never asked God for it. But something drew my attention to it and that was lack of money. I didn’t have money and my clothes were not there but I paid attention to the money than the clothes. One morning as I was going into my hostel, the Spirit reminded of my lack of clothes and that I need them. I agreed but I knew if I laid my hands on money then I would not even buy clothes because there are other things I would have done with it. I was confused and as soon as I was in my hostel the Spirit urged me to open my wardrobe to see the clothes and I knew indeed it was a need, and He urged me to ask my Father in heaven. I did and after that I forgot about the issue. During the week I had people giving me new clothes while I was not expecting or even asking for it. Four days later the Holy Spirit reminded me that I’ve not thank God for what He has done, then I thought in me if He had done anything. Not that I was ungrateful but what happened was that I was paying attention to the money but ignoring the clothes that is really the need and so while God was providing for my need I did not recognize it because He had not provided for my want. What do I want to draw from this story? Many times we do ask for things we wanted at the expense of things we need and if God is providing for our needs we don’t appreciate Him enough. God will never skip your need to provide for what you want because the desires of men most times are vain. Jesus Christ speaking in the memory verse said God knows what we need even before asking for them. He also spoke about the desires of men that if you dwell too much on your wants as against your real need there would be not much difference between us and unbelievers. There is no way your thought pattern will not affect your praise pattern. If you think God is really providing for your need, even the smallest of His goodness shown would be easily seen as such but if the only thing you set your mind on is what you want to happen as against what should, even the biggest help God does outside what you want will not be appreciated well. It is good to ask God for what we want but the knowledge of His will is far greater because it will help us to see how wonderful God really is. I pray God will direct you and make you have the full knowledge of His will as from today in Jesus name. Amen PRAYER Father have mercy on me for I have been ungrateful to you, from today I surrender my will to yours in Jesus name. Amen. BIBLE READING PLAN Judges Chapter 15 Revelation Chapter 13 (Please write down your revelations)
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 07:44:57 +0000

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