13 SCIENTIFIC ONE-HIT WONDERS WHICH MAY NEVER BE REPEATED ( For any other purpose or reason ) 1. The ionized transistor (A novel radiation detector based on a graphene field effect transistor (GFET) is experimentally demonstrated. The detection in GFET relies on the high sensitivity of the resistivity of graphene to the local change of electric field that can result from ionized charges produced in the underlying semiconductor substrate ) ( Primarily used to also possibly send signals through gamma or other types of radioactive wave frequencies ) ( probably not cost effective ) ( not something most people will ever have to worry about ) ( especially not for Southerners ) ( nor immigrants ) ( not smart enough ) 2. The salmon circuit ( A crack team of nanoengineers and biologists have created a non-volatile memory device out of salmon DNA and silver nanoparticles. With regards to the salmon-based WORM memory, the researchers say that this technique could eventually be used to create optical storage devices. Because electricity is used to read the data instead of a laser, though, we are probably looking at optical chips with built in circuitry, rather than discs. The fact that data is written using UV light means that there could be a plasmonic application for the biopolymer, too ) ( The concept of using DNA as the basis for a computer device might seem odd, but it’s actually a sphere of nanoengineering that has been steadily developing since IBM published a paper detailing its use of DNA “scaffolds” to lay out a computer chip, instead of lithography. DNA readily bonds with metal ions, and it seems to be relatively easy to accurately place DNA molecules on a substrate. ) ( And used for what else? )( If it works effectively, it still doesnt seem like something to enhance built-in technology ) ( optical chips to replace memory chips within Google glasses ) ( only salmon DNA ) ( any other applications other than for computer chips? ) ( not something most people will ever have to worry about ) ( especially not for Southerners ) ( nor immigrants ) ( not smart enough ) 3. The die casting ( an immersion or combination of steel and fluid metals like zinc ) ( utilized very efficiently for objects ) ( unfortunately, it doesnt have the tenacity or fortitude for other uses like precious metals, numismatics, coins, currency, or utensils, appliances, and household fixtures ) ( used best for large mass produced quantities ) ( not something most people will ever have to worry about ) ( especially not for Southerners ) ( nor immigrants ) ( not smart enough ) 4. The cold fusion ( Cold fusion is a hypothetical type of nuclear reaction that would occur at, or near, room temperature, compared with temperatures in the millions of degrees that are required for hot fusion, which takes place naturally within stars. There is currently no accepted theoretical model which would allow cold fusion to occur. In 1989 Martin Fleischmann ( then one of the worlds leading electrochemists) and Stanley Pons reported that their apparatus had produced anomalous heat (excess heat), of a magnitude they asserted would defy explanation except in terms of nuclear processes They further reported measuring small amounts of nuclear reaction byproducts, including neutrons and tritium.The small tabletop experiment involved electrolysis of heavy water on the surface of a palladium (Pd) electrode The reported results received wide media attention, and raised hopes of a cheap and abundant source of energy. ) ( Need any more be said ....? ) ( not something most people will ever have to worry about it ) ( especially not for Southerners ) ( nor immigrants ) ( not smart enough ) 5. The focus group ( As Steve Jobs famously asserted, true innovation comes from recognizing an unmet need and designing a creative way to fill it. But focus groups can’t identify those needs for the simple reason that most people don’t know what they are missing until they experience it. A focus group can work in adding incremental improvements to an already existing product or service. But for truly game-changing ideas, they are more likely to cast doubt and skepticism upon them just because they are unfamiliar. ) ( So it may have proved rewarding within a few instances, however, even Inc. published an article in critique of any merit ) ( not something most people will ever have to worry about ) ( especially not for Southerners ) ( nor immigrants ) ( not smart enough ) 6. The destabilization method ( Stimulate the need for change by creating instability that leads people to seek somewhere other than where they are at present. For example, you can: Make the current safe place less safe. Show that which is held to be true is not true, at least not in all important areas. Open the doors of the house to show the real terrors just outside. my Get in angry customers to berate people for poor products and service. Show them the realities of financial instability. Show them competitors products (and how much better they are). Reorganize to break up cosy groups. Give them jobs that are outside of their current skills ) ( Need any more be said ....? ) ( It would prove disastrous for almost any endeavor or think tank ) ( maybe best for really smart people with superlative analytical review skills ) ( not something for most people to ever have to worry about ) ( especially not for Southerners who are already destabilized by blacks ) ( nor immigrants ) ( not smart enough ) 7. The electric coal mine ( In a coal-fired steam station—much like a nuclear station—water is turned into steam, which in turn drives turbine generators to produce electricity. Here’s how the process works. 1. Heat is created Before the coal is burned, it is pulverized to the fineness of talcum powder. It is then mixed with hot air and blown into the firebox of the boiler. Burning in suspension, the coal/air mixture provides the most complete combustion and maximum heat possible. 2. Water turns to steam Highly purified water, pumped through pipes inside the boiler, is turned into steam by the heat. The steam reaches temperatures of up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit and pressures up to 3,500 pounds per square inch, and is piped to the turbine. 3. Steam turns the turbine The enormous pressure of the steam pushing against a series of giant turbine blades turns the turbine shaft. The turbine shaft is connected to the shaft of the generator, where magnets spin within wire coils to produce electricity. 4. Steam turns back into water After doing its work in the turbine, the steam is drawn into a condenser, a large chamber in the basement of the power plant. In this important step, millions of gallons of cool water from a nearby source (such as a river or lake) are pumped through a network of tubes running through the condenser. The cool water in the tubes converts the steam back into water that can be used over and over again in the plant. The cooling water is returned to its source without any contamination, and the steam water is returned to the boiler to repeat the cycle ( So what is the electric coal mine? ) ( A coal-fired plant or actual cavernous mine which is powered by electricity to mine coal and create more electricity ) ( They say that Ben Franklin discovered electricity in the air while flying a kite, so there is energy all around us ) ( Perhaps enough to illuminate coal mines and for alternative sources of energy ) ( So why are we burning so much coal ....? ) ( FOR ALL WE KNOW WE ARE STILL BURNING COAL ARBITRARILY WHEN ALTERNATIVE METHODS COULD BE USED AND ELECTRICITY PRODUCED FROM OTHER SOURCES ) ( What else can we do with it ....? ) ( Or maybe, we just like BURNING SOMETHING ) ( maybe people worry about it ) ( Southerners are probably responsible for it ) ( immigrants believe that they could do intelligent things differently ) ( not American or democratic enough ) 8. The Groundswell Power Source ( The Above Ground Dungeon ) ( Besides The Mindcraft video game, the groundswell power source is a hydroelectric water based energy source which allegedly drills miles beneath the earths surface and topsoil to discover water which could be funneled back to the surface to generate power and energy ) ( an obvious hoax ) ( some even allege that a minor groundswell of water is sufficient for hydro ) ( like a small pond ) ( only the craven would rely upon a pond for their energy source ) ( and an above ground dungeon seems like an oxymoron ) ( although the 3-dimensional Minecraft facsimiles seem excellent whether above or beneath ground ) ( not something for most people to worry about ) ( Especially not for Southerners ) ( nor immigrants ) ( not smart enough ) 9. The Atomic Radio ( An atomic clock is a clock that uses the resonance frequencies of atoms as its resonator. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the resonator is regulated by the frequency of the microwave electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by the quantum transition (energy change) of an atom or molecule. (See the National Institute of Standards and Technology for a diagram and description of the process.) The advantage of this approach is that atoms resonate at extremely consistent frequencies. If you take any atom of cesium and ask it to resonate, it will resonate at exactly the same frequency as any other atom of cesium. Cesium-133 oscillates at 9,192,631,770 cycles per second. This sort of accuracy is completely different from the accuracy of a quartz clock. In a quartz clock, the quartz crystal is manufactured so that its oscillating frequency is close to some standard frequency; but manufacturing tolerances cause every crystal to be slightly different, and things like temperature will change the frequency. A cesium atom always resonates at the same known frequency -- that is what makes atomic clocks so precise. ) ( The atomic radio controlled clock receives signals from the atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado ) ( And The Atomic Radio of the Cold War was comprised of at least 4 segments: RED SCARE RADIO DUCK AND COVER RADIO SPY VS. SPY RADIO MUSHROOM CLOUDS AND MONSTERS ( These programs were devised to entertain, educate, illuminate, and inform about the perils of nuclear war and Communism such that they have become unique and unlikely to be re-created with or for the same sense of societal urgency or mass hysteria ) ( amazing what hillbillies can do when they put their minds to it ) 10. The 3-D Printing ( 3D printing or additive manufacturing (AM) is any of various processes for making a three-dimensional object of almost any shape from a 3D model or other electronic data source primarily through additive processes in which successive layers of material are laid down under computer control. ) ( works like a charm ) ( too bad it doesnt seem to optimize the printing of textile or clothing objects ) ( this may be the next real manufacturing efficiency as publicized for THE NEXT BIG INVESTMENT ) ( See the video ) ( If not, it will be because mass consumerism just doesnt need or want items with antique or heirloom value ) ( so what if Jay Leno found the car part he needed ) ( Buy a new car instead ) ( not something for most people to ever have to worry about ) ( especially not for Southerners ) ( nor immigrants ) ( not smart enough ) 11. The steam engine ( it certainly possessed a lot of historical weight in the 19th century, thanks to Bob Fulton et al .... ) ( unfortunately, our engines now work better on electric rails and through speed tunnels ) ( The Chinese have the record with bullet trains recorded at 380 and 400 mph .... ) ( not something for most people to worry about ) ( especially not for Southerners ) ( nor immigrants ) ( not smart enough ) 12. The answering machine ( there will never be another one like it ) ( an automatic tape recorder and playback synchronized to phone calls ) ( lets see what else can we synchronize this thing to and retrieve a better result ....? ) ( Why not use it to teach languages and parrots? ) ( I really like the way Southerners, think ) ( dont you ....? ) 13. The time bottle ( just a symbolic and figurative object for musings about the relative importance or significance of time ) ( If only .... it could portend so much more .... )
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 21:50:11 +0000

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