13 Signs You Are Meant To Be Self-Employed By Molly Cain. Your - TopicsExpress


13 Signs You Are Meant To Be Self-Employed By Molly Cain. Your boss is driving you crazy because of his short-sightedness. You don’t get along with the other employees because you keep taking control of team projects and bossing everyone around. You are sick of your great ideas being ignored. You are frustrated at the status quo and the lack of innovation in your field. Maybe you’ve been discriminated against, laid off, restructured, demoted and under-valued. You’re fed up and ready for a change. Does this sound like you? Then you may be ready to step out on your own and join the growing ranks of the self-employed! I’ve found that there are 13 important characteristics that predispose people to go out on their own, and I’ve listed them here. If this list sounds anything like you, then seriously consider starting fresh and being your own boss. I know that I have never regretted it! 13 Signs You’re Meant To Be Self-Employed 1) You want flexibility in your schedule. Yes, everyone wants this. However, to succeed out on your own, you have to understand that being self-employed does not mean a shorter work week – in fact, it usually means a longer day and week. I have been self-employed for two years and it’s nearly impossible to take a vacation longer than a 3-day weekend. However, if it’s a really nice afternoon and I’m not on deadline, I can go to the beach or sit outside or take my daughter to the park. With self-employment, you make the rules of your schedule, but time not working is time that is not paid. This trade-off is one that you appreciate and are willing to embrace. 2) You want more control over your ideas, your projects and the work that you do. Are you a control freak and a micro-manager? Are you Type A personality? (I know that I am.) I can’t imagine having to run things past a co-worker or a boss now. M work and my ideas are mine alone and the only criticism I get is from my clients (positive or negative). 3) You don’t play well with others. People generally consider me to be friendly, gregarious and outgoing (and humble). However, in a work setting involving a team project, I turn bossy and controlling. Being self-employed, I have made a conscious decision not to grow my business to more than one full-time employee. I do work with other freelancers and contractors as needed, but I don’t manage or supervise anyone, and I love it that way. 4) You have passion for what you do. Whatever you decide to do with your one person business, you need to have an ability to translate your passion to your customers and clients. The self-employed thrive on an unbridled enthusiasm for their work. Otherwise you will quickly burn out and get discouraged. 5) You are a good listener. Being self-employed does not mean talking about yourself all the time to anyone who will listen – quite the opposite. You need to listen to conversations in your industry, listen carefully to your customers and your clients and become a fantastic analytical thinker. Be able to repeat back to people what they are saying to you and offer solutions to their problems. 6) You are comfortable being “the decider”. When you are your own boss, you can’t pass the buck. You are your brand and your business, and if something goes wrong or there is a complaint, you need to embrace the criticism, make improvements and move on. 7) You have a support system. Working alone (and often from your home) can be isolating and lonely. Without co-workers, there is no stress-relieving water cooler banter and a group willing to give you an office party on your birthday. This can be very lonely for some people, so it helps to have family and friends who understand this situation and are willing to help. Your support system must embrace your lifestyle and be totally on board, especially when you start doubting yourself. My husband has been an integral part of my business since day one and has always supported my self-employment decision, through good and bad. 8) You are a disciplined self-starter. You don’t need anyone else to tell you what to do and you always take the initiative. To be self-employed and succeed you must be proactive much more than you are reactive. This requires the ability to effectively manage your time. People may think I spend all day in my robe and slippers watching episodes of “Real Housewives”, but I get up every day at the same time and I work intensely during normal work hours (and in the evening and on weekends). If I screw around and waste time, I don’t get paid. It’s as simple as that. 9) You are able and willing to attend events alone. This is the most difficult part for most. People hey like the shield and protective cover of a group. When you start our own business, you need to be willing to put yourself out on a limb and walk into a room where you don’t know a soul. Attend conferences, workshops, classes, seminars, fundraisers, networking events – by yourself. If you attend many of these types of events, circulate and introduce yourself regularly, then you will see some of the same people and build relationships so that you aren’t out there by yourself as much. 10) You are able to compartmentalize work and private life. This is something I struggle with constantly. Being self-employed means you set your own hours, so you need to be able to do just that – set work hours and hours for family/personal time hours. I want to be available to my clients 24/7, but I also want to spend quality, focused time with my family at the end of the day. With a few exceptions, I don’t answer emails after picking up my daughter from day care until she goes to bed. I want to be fully present for my work and fully present for my family – definitely easier said than done, but something that is vital for personal and professional stability. 11) You have an ability to let things go. You don’t take things personally and you don’t dwell on things you can’t change. If something from the work day is really upsetting me and I know I can’t have any impact on the outcome, I have a glass of wine, write an angry blog post or email (and then delete it) and get over it. 12) You can go with the flow. Understand this about self-employment – when it rains it pours, and then there are stretches of drought. Five fabulous clients will call you at once, and then no one will call for weeks. You must be able to adapt and have the ability to balance stressful, busy work periods with slower times. 13) You are resourceful. As your own boss and only employee, you are responsible for sales, financials, taxes, legal issues, accounting, technology problems, and everything in between. The ability to juggle multiple demands on your time is key for a self-starter. Don’t misunderstand me. I do not believe that everyone should go out on their own or quit their day jobs. Some people need to work for somebody else, others will blossom and thrive working for themselves, and still others will do a little bit of both things. That said, if the list above speaks to you, don’t wait for the “perfect time”. Figure out the simplest way to start your self-employed career, and just jump in. I don’t guarantee success, but I do guarantee a wild ride that many of you, hopefully won’t regret. Source:forbes
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 13:16:39 +0000

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