13 years ago I went to pick up a crazy off the wall jack russel - TopicsExpress


13 years ago I went to pick up a crazy off the wall jack russel from a friend.. when I got there... this dog was somewhere in the timber.. you could hear him barking.. but he wasnt close.. after awhile he comes out and by then.. im ready to leave..but whats this dog do.. runs down and jumps and rolls in a mud puddle. Ugh.. so yea.. bath time with hose before we even left..lol.. anyways.. i brought him home and surprized Misty Wilson Smith with our first family dog.. we couldnt of asked for a better dog.. yea.. hes had his nose in his fair share of bad behavior. . But those times make for good stories... hes 14 years now.. and hasnt been doing well.. hes so bloated from fluids surrounding his congested failing heart he can hardly walk.. let alone stand...tomorrow im taking him to the vet.. and more than likely saying my final goodbye.. one of the toughest decisions of my life.:-(. but I just cant keep prolonging the inevitable with 300$ in pills every month.. my wallet is suffering..and hes suffering 10 times more... . when is enough, enough??.. its hard to say goodbye and even harder to be the one to make the final decision. But it has to be done. And its no easy task......so tonight. On a positive note... Were gonna give him a bath.. give him the closest thing to a thanksgiving meal we can and enjoy our final night with our one and only.. buddy:-)... gonna be a rough weekend. . Love you buddy..miss you already. .
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 21:53:21 +0000

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