13 years ago..... I think it was a Tuesday night because we were - TopicsExpress


13 years ago..... I think it was a Tuesday night because we were watching our favourite show at the time, the West Wing. As the west wing finished they flashed to the unfolding drama in NYC. Im ashamed to say that my first reaction, with little information, was about time America got some back. Im sure that was felt around the world. We sat glued to this unfolding drama, fed to us via CNN or Fox or whoevers camera was in sight. We watched the first and then the second world trade centre tower collapse into its own footprint at free fall speed and thought no more of it as to technical details. Had we been engineers or demolition contractors we may have thought more about how two of the strongest structures in the world were brought down by burning kerosene following being weakened with flimsy aluminium aircraft. The world was reeling from this unbelievable horror show but Im sure that there was dancing in the streets in countries who had been damaged by US foreign policy all over the globe. The modern world starts with this catastrophic event because it was such a graphic demonstration. For years I thought little about it and started to hear about tightening up of airport security etc. whatever.... They ran two wars on the strength of this, killing millions, destroying countries and wrecking evidence of earlier civilisations in the cradle of modern civilisation. America was like a hornets nest that had been disturbed. But they dragged along the coalition of the willing that included us, Britain and a few pissant little counties. People started questioning the whole thing due to massive inconsistencies in the story, the rapid removal of evidence and the tell tale downing of a building that wasnt even hit by a plane, but fell anyway, straight down into its own footprint at free fall speed like the text book demolition.( WTC)7. The world is now divided into two groups, those that believe the official story and those who dont. I am firmly in camp two on this subject and the implications are stupendous. It means that criminals got away with not only mass murder on that day but high treason and theft of democracy.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:24:45 +0000

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